Drug awreness program for youthç .000 Police take By S. GREENAWAY Free Press Staff "What are drugs? " "Something to make you feel better or to make you feel happy." "That's close. We describe drugs as chemicals and substances which bring about a change in your body for better or worse". Durham Regional Police Constable John Logan has been asking the same question and receiving similar answers for two years in different public schools in the region as part of a drug awareness programn carried on by the police and presented to grade seven and eight students. "When you think about drugs, don't always think of the bad things," said Logan on his most recent visit to Whitby Senior Public School. When asked what the most popular drug- in society today was, many students were surprised to find out that it wasn't marijuana, cocaine or even heroin they suggest, but aspirin. Logan said that the course was designed to heighten students' awareness of the dangers of drugs, presenting what he called arguements for and against their use. He added that the use of drugs no longer starts when a student reaches high school, but, in most cases, starts as early as grades seven and eight. "This year it's going to be one in every five grade eîght students that have tried marijuana and about one in nine that still smoke it. " Armed with a series of aquired facts about the ef- forts of drugs, especially marijuana, Logan presents one and a quarter hour talk to the students in each school he visits. Marijuana, he told the class is not a new drug. "The Africans knew about it 4000 yea rs ago. " The drug itself is derived from the cannibas sativa plant and contains 419 chemicals, 60 of which are active. "They react on some part your body. " The main active ingredient in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol Dancing The Durham Region Family YMCA will start a new series of ballroom dan- ce classes in January 1981. Antoinelle Weissbach, professional instructor for many years, has designed her classes according to her experience that is most en- joyable to students. Weissbach's approach in- tergrates technique and an attitude toward the art of ballroomn dancing as a gracefuil, interesting and easy to learn. Weissbach will draw upon and develop your own talent and abîilty with individual attention doing with group instruction. These classes can in- crease social self- confidence. A variety of dancing styles will be covered including modern. latin. american, disco, polka. foxtrot and other classical genres. In order to enrol for these popular programs caîl the Durham YMCA 668-6M68 (T}IC), the chemical which gets the smoker 'stoned'. "Once the THO is in your blood stream it goest to two main areas of the body where they have the stronges effect," said Logan. "They are the brain and gonads." Logan said that marijana effects short-term memnory as weIl as inhibiting the cells ability to produce DNA genes, the genes which determine the charac- teristics of the smokers of- fspring. As well, smoking marijana increases the risk of contacting cancer since it Irug ta 1 is 50 per cent higher in tar and 70 per cent hîgher in benzaprene, a chief cancer causig agen, than cigaret- tes, "In that way, smoking one joint <marijana cigarette) is like smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, " said Logan. Logan warned that 80 per cent of the pot taken from Ontario cortains PCP, a, drug used to tranquilize large animais and one which 1 many vets now refuse to use. "The pot user neyer knows what he is smoking," he said. "in the end, you've got to compare the good things about drugs, which there Whitby Hydro Electric Commission MONTHLY RATE SCHEDULE Effect Ive on al bis for the period after Jan uary 1, 1981 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Class 0f En.rgyw Mka & c par kwih service Firu Next £AU 2w0 200 a" kWh kWh tional Minimum golf F.R.W.M. schodule Regular 5.4 3.25 $5 No. 188 No. Applicable to existing installations only. NON-RESIDENTIAL SERVICE kw Demand J Energy Blocks & c pr kwh Class of *Iock Charge Fir,.t Neat -à$* ad' Service Per kW 250 970wh 2ý *eneral 0-0- --- 5.4 3.65 5 1.32 D-5000 kw) $2.40 ,aenerai :over SM vr &ailkw 7.45 minimum bill - under 50 kw over 50 kW applicable to ail energy ai 1.32 c per kwh - $4.50 - $0.25 per kw for ai kw the maximum billing, demand during the previous il months or the contracted amount whlchever is the greater. transformation aliowance- rates are based upon service at utilization voltage. Where the customer provides transfor- mation facilities, the foliowîng ailowances wiil appiy -- for stepdown from subtransmission voltage - 254r per kw of biiling demand per month. for stepdown from distribution voltage- 25(r per kw of biiling demand per month. FLAT-RATE WATER HEATING SCHEDULE NO. 188 400-watt elemnent 450-watt efement 500watt element 550-watt efemnent 600watt elernent 650-watt element 700watt elernent 750-watt clamnent 800-watt element 850watt elernent 900-watt elemnent 950-watt element 1.000-watt element 1.0003000-watt etement 1.5004,500-watt elements S6« 77 pet month ?,61 pet month 8,46 pet month 931 petrmonth ,0-155pet month 1075 pet montth 11.32 permonth il ý98pet month 12-56 pet month 13. 10per month 13.79 per month 14,47 pet month 1504 per month 1598 per month 23»97 pet montti An aeddtonal amount ot 5% Stiatt aPPIY to aM bIts not paid on or- before the due date, 128 BROCK ST SOUTH WHITBY 0i68-5878 OFFICE HOURS S . 3 a n 4: 3Op. MeInda'. to Friday H.C. Simpson General Manager R.W. Cawker Chairman WHITBY FREE PRESS, TUESDAy, DECEM13ER 23, 1980, PAGE 19 1lk to grade sechool are, with the bad things, that do happen, and balance them out, " warned Logan. According to Logan, peer pressure is one of the biggest reasons young people are turning to marijuana and other drug use. 4< 4< 4< 4< 4< 4< 4< 4< 4< 4< 4< Many of the young who choose to use drugs are not amare of the side effects and consequences of their use, and that, said Logan, is the reason for the course. "Unless it happons to them they won't worry about Women- Men. Beautiful Heahh Hathy Handom Flair Hî %eUPPLE Mt Start Having Beautiful and Healthy Hair YOVRE LOSING SOME 0F YOURSELF EVERYOAY- -HHAIR!- *,on your comb on your pfliow crn your brush 'in the shower HAUR SUPPLEMENTf FORMULA he been doslgned and téste'd to food your defîleont hait celle delly. You uen brlng thom Up to normal standards. Continuai daliy use of ouit ested HAIR SUPPLEMENT FORMULA will heip VOUR hait celle grow slrong .. . Send for our SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! 30 Day Guerente (il ffl 1r)Ec(,f PIa Mî " $9195 incoudes tax, S" iCheck (x M VtIo postage and >6331 Noyd birtvd11 hendln~. Mouywood. CA 90018 ORDER 3 BOTTLES GET ONE IPREE. NAMF ,- -ALLOW 14n^lYS FOR DEUVERY "iyou can not make a kid worry about getting cancer because it won't mean anything to them." * * * * * * * * * * * , 1