4 Friday, March 16, 2018 brooklintowncrier.com Kindergartener Vikas is born on January 3 and his best friend Daniel on December 29. The boys, who are in the same class, love that their birthdays are just days apart. Vikas seems to do better in school than Daniel who struggles. Why? Because Vikas is benefitting from a 20% relative age advantage at this level since there is actually almost a full year age difference. "Older children within the same grade tend to do better than the youngest, who are less intellectually developed," according to a study from University of British Columbia finance professor Maurice Levi. January advantage A 2011 study of B.C. students who entered kindergarten in 1995 found that compared to those born in January, kids with December birthdays were 12 to 15 per cent less likely to meet reading and numeracy standards in the elementary grades and 12 per cent less likely to graduate from high school. In Canada, the cut-off date for children starting school is Dec. 31, which means they can be in the same class as students born in January the same year. Older kids might be able to get more out of the curriculum than the younger, less mature students. This may be related to cognitive development as well as an increased ability to regulate behaviour. In another 2011 study, this one of 48,500 British children and teenagers, researchers at Britain's Institute for Fiscal Studies reported that kids born in August have less confidence in their academic abilities and are less likely to attend top universities. In Britain, the school cutoff date is Aug. 31, which means kids learn with classmates born in September of the previous year. The research discovered that children born in September are 20% more likely than August kids to attend top universities. Teacher labeling The younger ones are at a disadvantage from the day they start school. Teachers are 30 per cent more likely to label them as "problem" students, according to that UK Institute. The findings showed that teachers were 2.5 times more likely to assess the younger students as having a learning disability. Older children in the class are more likely to be identified as gifted students compared with their younger peers and benefit from additional advantages as a result of receiving specialized and/or extra instruction. In a study by the Office for National Statistics, scientists found that "Early success is often rewarded with leadership roles and enriched learning opportunities, leading to future advantages that are magnified throughout life," says Levi. Some parents try to give their December child an advantage by delaying their entry into school. But the Government of Ontario has found that students with two years of Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) are more successful in school and have accelerated development. Reading, writing and math grades were 5% higher regardless of the birthday. If you're worrying about your December baby, keep in mind there are many other factors that contribute to their success, not just birthdate. Some December babies you may have heard of include: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Jim Flaherty, Walt Disney , Stephen Spielberg, Elizabeth Arden, Ray Bourque, and Taylor Swift. WORSHIP DIRECTORY WORSHIP DIRECTORY Burns Presbyterian Church 765 Myrtle Rd West (just 4 minutes north of Brooklin) 10am Worship, Kids Zone Fun & Nursery Care "Discovering God, Sharing God's Love" 905.655.8509 www.Burnschurch.org St. Thomas' Anglican Church 101 Winchester Road East Sunday Services: 8:30 and 10:30 am Sunday School & Nursery Program (10:30am) Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Communion and Healing Service 905-655-3883 www.stthomasbrooklin.ca Brooklin United Church 19 Cassels Rd. E. Sunday Services at 10:30 am Sunday School & Nursery Care www.brooklinunited.ca 905-655-4141 Come catch the Spirit! Renaissance Baptist Church of Brooklin 40 Vipond Road (Just West Of Library) Sunday Worship & Kids Program 10:30 a.m. 905-655-4554 www.brooklinrbc.ca We're here for Brooklin! Our Brooklin Kids By Leanne Brown A Brooklin Toddler's Random Thoughts "When I'm a big girl can you buy me goggles...and I need a pool." Are January babies destined for greatness? (Part Three of Three) Community Calendar If you have a community not-for-profit event you would like included in the calendar, please email it to editorofBTC@gmail.com with the subject line "calendar." Priority will be given to Brooklin events. Some editing may occur. Fri., March 23: 4:00 - 5:00 pm (4th Friday of each month) Teen Leadership Council at Brooklin Library Whitby Library's Brooklin Branch seeks Teen Leadership Council members to share ideas & assist with special events and programs. Grade 9-12 students earn community service hours. Snacks provided. No registration required. For information, email teenservices@whitbylibrary.ca. Sat., March 31: 10 am- 2 pm: Brooklin Scouting Easter Egg & Scavenger Hunt Brooklin Kinsmen Park (behind the Brooklin Community Centre on Vipond Rd) Kids 7 and under can look for eggs in the forest Youths 8 to 13 can participate in the Scavenger Hunt $5 per participant. Loot bags for all paying participants. Prizes for the top 3 Scavengers and Egg Collectors Sat., March 31: 10:30 am- 12:30 pm: Easter Eggstravaganza Optimist Club of Brooklin will host Easter Eggs-travaganza. The Easter Bunny will arrive during the program. Please bring a basket for your child to participate in a good old fashioned Easter Egg Hunt in Luther Vipond Arena. Every child will receive a treat and other special surprises. ADVANCE TICKET SALES ONLY: brooklinoptimist.org Sat., April 7: 10-11 am: "How to wake up your garden" seminar Presented by a representative from Sheridan Nurseries At the Renaissance Baptist Church, 40 Vipond Rd, Brooklin Mon., April 9: 7-9 pm: Shine On: An Exciting Event for Women "Real Women - Extraordinary Circumstances - Inspiring Stories" $15/person - $100/person for VIP tickets Deer Creek Golf and Banquet Facility 2700 Audley Rd. N., Ajax Email: shineonindurham@gmail.com Sat., Apr. 14: 11 am: Big Bucks Euchre Odd Fellows Hall, 42 Bagot St., Brooklin Regular progressive euchre. No partner required. $10 includes lunch and excellent prizes. Advance tickets only. Proceeds to Camp Trillium camps for kids with cancer and their families. Call 905-655-4652 Sat., April 14: 7-11 p.m.: Mayor's Community Fundraiser Central Library, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby Join Mayor Don Mitchell for an evening of food, friends, entertainment and music in support of the Mayor's Community Development Fund, benefiting local community groups, events and initiatives. Tickets on sale now! mayorscommunityfundraiser. eventbrite.ca $85 per person or $150 per couple. For more information, contact: WhitbyMayorsFundraiser@gmail.com Sun., April 22: 1-3 pm: Spring Fashion Show featuring fashions by Alia (of the Oshawa Centre) St. Leo the Great Parish Hall 130 Watford St. (off Winchester) Tickets $15. Lunch and beverages provided Doors open at noon to shop vendors Door Prizes. Call 905-620-0724 for tickets or info French Family Storytime: Children and their caregivers can join Madame Sue for weekly French Family Storytime! A half hour of French stories and songs, with a dash of English! Drop in at Central Library's Children's Program Room Tuesdays: 7:25 pm: Brooklin Toastmasters Club Practice public speaking at Brooklin Community Centre & Library. Contact John Johnstone at jajhj@sympatico. ca or phone 905-683-4439 or Patricia Romano at promano257@outlook.com or phone 905-626-7055. 1st & 3rd Tuesdays Community Care Durham (CCD) Basic Foot Care at St. Thomas' Anglican Church. 905-668-6779 Mon.-Fri. CCD delivers hot or frozen meals. To order: Karen Andrews 905-668-6779 100 Women Who Care Brooklin Horticultural Society Brooklin Men's Hockey League Harvest Festival Run Hearts of Durham Optometry Giving Sight Outdoor Movie Night to End Hunger The Refuge (Durham Quarter Marathon) Sloane's House Respite Care Proud to Support Our Community Groups! Special Olympics Whitby Eagles Softball Whitby Wildcats 100 Women who Care Brooklin Horticultural Society Brooklin Men's Hockey League Optometry Giving Sight Outdoor Movie Night to End Hunger The Refuge Youth Outreach Centre Durham Quarter Marathon Sloane's House Respite Care Whitby Eagles Softball Whitby Wildcats Hockey Oshawa Shamrocks Softball Special Olympics Brooklin Players Immanuel Christian School Possibilities House