Wli.TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1980, PAGE 23 Ontarjo Government Announces Reduction In Electrical Rates In Rural Ontario Employees, over top Lorne Marshal, (Centre), public employees group chairman of the United Way of Oshawa, Whitby and Newcastle, congratulates Myrt Barkewll, (right), of the Town of Whitby and Nancy Davidson (left), of the Whitby Public Library for exceeding their golas by 21 per cent and 68 per cent respectively.-FePrsStfPho Days of "wine and roses" are over v»y MICHAEL KNE.L Free Press Staff 'II amn 0f the opinion that this particular council will face the toughest two years of the last decade. " That was the message of. East Ward Councillor Joe Drumm as he was sworn in for his third term on Whitby Town Council at its inaugural meeting on Mon- day night. Mincing no words, Drumm told council that they will have difficulties in maintaining thie present levels of service without creating an unfair burden on the taxpayer. As the chairman of the treasury department for 1980 and responsible for the preparation of this year's budget, Druffim said that "it became quite apparent to me that. the days of wine and roses are over." Forcasting that Whitby can only expect a five per cent in assessment he strongly urged council not to return to the debenture method of financing. ,Drumm says of the town's budget he poin- ted out, nothing that if new revenue isn't found, the town may be in danger of losing that money. Since these grants are usually used for capital projects they "will be the first to suffer" if the town loses them, Drumm said. Despite these warnings, "I don't want you to get the im- pression that it is ail gloom and doom, " he said.- Stimulating growth would help the town get out of any ,future financial problems, he said. Drumm wants -a "com- plete review of the officiai plan" because it "Iwas for- mulated at a time when things were rosy" and that it should be brought into line with today's economic con- ditions. He also wants a review of the cost of maintaining parks, a review of the buses, management committee reports to be made public and sanitary sewers for Elizabeth Cres. Joe Drumm A debenture is a form of debt financing used by most municipalities in the provin- ce, however, Whitby has traditionally only used theni for major road construction. "«At 15 per cent (interest rates), I don't think we need it right now," Drumm said. Province grants account for 20 per cent or $1.5 million byve~ar r nd n itrai and farut resîîlcntial i'ustoineii'is tiiII ie sulîstatttially reiluccil ffei'tive Jantîarv 1 . 198 1 as at resîtit of a $20-mifllîîn sjîccîal grant pro- grain anniotmweil reenttlv l», the' ( )ntariiî 'reastiter."( îî- tario Eîîergy NI inister lRobert Welvhitsaîl. Tite fuîtds %viIl cnablle On- tari ily~dri itii 11.1vide direct dîscouunts to rural cuistinters. 'I'tc.$20-milliiin wiIl reilue the dliffeýreiîtiai by abouît 30 pîer Cent lwtween îthe. retdil rural residents relative to titat îaîi by the average mtunieiî)aI retail custonter. Mr. Weilî îîiiteii that titis reuit i n ît ured the cuîîî- mîitnîest mîadle hy Premier Wiliiam Dlavis tii the Leisia- titre lasi Ajînil. andl said the recîîgnitiî ufthe i ti ireasiîtg ing vomtnnity andl rural (i- tariîî face. mnittt-4i tiin'lî îgtheivi iîe iof vlei'tric t%,fior thei fariîning î'înnIiiillllitv andîrl la ias tii a ranige NNlîîclt is ci iser tiitte 1>i'c lail ib%îîî'lanî cîstuîier5, andl tas iîtstruttdl(Ontario lii-iî itii ideiiicfirtiîer the tînlue iffci'cîîtial iîctween rutrai andl urlian eievtncval rates liv 1982," Mr. Welclt said. Mr. Weilh said tixat as a resuit of titis first step tfitere %villi IR'ainanimai reiiiwtio>iof abouiti835 for each 'ear rouni1 rural li>useîold ini titi'Pros'- inve, using more titan 250 kwil per imothd. Fîîrther reduetions vviii re- suit front suliseqjietit actions to 1c taken 1h, Ontario lydro. llie 'sperical granit i1 appiy tii ail rural residetti&i (eis- toîîncrs, iltiffig farîîî-ciass e,11îstotmer., havig a residence oit1 the (Ontario iIvydro retai systeni, b)ut loes not cover intermittent oecupancy eus, totîters, match as cottagers or chalet owncers, and commercial and industnial customners. Dance, The Whitby Senior Citizens' Activity Centre will be holding there December dance on Saturday, Decem- ber 20. Admission is free and for more information caîl the centre at 668-1424. PRESENTS: At the theatre, Whltby Centennial Building, December 10, 11, 12, 13,14. Curtain time 8 p.m. ex- cept for December 13, when Curtain wiII be 2 p.m. Free performance for ail Senior Citizens, December 9. Curtain timne, 7 p.m. Tîçkets, Middletons Stationery, Dundas St. W. or at the theatre door. Aduits, $300; Children $200 CHRISTMAS CARDS WRAP 'IDEAL'BOOKS PLAQUES - BEST SELLERS PERSONALIZED. PLAYING CARDS_ 131 BROCK STREET, NORTH- WHITBY 668-6111 Mon.-Fri. 9-6 -Sat. 10-5 N EW! 1'LUXURY' EARL WARREN CONDOMIN IUMS from $42900) per person quad Includes car - Unimted mileaged CALL NOW! N 185 BROCK ST. N. 4$esley's WHITBY Corner of Brock & Mary '~~ord of 668-7955 orTravel iÎc. Stay Young...Have Fun . Travel! m 't 1, 1, 'j f f k 'J i. t t. .4 f É K 8, ~~ 1; A - 't t' .1 f MBM PUBLISHING & PHOTOGRAPHY INC. WHITBY THEATRE Compan THE gm, Tyv Ctm7EPNNIAt. ILDiNG . - CMPLIMENTARY WHITBY THEATRE COMPANY YOUTH GROUP1 A CHRISTMAS CAROL BY Charles Dlckens loi /ý' ýl AL