Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Aug 1940, p. 5

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,, _T·HR·OUGH THE E .. . ·~ iaaJte(:U the lrb.b Guards dMrlq their driU - ra.a.CI' abadow bodq wlt.b. • bal..&. ( Mea of Brfla.ln',1 a1DilluT &raiDIDc ~- prepare for e:DIHTeneltt 1111 civiDr praeUeal demonstratloas of aD ptiues of lhelr work. Here a aqua.d b lowwtnc a woman iD • · rope chair at&er lhe st.al.rs of the dwell· IDe had been t.heoretleall)' deitfo7e4 ..,. a bomb. Air Training Scheme Aided When a nn· Cub "6S" trallllac duced In Canada, W&a donated by tiM Co., or Thorekt, to tbr- St. C.slharlnes Flyinc club, it .... ttd ~ abWIJ' of thai dub .. tnlll student pUols for the Royal Caaadlap .itt' 1'01"01!. Tbo plane was accepted by l'tf. A. Seymour, K.c., preddmt ~r t t.be Canadian Fl.rlnc Cl~bs' association, and holder of the _..,.._, U.phJ for tbe moat d.b- Untulshed contribution to CatladJan · avlaUul ba ·Jtu, and Uo7d SIW.I, )M'aident or the St. Catbutnes elult; LEPT ~ ... BIQHT abon. The plane wa.s Prnented by A. A.. Schmee. Pfalll811l aDd ma.aacer or the company, CENTRE ABOVE, and the ,.._&atAID wu watdled. bJ JOWll atr force ttudent. JtLio.b. , · .. . .. R. B. and LadY. Aator. Hold An Informal Cliat De~oratei:J: For Gailan~Y. Aukt&nt Secllea ornoer l"t&A Daphne Peanoa, of •t.bo ·W..e&l'a AuxW....,. Air Fofte.· hal beeD"deoor .. &Led for pllaD.VJ" . ta dratiiDc .aa. Jnjued pUot fr1ND. a lla,lalq )laDe JIUt. befrwe Uae plane'a da.db' ~co of bomba uploclol.. The plalle crashed neu t.be W.AA..F. •aarien •here Mba r.r.oa waa 'Ma&leDed.. . , Brt.D.Uord, Oat., V.A.D., who 4rl'f'n; a lnek bt atrap met.aL holds a German helmet, ba1onete leAl lA ie 1M mel&od. down for Brlt.lab lllQI. I ( I I I ! \ I \ l j I I . J Most Spectacular Production In· War Effort to Date That Of Au~o Industry, Says Howe Deta~ Res~b Achieved in Johns-Manville Co. Vanoua Lmes- Canada Donates Land For to . Make 4,320 Planes Air Training Site Next Year-Vast Efforts · Being Made Asbesto.s, Que., Aug. 6 - Minera. rt~:hts 1n 25 acres ot land needed by the Dominion Government as Ottawa, Aug. 6 - Early in 19U part of Its propOEed. airport at Canada wW be produc.lng airplanes Wln~dsor Mills, Quebec, about mid- the rate of •.~D 8 year • or twelve wa}· between Richmorfd and Sher- da.y. Bon. C. D. Howe told the brooke, w1ll be donated as a con- Ol' commons last v.oeek. This trlbution to the Dominion alr traln~ wUl be nearly four times the pres- lng prog.·am by the canadJan eDt rate ot 1,300 a year. Cana.dian Jobns-ManvUle co .. Limited, oper- plJ.Dtl DOJl haVe orders for 3,2{)0 ators of the worTd's largest asbest.os plana to cost f;UO,OOO,OOO. mine at .\sbestos, QuebeC. An en• ~ 'To ~ ln t.b.Ui speedup, Cana- nouneement to this effect waa cUaQ. howewtves wlll ;have to mak.~ made by H. K. Sherry, vfee-presl- IOJU aa.crUices. There wUl be nu dent. an.nuium klet.tJes, pots or The lano. IS mclqdti!Cf tn a parcel 'nle M.Lnlster stated that, of 1,900 acres originally &Old by the GAN.4DA TO MAKE EVERY FI6HTIN6 PLANE ·IT NEEDS Maaa Production of Service Aircraft to Meet British Need, Too Ottawa. Aug. 6- Canada'& output of warplanes will be trebl&d. within the next 12 months, 1t Is leuned. Within a · year the Dominion will be making ln Ita own plants llllffi· cient. flYing boats, long-range bomb- ers cmd fighters to defend Ulis country ad&quately aptnat any at- tack that could be brought ap.tru;t It; In tllo opinion · of •l!I>O"'I·. This hi one maln development . or the new plan of closut· co.Ord.IDa· tton developed between Britain Crulnda and the U.S. and announc~ ed by Ho:n. c. 0. Bowt, mlnbter of munttioru and &\lpply. ~ !TodaeUon NoW With hlll85 production of trainJ.ns planes and liOtne type& ot' bombtrl effected for the first time 1n the ~~~~':~::!the bottleneck o! tht BrttLsh-American !.and Company & industry, its domeStic uses in 1872 to Charles Brew1ter , in be· ·restrteted. · - which a percentas:e ot. the mlntr&l. Bon pve .some· ~tapering rights was retainecfby the Lind of toall%l1tments that his Company. Such mlnenl richts J..Q ·~=::";:'~ baa undertaken in an t-he 25 acres to be develoPed lnto an ·nomlnlon w1Ultn the PJ.St month, ."1 wh1ch ,followe!l the reveal- airport were acquired bY the OaPa• tb.e triple-barrelled. warplane IIC~~ ~u~. Bouse or ·Co111111ons that m...DbU.. et tU s.eo ... ~i)i~, · C::A. leadership of Major-Ge""' VIctor Odlwn. wbO .h; , ahown, ' bc,arded the tnua.port r~~r Ule voyap to EDrland. · · staterilent& made by De- dln.n Johns-Manville 00., Llmlted, ject lriclude:; mass production flf Minister Ralston and atr In 1930· . ~lghting plap.es p.n(l bom~rs in 1 .:Wlnlst.or ~- "My company Is co~peratlng In canada, atarting in the Immediate o!lieer will be of the guard in pollee du- . Guna lD. Wide Va.rltt.y every pOsaible way with the Dornt~ tutu.re, For the tint time Can•da c:we tbe powen of a to aet as a .llabon o((icer be- · ;-~ the first ·. time the Minister nlon Government ln helplna to wUl b stable. · th · ot'N\lDttlons;Q;J.Ilde public deta.Us of prosecute t}le war to final vtctoey," Cl independent of outside . e guard :uld Prov~clal Po- aome of the types or guns ·and shells Mr. Sherry said. "If we can advBJ~ce sources 1n prosecution of service headquarten, &Dd that he wW n~w beJna prod~ in a $69,000,000 !~ea~ir !,~lno~gh~f:~~e;'eri~e~: aircrJ.1t fOr defence purpose. . amntunitlon must the CmtD'lii.l;;ioner of the P~- OlllU Can•da is now mak.· ment clear Its title to land needed Final ·arrangements have central and pl'<l>leo'toid Police and wi11 determine lne "for the f~t time included Bren for the projected Windsor Mlll.s completed ))etween Ralph P. Ben. that no arui to what extent armed .J;.ii<l>lne IWW Colt-Browning air- airport, we are only too happy to dlrector oi aircraft product1an 1n or no guard may use ana~:: .ulJI""•· hror.:ern.ay be~ in an emcriency. ·craft machloe guns, sub~machine be of national ~;ervice." C&nada, and Morria W. Wilson, np- there ha& been compl.laDu: In addiUon to the tra1n.1na: re· IWl8. Lee-Enfield rifles, a-pounder resenting Lord Beaverbroot:, Brit- regulaUons. iPOnalbWty, guard conuru.nden. ~tre entl-alrcraft &UilS and carriages, 25- 1sh minister of ~t production, To bring about the Ul'led to dnw up a secret aasem- pounder quick. firing guns 'and car- private plant.s enlarged. Orders whereby every O:m.adlan resource for effectiveness in tQe bl,y ICheme immedlatedly "so tbat rtages, fO m.m. Bofors anti-tank placed to date total s19,ooo,ooo. for tbe ma.nufaeture of aircraft \ ""1 Province is prepared the guard may be able to aasemblc gurus, S.'l anu~aircraft guns · and 7. Explosive plants operated by be fully employed durin&: the neJ;t Provlnc1al officer to lUlY at seleoted atrates:tc localltlea in the mountings, anti-.tank. rifle.&, 20 m.m. the Government-owned Allied Syp~ 18 months. ' request 0! the municlpallty. muntclpaUW and be in a poaltlon BispaD.Qo>Sul.rcl. alrcraft cannon, and pi.Jes Corpora.Uoo, involve captt.e.l Iauaedlate Orden 1 Uons rule that he 1s to u.Jat 1n ·the to rendar the be.\t service." bQvy naval guns. expenditures of $110,000,000. All canadian aircraft menufac· ----------· -· ..,.:.~':...,__· ------------- The gun program has involved 8. The National Research OouricU turing fac1litles not now employed Ute ·building of a number of new haa worlred out Pfoc:::EC'i&'G betna 1n ~uctlon of tratnins and 6el'- plants. 'J'he largest will be in pro- used in the manufacture of fire vice craft tor Oanad1an pul'POAI duction th1s year and represents a control -a.pparatw, predtetora and wUl obta.ln full capacity ordera 1n capltal lnvestment. of $10,000,()(J{J. sound detectors never before made tho tmmedtate future tor fllhun, 'Die. moMi. JP!Ct&cular productlon in Cana.d&. PlanC3 of various types. The or .. to elate hu been in the motor fac~ ders wW be placed JoiDtb' by Brit- 9. 'rhc Government hu ..... _'h··- .. I ....... .~ c·-·-.. .. _.__ Mr. Howe ... ,.~ .• "Perhs.n.~ no __ ... ...u -w -.. ~ -- ~ ...... 18,000,000 yr.rds ·of woollen aod oot -otmar COQD._ 1n the world .Is pro- ....... ~mpletlon of tlJeae arn.nse- -J ton cloth since war atutetl---enoug m •· -th a t dualw .... . .......... -.lve ..... uJn.-nent.-in the en .. . !" rea BribUn foUowa --_,.. -. v- to st.ret>Oh from Ottawa to Be .... "'- t h.o~ .. YOlwne Ulat. now obtains In Canp.da. and back apin. lSattJe- , w .. ._. o •~--.,. tnvt~tiptiQil .\1 n-. ;· about. 600 mec:halllzc<J and oeaotlallon. The final de"'ll$ -~ du.otlon is reaching :10, or the p'-- hl h will •· unlta a (lay are being produced, and week. ....... w c su ..... ~Ually in another JILonth or two this exp&nJl the Can&dlan putput ol fJ&ure will be :;ubst:antiaJ.I.y 1n 10. Shoe producUo;l of 30,000 palra _plane!, will be completed within a cra.secL.. per week hu t.aJtin the hides ot dlly or two. In order to &SNH Dellvcriea ot uniV"el"S&l carr:ters, 360,000 Canadian Cll>tUe. . maxim.um production u rapidly a.s ot~C.udJ•n manufaCtUre t.h.fough- 11. Production of aluintnwn In ~tbte, ..U a!rcra.tt tQ be bullt un- oul, wiD ·IIIOrt lhlB' ,.u. Six fll1nl Can~ Is ID the Pl'OCOlis of .-. ~er tho plan wiD be or deslln, ma- &l't' ~ In their· ·produo- doubled UDder • $20,000,000 pro- tertll and equipment &V\\Jlable on ~ . . 8f0111. To IDcreue toruo. ll">"q!:', lhla coni!Dent. 'rile ~0000110 tanll:·progri.m eau. ·Uoo a $12,000,000 . plan; 1o . boli\11 ,. . . -~--'-· __ _ The SundqySchool Lesson By NEWMAX (The LeMon ... Aug. ll1s Text belnc wordaofmy meditation or- cepta~l& in Jehovah, my ..,.,,,, ,,., deemer.) ·- ... ' .,. .. ti.r a ~~ of thirty tankS a th;2~ :::::~ ~ .J:,!~ :plll· ·' : .11. · DlODlb. 'l'l1ey are being eomple!A>!y $16~00.000 ha.., been IMUdlUo4 ""· . . . • b\IR !q OoDacl& except for the en- . -·. . ,, . . - · - l·~~ll;l! =-:ue:;-:~.:slid~ I:;, c;:-u.~~t""t!:. ~ ·uw·l ~ ·6' -. ·RJl's··"" -- ' · Jf ... ID Sblp..- ostabllsho<l to speed UP tco1 Pl'O<IUc- ,• . · · ' · tlon ~er ,!!:~ts of .Mr. Howe's A~leratlon ot the Brlt1ah OOal- 1. Plants now un$ler construction, monwe&lth Air Tra1nlng Plan ne- lnl'OlviDg a capital cost of $l2o,ooo,- tess.ita.ted. heavy COMtrucUon wort aoo, wm have an t.nnual producUon this summer. An extension to tbe capaclty of $500,000,000. program waa under cmW.deratJon :J. 'lbere are 14,000 men employed and eight more service flying !Ji, C&Dada'a shipyards, treble the schoola, ~ requlrlng three alr- Jiiunber three months ago. Before dromes, would be ~ 1n addi- lbe'·. end of the war twenty-eight tion to the sixteen proVided for In OOriettes and five mine--sweepers the original plan. Wl!i• bO delivered. Eight prellm!Dary flying. tn.lDlDa . 3.~ 'Ibe &1r school construction schools, one a.lr observer school and PN.If*ID, to be completed Oct. 24, one service flying ~lnt ac:_h901, iDTolvea an expenditure of f;l5,000.- all of whleb. lnvolved. ~e OQO. building, were in opera.Uon,. By 4. 'l'he bulldlng industry 1s work- the end of the year forty acbools 1n1. at the ·trls:best· rate in its his· would be operating, and the re· tory wttll const:ruetton contracts tor mainder would come In as quickly tba army totell1na ,11,000.000 le\ as. aln:raft and tea00'"r ·lf*CWU~ cl1,11'1ng July. '1\"'ere avaUable. 5. Order& few ammunttioo ot all ------- m>es. IDcludlng olleU., fu.u. prlin- WOODMEN Cl&\11 BOIII>EB en, cartridge cases; total $60,000,000. Extra gang:; of wooC!eutt~ have 'nt increase plant caPil.cities f;9,000· been sent to t.he wooded Quebec· 000 has been spent. In the tm.rned.l· Malne bCrdor to apeed up clearance Me future shell ontera wW be ln· o(a 20-toot-wlde strip foUcnrlnl .tht .....,! by . ~.~.000. . . boundry for a hundred llllloo • . Tho, e. ProducUon .at imall ~ am· work of clearance was beiUn Bl\artlY Jft\lNUon la being expan~ r&pid)3 after Canada went to war. Tbe wjth the Oapaclt;y of ~the Quebec purpoSe is to help pa.trol, by cma.- ~ multJplled by_ four. Two dian pollee and tmm.lgraUon otflt• NW, plant& ue belnk _ buUt an~ t&ls . ·Will Be Rec:eived Throuab Provincial Police Posb Beginning Tbia Thura- clay such strong rooms are not av..Ua rible, under a ruard. 'nle M"ms, after belna: tsaued, muat be kept in a central place under t.he control of the officer In ooaunt.nd ot the unit. - "Since the home defense Ol'(an- : ,\n appeal for at leaat 10,000 rJnea lu.Uons flrlit commenoecl ln May and 1:1-rauge shotguns is being rnade there has been a constant. e.nd ln- U\1& week bY · Attorney-afneral alatent demund tor anna," aNd UlD 'Qordoa. Conant for arming selected Attorney-General. After the Pro- ~t.:s Of the Volunteer Olvll Ouard, iSVlnCJe extended Ita offer to oo-oper- }be Provincial Police and other law ate and advise ln the fonnaUon of :~orct:ment agencies whicll arc un~ the unt~. this demand hu lru~nu­ .d.. Provincial Police jurisdiction. er;l and u stlll betng made. ~ The we~n.t. to W borrowed fo1' Wou't Ham ,. •-- "\bl duraUon ot the war, wlll be re- pe ._....., . .,ved . thtl>uah aome ~32 Provlnclal "I tOok up wUb lllo Doportmonl .I'Ollce posts In the Province. Ma- or NaUonal Defense the question pblnery for the collection of the as to whether we cou1d get ~ tor 111113 will not be est.a.blWted unlU this purpo.se from the Dominion 'ru.esda.y, Mr. conant streSsed. Government. At tbaL Ume the Hon · Mr. Power, then Actinl: Mlnlster ot :1 The appeal embracta •mmu- .Oefeoae, announced · that every Dlti«<. particularly tn· the eau ava_llabie ~me, together with am- Of rtflea of a callbre which ls . not m'untUon, that eould be apared had &a cop1mon use. Forinal.noitttca- been placed at the dispos&.l of the Uon of the pl&n to arm the guards Mother country. • voluntary contribution wm be ~e by adv..-UiemenL throuchout- Qilt&rlo on AUJ. 8, said Mr. Conant. Kep& Vader Guard TO AID POll COL. LINDBERfii DE&LARED_HEAD OF 5TH ·Washington, Aug. 4.-coJ. (Jb.r.r• 1~ A. IJndbe.rrb waa clenounced · W tho united states senate by Soqa. tor Claude Pe~per u "the eblet of the fifth column lD lhl.> eouotry." • Pep~r·s remarks were occa.sSoned by the Iller's speech SUD<loy Ul'IIDc "co..operaUon" wttll Germ.qy If Germany wins the -war. . Pepper, rlolnc· '" the Benaw Ward tJlo ol05e·.Of & adlleuuloll.ot lated -· aid few · houn, :,:;~'[:·, perhePII Hepburn Plans T ~ .Delaf<'"%hool \ · Open· To Permiftooth Land mg . \.. .... ,..·~·; . .:._ ... · . . ... _.;. Army To Assist ln. H.W~.: . . . . . Would Keep. fiiab · S. :boOI.I Closed Until Odober 1 and Primary SclJI?O~ til September. 15. · . . - , .. : . "'!At .. .....ai •I m' aeoopcaw.. 1a ' TIIy lllfhlo . •' . ' . ' .' ~ ~ 'nle arms, under plans drafted by 1Uu: department, are to be tept .Cdtr the control of the Provincial Pollee, etther 1n vaults or other se - WI pram.lses, and 1n event that. .. Since that declt.ntlon we have uplored every avaUable source of supply. We ,do not wish to obtain such arms fi-om any source thal might. be available to the Depart- ment of NnUonal Defense, and \l;e cio not wrxlt to be In compeUtlo;, Wlth the military requirements of the nation," he concluded. "T;:-: he:.v: n::J d e~: :: :- ~ tl:'! r.::-t')' c! Gc:!; "'i'::~ t :::: ~ !mcny of tt-.:: Lc:-.:i :1 ::·.!;:e, mo.:::t!l: w:.::e the almp:t. ·r;~o t. :. ~--~ ~ : !1 ot t.he Lord •1'e true and rlshtcoua." 1'- ·· · ~ to b~ c ~ -lr ~ :l r. ·· ... l'· ~y m· ·t ,.. ... . 1 y~;.-. - t:::-.:: ~-·~=~:; rm, · g~ ::J·:· t '.".".!t·:;:- ... r:l~ lha.n honey and tht honeyeomb." · &nd the llrm~ment a: ~o \ ·: : th Hla h;tncU- work," David, the psalmlat, ... ld ~· I '"··'

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