Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jul 1936, p. 5

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THE WHrrBY GAZ£rr£ & CHRONICL£, THURSDAY, JULY 3'0, 1936 KITCHEN CLOCKS $2..90 'I•• POLICE COURT I EACH Different Shapes, Blue and White and Green and White ' . BASSETT'S PHONF.St Whitby 171 Oabawa 1650 In the District Police Coun at Whitby on Tutsday a reckkss driv- in;; charge against Evans Michael, oi Whitby, laid by Stanley Lynde, of Myrtle Station, was dismissed by Magistrate lice, of Lindsay, who rukd that there was no evidence to support the chargt. His Worship took the view that an accident which took lllacc on July 12, towards "lidnight, in which tvo.·o car~ came together, was due largely to prcscnLe of loose gravel on the north side of the road lead- ing from Myrtle to Ashburn on which the accidenf occurrtd. Lvnde al!c,ged that Michael 11;as dri~ing a foot ovtr the centre of the road coming east and did no: slow down as he approached him, causing him to take the ditch. \:Vith ihe complainant were his sis- GROSS EREGTED followed In His footsteps. You ter, Miss Gertrude Lynde and Mr. not ouly consecrated yourselY8s, William Hopkins. Both of these I "but also the nation to which you witnesses corroborated in drtail the By. LEr.ION WAS be~~;::d~~ly thing you can do to cviden~:.:;:.n ~~:~. U b: true tn your COn:lecration is to Under cross-examination by Dun· 'GATED SUNDAY see to It that we not only rememb- can B. Mcintyre, counsel for. the DE.D . er those who passed on, but give accused. the complainant adm;~ted up our Jives In Hta service that that he did not lay a charge agatnst , His Kingdom may come _on earth Michael for six days after the ac- . _ . - through your consecrattou and cident and onl after Michael had (Contmued from J':l::;e I) . !he consecrated action or those I refused to p;ay yfor damages to his ·ellle was then sounded, brlngiDg who walk In the footsteps of the I sed i.t w·as alleged when it o a close a very Impressive per- 'Son of God," declared Archdeacon ~:kc:~e ditch. Mr. ~lclo'tyre sug· lod. During the service 11everal Warren. ested that the complainant was !lymus wert. llUDI;, tad by the A brief history of the Le&lon frying to make the police cour~ il Citizens Band. t burial plot waa clven by R. M. collection agency, but Lynde clau~- ln his address. Archdeacon Deverell, who thanked the gath- ed that this was not the case. H•• Warren stated that there was ering for the interest they bad only desire was to do what was ;omethlng to be noted In the taken In the dedication. He ex- rit;ht, he said. lif , or man that was not always plalned that the Legion Branch :11lichael in his evidence claimed regarded with Importance. Man had been aSIIIsted In Its work of that the accident was caused 3tarted In the world as a child. estRblishing the plot bY the t!trou"h Lynde driving on the cen· Ho accustomed himsel' to his sur- County Council and the Whitby trc of the road, and that his car roundings with the help of hl.s Town Council. It was a noteable slewed when he went over to the parents; but there were Incidents fact that while there were eight north side on loose ;::r .. ,·et. Tl~is In his life which changed Its en- graves in the plot, not one of evidence was corroborated by Mtss lire aspect. There came a lime the deceased had been a member Phylis Trull, who w:ts with Michael when be must make declslollll. or the Whitby Legion Branch. Mr. in the car. Many Canadiat~ men had to Deverell pointed out that any re- ~::v ;dence was also ;;:ivcn by Pro- make a great dectslon when the turned soldier in Ontario Coumy vincial Constable F. 1{, Jan·i;. who Uberty of the world wa~ threat· might be interred in the plot. was called to the scene of the acci- 1 ened by warfare In 1 v 1 • In Remembered \'etcraus 1 dent about an hour a~ter the a~ct· 1 making a decision to fight for As Chaplain of the Bra b R 1 dent. The officer satd that alter their King and Country they con- E R 1 b Ad dntcb 'h ev. 1! investigatin" he did not lay .my I I tb lr Ill d . a p ye I!X1lresse e ope " 1 · · nc:rated the r I Yea, e w an that tile people of the· dlatrlct cha.rgc. He told of t te. poSit tors aU they poueae4 to the aenlcu would not forget the burial plot; I of both cars. The acctdent ~-a, ilf tllleir country at the rtsk '3f and that they would not (<'~get! said to have oc:urred approar:>m!( their liTes aJ:!d all they held dear. the men who ·were burled there, 1 the brow of a bi~l . but th~ ~ft•c:• lwportaa& Declaioa He asked also tllat It be rememlt- I said that the posttton of .b~ C:&•l "It wu an Important ded~lon. ered that there were In th Dom- did not indicate this. and a decldln« thin : In rour 1 ,. ••. ,Inion the same number of ~eturn- It <'hanged your whole life and ~~~~~kyo~~a~~::~·~s ~;}~~~od:et:~~ I fJ;~;~~:~:~:r~;~f~~~~t~~ · ONT. RE61MENT cation of everytbl~g you held dear of health that they were reduced FOR GAMP to ~·our country. I almost to penur d h LEAVES 'When nineteen year' ago 1 Y an were c arg- 1 es on the state some of you stormed Vtmy Ridge, · you realized tor what you dedi- The Rev. Mr. Adya made a cated yourselves. It was th~n you pie~ that tbe young people lend reached the height or eonsdcra- thetr aBslstance to the war >eter- tlon when you gave everything ana so that they would not be and realized bow life had changed forced to sell pencils on the street fo• you." cornere, and so no one who bad "There Ia another decillion for lierved would be burled In a pau- you to make," uaertad the apeak- per'e crave. · er. "Will you .&.0 forward or 'rhe sarvjcte w~ held a..Joa. backward. Jesus said, Not My to . t~e hour as possible of the un- wlll but Thine be done.' Since ,.e,hng by• His Majesty the King Jesus said this an Increasing ~,f1 Canada s National Memorial at number of men have followed In my Ridge, France. his footsteps. When you went to SAVINr. DEPOSITS he tront and gave up all you I U ~--....... · COAL OKE Of the Hiaheat Quality aiwaya iD Stock. You ... ..me. here. • R. GoLDRING PHONE70W Port WbitL)o ..----... ._ HI6HER IN JUNE Show lncreue of $80,000,- 000 Over Corresponding Month of 1935 Ottawa, July 30.-Savlnga de- posita In Canadian chartered hanks on June 30 •mounted to $1,60f.79%,828, • drop of uz.- (100,000 as compared with May ::o. but an Increase of $80,000.- 000 over the balance at June 30 . 1936. The monthly statement of <·haf'tered banks to the minister of. Una nee eald: Current deposits Increased $U,OOO,OOO, as compared wltb May 30 and $76,000,000 oYer the balance at June 30, 1935. Call loans In Canada were down $t:!.- OOO,OOO compared with the prev- Ious month and $74,000,000 less thu June 30, 1935. The Mercantile Dept. Store A number of ·people are seeing the picture "Modem Times" at the Brock Theatre with our Complimentary Ticket. You have still time to get yours. Come and See Me at the l...ingerie Booth at the Rotary Fair Next Wednesday 16" TURKISH TOWELING 10c yd. 36" VOILE, Reg. 2Sc, 29c, for 15c yd. Take a Look In the IOe Table-You Will See a Lot of 1'hiDp You Can UN. Mercantile Dept. Store BROCK ST. NORTH Take Special Train to Tor· onto and Embarked on Steamer for Destination Three hundred strong, with both the brass and bugle bands In attendance, the Outarlo Reel· ment marched away this after- noon. Under the command of Lleut.-cot. R. B. Smith, V.D., omcer Commandlnc th& Ontario Regiment, the omcers and man marched to the atatlon. Tiley were met by a ap~lal train •l 4.00 p.m .• which transported the ~&oldlers to Toronto, where tlley embarked on a Canada Steam· ship Lines steamer for their des- tination, NI•Jara-on-the-Lake. The annual summer military camp will o'!len tonl~tht and will break up on Monday. Military manouvrea, route ma1'ches and ri- lle practice at the ranges will be Included In the camp program, while "Sports Day", when the various regiments at camp will compete ror the large sliver tro- phy donated annually, will be an· other special feature of tbe camp actiYitlu. Ex.-.ed Appreciation En route to the station thi• af• tcrnoon, the oflleera of tile Ontar- Io Regiment hal~ed In their march at the home of Mi!ll F. carswell, 314 Slmcoa Street South, to pay their compllmenu to Mrs. T. Edgar Houston. who so kindly donated the "Colors" aow uaed by the Ontario Regi- ment. "Regular marching kit" wu the order of the day. All lug- gage, beddlna, etc.. were tu .. to the camp early this morning, being transported In a apecial van, through the courtesy of Col. R s. KeLa•clllln, Bonor&l7 Col- oael of tile Oatarlo Rqtaut. L1e11L..CoL R. B. Slllltb, V.D .• Otleer Colllm&a•lac the Oatarlo Rertme"Dt, atatt4 to4aJ that be fllllJ' ezpec:ted that thla 7•r'a camp would rar ueeed anr auch tiummer outlnc In the hlstor7 of the unit. Not only Ia the re.rlment at run •trength but both the net· mental band and the "ball• band", will be In attendance at almo•t full atren1tb as well. The ofllcera are eonlldentl::r ex- pecting that with auch a atron1 representation, the Onlarlo Regi- ment will be aucces11tul In earnlD.I bleb prai11e and moat of tbe laurela to be won at the camp. Seek Sporta Cup Throuchout the past twel•• montha, the Ontario Reclment lllu taken a very acthe part In a&a)' Corms of sporting activity, Includ- Ing softball, aoecer, track and leld ennta. Te11ma h11ve represeated the various Companlea, "A," "B."' •'C" and •·D," while Beadquartara has also been prominently repre- sented. It Ia belli!Yed thrt the Im- The Modern Kitchen BE THAT YOUR KITCHEN WILL NEVER UN~ YOU HAVE A McCLARY RANGE ELECTRIC ELECTIUC MODERN COOKING DEMAND MEETS THE FOR SAFETY HYDRO'S NEW THRIFT PLAN· lhk~s it ea~y to own and easy to pay for an El~ctric Range, GOODSDEUVERED Euy Tenne on All Electrical Good Under Our New Time Payment Plan. Ask Us About It. RIC.E HARDWARE 1 II Brock Street N •• ~ Phone 20 Mr. Welbourn described the •ar- loua Tl&wa and pointe ot lntneat. one eard bore tbe picture ot a volcano In eruption, and of eourae, .took the Interest er the reporter. "I always go and sell that vol· cano when It erupts," the bu1lder or •treat <;ara stated. "It Ia on the Island of Hawaii and It Is only 4.000 fel!lt abO\'e aea level. Every once In a while It become~ actin and throwa out a stream of lav&> and I co oYer to watch it. There ts a chain of eratera In that district. anc! they are alJout a mil& apart. Many of them are c!ead. or extinct. but others are acUTe." There was a yoleano that &rupt- ed Jut winter, Mr. Welbourn said, but It wu too far to Ko and su. He stated that hi~ cousin went to see It, but there was a very poor road at this particular point, and althouKh 'bfl cousin went and ate her lunch beside the In& etre&m, Mr. Welbourn re- mained at home. "Honolulu I& a great place for tourlllts." he volunteered. "A lot ot the round-the-world cruise ships atop In as part of their Itinerary and It 111 a Tery co.lorful sight. The native clrla go out to meet the boats and hand wreatha or flowers about the necks of the puaengers. These native wrea· the are ealed "lela," but when · George Bernard Shaw waa In Hon• olulu lately be Just wouldn't Jet the &Iris put one around his neck. Be was ""1 muell pat o•t about .. -------------------------•Jit. but II• certainly would not ; wear one." NATIVE OF ONTARIO coum BUILT FIRST STREET CAR · RUN IN HONOLULU, HAW All The city of ilonoiat• Is 011 Oallu .leland, Mr. Well»oana aald. All the Islands haTe lllliYe namu, and they don't always sound the way they look, The Times found out Ill Mr. Welbourn pronouncec! a few of the punlers. "When I decided to go to Honolulu a friend of mine warnec! me that I better not go. Be told me 1 would be eaten by cannlbala W. A. Welbourn ia Visiting Ex-Reeve John Rosa of East Whitby Township- Well Known in District or likely get leprosy anc! run In· to Honolulu when the eold wea- to all kinds of trouble," he said. ther comes and the snow begins "I had deelded to ao and I went . to fly. but when I got there I found that "How about the heal In Hono- ' the elty was Just as ul)-to-date ae lulu!" be waa uked, "Bow does Toronto. When I flfll tot there It eompare with the bot spell we the population wall only about had here a raw daye 'ltro?" 40,000, but now It Is around 150,- --- "That bot weather nearly got !100 peo~e. The atreets and A nry intereslln.r visitor to the me down," Mr. Welbourn admit- buildings are the nry best and ·lty ot Oshawa, In the 11erson of ted "We beTer·c·han It 111 bot lateat anc! all th& newest connn· ·.tr. W . .'\. Welbourn, of Hono- as that In Honolulu. The temper- 1encea are &Tillable ID the city." :~lu, Ia stayln& at til& home of :~ture generally stays around 70 In some of the pictures of the John Roe~. eJ:•R&eTe of East Whit· , or SO all the time We neYer have city shown to The Tlllles there by Township, on Klnl( street west. It really cold 01' unbearably hot." wall hoteltl aDd admlnstr&UY& He II a brother of Mrs. Ron tnd several lllttures of scenes In bulldlncs. The Jaclr ot chimneys Is well-known In this dl•trlct. and around Honolulu were l!bOwn eauaed eom'ment, but Mr. Wei- In conYereatlon with The to 'l'he Pren repreaentatiTII, and bourn eJ:pl&lned that coal or wood Preu, Mr. Welbourn, who Ia are not u1ed tor h~tlll'l: or cook· a local boy and a one-time real- , 1 1ng In Honolulu. d811t of Ollhawa, Jll!!llec! on some "There Is no 11mote In the city, very Interesting materlsl as he \and everythlnp: II lovely and talked of his life and his new clean." be explained. "We use hom•. 1-1d Summer 1~~~ or ~leclrlc. mostly electric. 10 Mr. Wetbourn was born abou~ • there Is no need tor chimneys In a mile north of Columbus and Honolulu beeauae there Ia no about la&lt a mile eut, &lid lived Cl smoke for them to carry away. tor aome time In the vlllue of earanc· e Wh~n we r;ot to Vancouver a little RaRian. ~rl that was with us was very "That wa~ 75 years ago la"t much amazed at the chimneys April." he told The Pres!~. "I s I etlckin~t out of the roofs of all went to Toronto In sbout 1884 a e the buildings. · She II the d&URh- and lived there for some t 5 or 16 ter of a friend In Honolulu and yean before golnK to Honolulu £he bad neTer seen any bulldln& in 1900." AT wtth ch lmneys before, ao when Be lived lu Oabawa-ror a :snun all ... IOGkld.out.ot.lli .holel win- period before golnr; away and was Sl'lver's Store dow she waa ·nr:r much llurprll· employed at the MeLan~thlln Car-· ed." rla&e Company for a few months. Mr. WelbOurn told of the IoTa- He was bandy with tools, and had Brock Stree North ly heachea and awlmrulnr; accom- the r;trl of being able to turn his t modatton at Honolulu and ou the hand to practically anythlnJr: he I Islands. He told how the natives wished and do It wGII. While In and Tlsltors practised surf-board Toronto h& was employed at thl! Womea'e aad Mi11ee' rldlnr;, and bow the canoes were Jf&81ey-Harrla factory, but upon SILK DRESSES fitted with out-rl.rl!'ora to prevent &olnc to Honolulu be al!eured em· HaU $2 49 tlpplnr:. l!loYment bulldln.r atreet cart~. Aetompanylnll' Mr. Wel·bourn "I wu a boss atrf'el car build· !'rlee · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • 18 his cousin, MilS A. L. Jack, who er In Honolulu tor 31 rears," hi Chilclrea'• Is also a local native. She was stated, "and built the first street I SILK DRESSES born In the vicinity of Ra-:JIID, car eYer made In Honolulu." and has been HYing In Honolulu Freq~•t V'-itAIP H..-e Reaular $%.SA 98C for the past 10 or u years. At He retired from tllle employ. of • • • • . . • • . . . . • . . • . . . . . till J11'11141Dt time !he Ia visiting a th11 Honolulu Rapid Tranalt com• IOUft ftBII!'vt• 0 . ._, _ lister In Port Perry, ~laDY ln Ul1. ana Wb\\e 'Ill \a 'lllftll11 ~ll!l.l:ol."' ~ rut. a., · Ia •till Ia Honoi•I• he Ia a frt· a...au .... 25c tiER' Rorw PltNIC queat Tlattor to thl• eoaDtry aftd . .. .. . . . .... . . . ..... . . . to the home of hla sister llere. He I• at pr~ent here for a. Ylalt SMOCKS HElD AT UXBRID6E which will laet until late In Sep. A. f M • $1 OQ tem~r or October, and he bas. •• " 1 Ylalted relatives In western Can- Smock• at · · · · · • · · • ada and In Ontario. BATH TOWELS Mr. Welbourn Is a Yeteran tranller, havlnr: crossed the Pa- 15C clfle Ocean 16 times. He baa been a visitor In Oshawa •enral li!DII In the last few 7e&rs, and alplfled the Intention of return- ln~r 1evera1 more times In the fut- ure. He stated that he likes to come to this country In the sum- All Klada of PRINTS rard wtM, pan.a. 121l2C :Hd faet colon . . . . '/; mer, but he generally ~oea home 11..-------------..a .See the New 1937 DeForest Crosley · Radios There is nothing in Radio to equal the and the price i• lower than you pay ordinary Radio. tone- for an For ElectricaJ Suppliea We Have a Full Line TOASTERS, IRONS, PER COLA TORS, RADIO and TABLE LAMPS UGHT BULBS, 25, 40 and 60 W •..•••• 2 for 2Sc ONTARIO BATTERY SERVICE 1WO STORES 114 and 130 BROCK ST. NORTH PHONE 548 C. L Fralick, of Scugog, Elected Presiclen~ at F am- Uy Reunion Scugop;, July 27.-The fifth an- nual reunion of the Gerrow fam- Ily was bald at Uxbridge Com- munity Park on Wednesday, July 8. Althou·ch the day wu yery warm everybody bad a moat en· Joy&ble afternoon. About 80 sat down to a well-laden table of de- Hcactea. After the supper the buslneu me&tlnc was held. Thoae elected were: Prealdent, c. L. · Jl'rallck, Seucor: Tlce·presldent, P. Kldd, Toronto; ucretar7, Frank Garrow. 8cucog. It wae declded to hold the plenle at Hampton Park nut year on June Z3. Sporte were then conducted on th• race track. Mra. Vanneal, of Toronto, be- lnlf 87. wu the oldeat lady prea- eut. Mr. Wm. Vannest, of Osh· awa. ••• the oldest .rentleman preaent. Little Jean Marte Samella wu the youncesl bab;:r, belnll' of the al:ltll reneratlon of the Gerrowa. A twlllsht . musical pro«ram wu then held under the maple treea. some of the younp;er .ren- eratlon dllplayed real talent In their mu11lcal selections. Bruce Gerrow and Grant Brooks were the youngest participants In the pro«ram. Thea all made their way homeward, aleepy and tired, but happy. Mr. and Mrs. T. Carnochan. of ~hlrley, enJoyed a pleasant motor trip to Peterboro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mark visited In Enntaklllen on Sunday. Mr. W. Flshley and alater, Mra. S. Reynolda, of Seacraye, visited their alater, Mre. Wm. Jeffrey, anc! Mrs. Reynolds' daur:hter, Mrs. Gordon Cherrle, for a few daya last weet. Mlsslll Marjory •nd lvah Mil· ner, Lillian Fralick, Mr. Cecil Jo'rallck, Anaon G<;rrow and Ralph Milner had a nry enJoyable time on the Bay of Qulnte Conference excursion from Peterboro to Stoney lAke recently. There were about 260. young people on the bo.at. I PHONE 468 provement made throuch the op. eratlon or tbeae various leac1111, will enabl& the athletes or the Oa- tarlo Reclment to make a aplen- dld ahowlng In the Sporta DQ compet!Uona. Ontario Regiment Ia determined to make an earnest at- tempt to win the Sports Cup, a handsome silver trophy donated to the Regiment earuhig the moat points In Sports Day ennts. Thla trophy Is at present held by tbe Peel aud Dutreria Re&lment, '••••••••••••••••••••••••••lll!l The clrla look very amnt In lbelr new eulta of purple, trimmed I ~ l I PAGE FIVE AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE SERVICE RADIOS, REFRICERATORS and RANGES Aa Well Ju s..ic:e On AD Maba of Raclioa 'J'U8ES 'J'ES1'io FREE Walter A. ·Thomson Leaatecl at doe lteu ef ......._. Sbew .. r'• Stera PHONE 35 BROCK STREET SOUTH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING For $ale or Rent FOR RENT-APARTMENT, FUR- n!sbld or unfurallbed; hardwood floora, hot water beatlnr, &&a stoye In kitchen. All eonnnlencea ror houae teeplnr. ApPI1 226 Green Street. Wanted WATER DRILIJLERS-IF YOU ll&ed water--experienced di'lllers at IAkeYiew Gardens. Price rea- sonable. R.R. No. 1, Port Hope, R. J. Ashton.' WANTED-KITCHEN GUlL, AL- so bouae maid. Apply Matron, Ontario lAdles' College, Whitby. APARTMENTS TO RENT - three (3)~ three rooDll each, Old Annlll Bouse, Dundaa west, eor· ner Franc!• atrMt. Rent $10.00 WANTED - UPRIGHT PIANO, month. All conveniences. Ground I also household furniture or what for rarden It desired. Water, exchange or trade-In have you llcht and heal furnished by ten- for a new chesterfield aulte or a ant. Apply c. J. w. Lowes, Whit- new studio couch. t.rae Mlee- by, plloJMt 115, r1n& 1 lo•a. 1 UOa to chooee tro•. flaeat a&an- ahDl't. ! lactared, direct troa facto17. .. Write to Todd, 7U Woodbhte FOR JlDI'l' - BOuJJ: FOR .Ue.. Tonato, Oro'rir UU or rent, rt" I'OGIU, all co•yealeaeea. Boz U Ga111tte, Wllllth7. cood cardea. Apply Mn. Fred Allin, Centre Street South. FOR 8ALII: OR REN'l' - BRICK bouse In Whitby, pleasant corner location, all modern conYentences, garage, Ter:etJlble ttarden; a lao dlnlnr room autte, aolld oalr. Apply R. F. Bouley, Centre Stf'eet West, Whitby. ·1 . FRAME HOUSE: WATER AND llr;ht; gooc} rarden. Easy terms. Apply Ell Harlnden, 119 Ash St. LOST - BROOKLIN AND CO· lumbua c!tatrlct, a small Chihua- hua dog, abo11t elgbt Inches blgh, black all over euept for white eheet anc! roar white reet and the tip Of Ita tall Ia whltll. Anew~ to uame of Veta. Rew•rd offer- ed. Telephone Midway UU, To- ronto, or 102 Brooklin. TOWN OF WHITBY CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters List, 1936, Munitipality of the o:",u of Whitby, Count7 of On- tario. Notice is hereby gh·en that I have compli~d with Section 'I of the Vot- ers List Act, and that I have potted up in my office at Whitby, on the 17th day of July, 1936. the list of gil persons entitled to vote in the said mun!cir>ality at municipal elec- tions, and that such list r~mains tbet-e f<>f' ins'Peetion. • ···~ • ilercb)-ftU upOn all Totert to take immediate proceedlnlfS to have any erron or omiss!ons cor- rected accordln~ to law. The lalt day for apcal ia the 7th day of August, J9J6. JOHN R. FROST, Cl~rk of the Town of Whitby. ............... ._ ...... _. ___ ----- WANTED-A COMPETENT WO- man to look after lnvaltd and U· !lst with housework. Apply Bo:r 20, Gazette Office. . FARM WANTED FARM WANTED, FRO~[ 40 TO 60 acres, clay loam preferred; good wood lot, good house and g;arart, hard and soft wat~r at house, plen- ty of "'atc:r at barn, fum well fenced, close to h ighway and near protestant church. Possession this fall or nczt spring. Write giving full particular. to box 40, Gazette Office. Articles For . Sale FOR SA·LE - TWENTY PIGS, aix to al.rbt weeks old. Apply S. Murdoeh, lot u · Con. 4. Plekerln.r R.R. 1. FOR SALE ---=L~O:-C~O:-:-M:-:0:-::T:::I:-:V:::E eleetrle wuber, heat• own ..-ater. In flrat class eondltloll. $36.00. Phone 393. FOR SALE - CHESTERli'll!:LO eu1te11 and stucSio couches, larttn aelecllon dlreet from twelve beat known Toronto taetortes, finest coTerlnn, manhall 11prln~. beautiful three plec:e auttes as low u $2!9. custom made sulte>t half price to clear, tree del!Yery to your home. Liberal allownnco tor :your trade-In furnlturt!, or wbat uebange hava :you. Write to Todd, 'l46 Woodbine Ave., Toron- to, Grover 4:lta or Box 16 Ga.· aette, Wbttby. ......... c: .Jl'OK . SALE-A JC!> ~ \ • eleaner tnd purlt.'-~ .. "" ~ .. e~k • tachmants, usf!~K .. ;\ ~ ,~~':'e· Yery reuonabl ·~ ~,._ ~'iu. B I 'y .,; N. Hill, a sam, ,<-~ .... 4; <:~. FOR 8AL~THR~\ _,<:~~ cowa for sale. App "~ Brooklin, Out. < with oran~r~~. anc! they 1111re are 1 f'howlnr; them off In their ~ames. TENDER! Attalnet Port Perry l(lrls they I Tenders will be received won by a score or 13·5 on Mon- 1 Council of the Corporation o cl'ay e'l'enh:WI. They went to U:t· Town of Whitby, eithu separa brldse on Thursday eYenln« and or in bulk for the Community ~ won ualn by a acore of :o-u. un Brock St. Sooth, the conten Mrs. R. carter. CI&HIIte aad tlrneof ancl the land upon whkh tt Helen. their uaele, J. Carter, Tis- is situate. All tenders sJI<MIId be lted the tatter;, allt8r, who Ia ..W.Usecl to H. 1.. Wllsun. OMI· J•retty Ill, at Markllam on Sail- man of Town Property, and marked day. plainly oa the cnYtlope "tender~. Mr. aail Mrs. Olennlster, or The hl~the!t .-r :any tend~r not Chlc&RD, who are Tlalttn.r her ala- necessarily accepted. tar, Mr. and Mra. R. Prentice, H. 1- WILSON. Port Perry, apent Sunda7 with the Chairman, Town Prop. Committee. latter's aona, Mr. and lira. A. · Prentice and Mr. and Mrs. R. Prentice. Mlu Phyllis Oerrow, or Medl· <'Ina Hat, who Is Ylsltlns relatives here, Ia ependlnc a few days with her c.oualn, Hra. John Dany, Whitby. Miss Grace Demar& 1pent the weet-ead with ber friend, r.tts' Florence Carter. Mra. Vannest has returned to her home In Toronto after apend- ln.r a few weeka with ber niece, Jllra. Reader, and other ralatiTU. Miss Helen Prentice. of Ep- som, 11 apendlnr her holldaya with her coualn, JiliN Edna Pren- tice. Mr. and Mrs. D. Prentice and daurhter, Ruth, or Epaom, were Sundar guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fralick, of Shirley, clllllld OD their frleDdl, ll(r. and Mrs. W. Mark, one day list waell:. Notice to Crediton R.S.O., 1927, t:ap. 130, ~. IU. ESTATrl OF MARK J. DUFF. Farmer, deceased. ALL persona hnlng -:!alma ESTATE OF MARK J. DUFF, Dutr, late of the Townshlll of Whitby, In the Count)' of Ontario, Carmer. deeeaaed, who died on or about the twenty-third day of June, 1135. are hereby notllled to llle with the underalpe4, on or before the ant day or AuKuat, U3 8, run particular& ot their clatma. Immediately after eald date, the uaeta of the deceased will be cSistrlbuted amonr•t tholl& entitled thereto, hulng reprd only to claims ro filed. DATED at Oallawa, the Hnnth day of July, UU. W. E. N. SINC.J . .AIR, K.C., Mlaa M. Ashton, of Toronto, ~C spent Jut week with ber alater, Bank of Montreal BldK .• Oahawa, Ontario. and called on frlenda here. Mr. and Mrs. R. Tetlow and family ban returnecl home af~er llpendlnc & week camplnr: at Nor- lands, where they bad a pteuant time. A alolh cannot aupport Ita owl\ weltrht on the sround, but spends IU life hancluc downward from tree branches. NOTICE to FARMERS Grinding Grain in our mill will be discontinued until further notice. G. A. CANNING BROCK STREET SOUTH WHrrBY, ONTARIO

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