WFITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMIWR 10, 1980, PAGE 35 Leter tothe editor . a.0 Kinettes say they support downtown Whitby and we 've caused bad feelings Dear Sir: This ln reply ta your edîtorial "Kinettes should shop down- tawn" which appeared in the issue of Decem- ber 3. Because af the strong feelings generated through this, our Most recent project, we, as a club felt we must reply. We f irst became aware that the Whitby merchants were upset on Saturday, Navember 29 when club members received phone calîs fram two Whitby mer- chants. Durlng the Right tol 1ife Dear SI r: In the name of the 600,000 murdered un- born children wha have met their death through abortion ln the last il years, we demand that the right ta life of the unborn child be built Into the "Charter of Human Rights" ln a new Canadian Con- stitution. The slaughter must stop!I We have the audacity ta challenge the U.S.S.R. in the area of human rights... The accountability and guilt of this sen- seless and abscene practice lies on ail our consciences. We demnand protec- tion for aur unborn brother and sisters. L. Ferland 120 Front St. E. Whitby. Taxes; CONT'I) FROM PG. 34 tindetrtatifi whiat assessnient i> ail ad>< ait. Iî<w it is calculated iî'.edl t,. dettet-ijur a 1r<pertv tax birll. If ait errur I. Iunil rail lu madeI, ltftort- the roll îs subsequent conver- sations apologie? were extended and both merchants were assured that we had flot intended to cause hard faelings. It was also pointed aut that althaugh any person cauld use this bus, it was directed mainly at senior citizens, who otherwise would lot be afforded the oppor- tunity of spending a day autside Whitby during this festive seasan. Fourteen people in ail, used this service, eleven of them senior citizens. Several club memnbers made it a point on Monday, December 1 to speak personally with various Whitby merchants which they regularly support, ta explain the club's position and in- tent. As with any service club or organization, the Whitby Kinettes depend on the support af people in the com- munity and the mer- chants. We have in the past, and continue ta receive, generous and greatly appreciate sùp* port f rom both sectors of our community. it has, and will continue to -be, auf policy ta publicly extend aur sincerest appreciation f or th is support. Contrary ta the statement "This is not ta say that the club, as Individuals, have not supported ' Whitby business, but that it appears as though, as an organization, they do not." ... we support the-Whitby merchants in both ways. Not only do the members of the Whitby Kinettes shop at local stores, we also as a club,spend a con- siderable number of dollars. We use aur Christmas Drive project for needy Whit- by familles as a prime example. Several hun- dreds of dollars were turned over to, us by Whitby citizens last year which was used ta purchase warm winter clathing for needy children. This money was spent solely ln Whitbyl Agaîn this year we are'receling numeraus cash donations, and again, aur plan is ta, spend It ln Whitby. We trust that we will continue ta receive the same support from the Whitby merchants, that they ln turn, receive fram the Whitby Kinet- tes. Respectfuliy Submit- ted, Rosalind Patan Theý Kînette Club af Whitby One last look at Saturdays parade nTanks WISC Dear Sir: On Sunday, Novem- ber 3th", 1980 the Port Hope Aquatic Club of Port Hope hosted their First Invitational Swim Meet. We would like to take this opportunity ta thank the many mem- bers affiliated with the Whitby Iroquais Swim Club who helped to make it a success. We would especially like to thank Pauline Oattes and George Blake. There are many athers who also donated of their time Most willingly. Many thanks toalal of you, and to everyone at the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club a Very Merry Christmas. Si ncerely, Mary Lyceth The Executive, Port Hope Aquatic Club. THE UNKNOWN CAR SALESMAN He is so ashamed Io seli his cars ai such a lu' price, he had to hide his face. Who is he? Corne in and find oui ai Midway Daisun in Whi b-y. ('P.S. 1 îhink iî's Rick Taylor) MIDWAY DAlSUN 1300 Dundas St. E. Whitby 6686828