Names of those who returned themselves as members of William Owen Jane Owen Marian Owen James Owen Edward Owen Sarah Bravender John Bravender Robert Bravender Elisabeth Bravender Charles Grant Anne Grant Charles Grant John Caldwell Mary Caldwell Sarah Caldwell William Hopper William Pile Anne Pile James Pile Ellen Pile Mary Pile Martha Pile Cornelius Chatison Malinda Chatison Thomas Chatison William Padgett Marie Padgett Margaret Padgett William Tipleck Barbara Davidson George Vivan Margaret Vivan James Vivan Thomas Vivan Hariet Vivan Sarah Vivan John Leevis James Williams Sarah William Deliah Williams [Delila William] James Williams Sarah Williams George Williams Thomas Laurence [Thomas Lawerence] Henrietta Laurence [Henrietta Lawerence] Henry Laurence [Henry Lawerence] Anne Laurence [Anne Lawerence] Henrietta Laurence [Henrietta Lawerence] John Laurence [John Lawerence] Jane Laurence [Jane Lawerence] William Laurence [William Lawerence] Isabella Laurence [Isabella Lawerence] John Laurence [John Lawerence] Alexander McDonald Christian McDonald Thomas Bell Thomas Thomas Mary Thomas Henry Thomas Elisabeth Thomas Alfred Thomas James Thomas Edmond Whitley Henry Whitley Elisabeth Whitley Wilson Whitley Mary Whitley Robert Whitley John Whitley James Smith Esther Smith [Hester Smith] Little Smith James Hull [James Hall] Mary Hull [Mary Hall] Archibald Hamilton Elliot Sproul Hannah Sproul Elmira Sproul Sarah Sproul James H Sproul Mary Smith Stephen Harris Caroline Harris Charles Harris Allen Gillet [Allan Gillett] Albert Gillet [Albert Gillett] Thomas Watson Albert Talbot [Albert Talbert] Thomas Hewson Jane Burns Jane Laurence [Jane Lawerence] Robert Ashley David Jones John Little Johnstone McBrien Rachel McBrien Jane McBrien Jane Flora German Frances Bates Pamela Bates Albert Bates Richard Snow Thomas Cartier James Thomas John Welsh Jane Welsh John Haley Hannah Hunt John Hunt Christain Hunt [Christina Hunt] Maddison Hunt Mary Hunt Patrick Cody Mary Cody Michael Cody Patrick Cody Thomas Cody