WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNI SDAY, DLCLMBF R 3, 1980, PAGEI1) To astniistress meeting Awards The Ontario Agricultural College Awards Presentation took place October 14 at the University of Guelph. Jamie Kroekenstoel, Left, of Whltby recelved the Farmatlc Award from Tony Rosenburg. -Photo courtesy of the Unversity of Guelph. By PAULINE TORRESAN Whltby Toastmistress "Women on the Move", proved a very appropriate theme for the November 18 leadership meeting of the Whitby Toastmistress Club. A club election resulted in Gail Harrison's move to the rank of second vice- president. Kathy Chung, former President of Pine Rige Toastmistrees, which is parent to the Witby club, installed Harrison in her new office. The positions of second vice-president and member- sbip chairman became vacant when Lilian Nortb resigned these posts because of the demands of her new job., Harrison is expected to fi both positions witb the same energy and enthusiasm- that Gartshore teils local wrecker he won't be forced to move' In what may have been bis final officiai actý as Mayor, Jim Gartsbore assured a local wrecking company that it will flot be forced to move despite the objections of a large development company. Whitby Auto Wreckers bas operated at its Brock Stree North (nortb 0f Rossland Road) location for many years. However, the use of the land is non-conforming to the zoning. The company has sougbt a re-zonxng f rom Whitby Town Council to allow it to make improvements to the proper- ty. Senior 's centre trnp The Whitby Senior Citizens' Activity Centre will be sponsoring a trip to the Limelight Dinner Theatre on January 12, 1981 to see a production of the "Sound of Music." Tickets are $14.50 per per- son and will go on sale December 8. For more information cal the centre at 668-1424. That 'application bas received opposition from Markborougb Properties Ltd. that intends to put a residential development in the area. Ron Wojcicki, a spokesman for Mark- borougb, told council at its meeting last week that the wrecking yeard would bave a "detrimental effect" on any future development and request tbat the re-zoning application be denied. Gartsbore said tbat, tbe town is willing to delay so that Markborough could make'anotber submission, althougb be added, "Don't tell me it's going to bave an impact because it's there OftSTOP (1iISTI1fS VISIT OUR NEW LINGERIE ~,~ DEPARTMVENT Christmas Store Hours Y Dec 1 -Dec 23 bats. & Dec 24 9 a.m. - 6 .m.i sterec une ITORONTO PRICESL AT Sterec cne W 1540 Dundczs St. W., Whitby Wj mPIONEER < ~***No Reosonobte Offer Refused*' a z SOUND DYNAMICS - TECHLN ICS - C D KOSS -ZEN ITH o Parts/Accessories SEE Il! - HEAR IT! - 93UY 1V! AT ~Sterec une. 571-3121 1540 DUNDAS ST. E.. WHITBY **-efne '#R A 1G and we couldn't get rid of it, even if we wanted to; and we don't intend to move tbem. Council is expected to make a .decision on the ap- plication sometime before tbe end of January. 1was displayed by North. Club president Jeanette Etter, in true toastmistress manner, 'stepped in as Topicmistress at the eleven- th hour. Etter's table topics consisted of several mini- debates regarding some controversial questions. Lilian North's humorous and persuasive agruments for not allowing men in Toastmistress, won ber the award for the best improm- ptu speech. Bernadette McGuire held the attention of members and guest with a most in- teresting self-introduction speech. Lee Hewitt presen- ted an edifying speech on lexicology. The club is looking for- ward to the December 16 Christmas meeting which will be a festive couples af- fair to whicb guests are cor- dially invited. Those people interested in learning more about Toast- mistress are invited to cal Gail Harrison at 683-607 af- ter 6 p.m. or May Bartram at 668-9955. We've CHANGED our NAME from INDEPENDENT SALES & SERVICE (Whitby) Ltd. ta - piece ChesterfÏeld Suite 2Kroohlor Quallty & Comfort SolId Rust Colour Reg. $1388010 Sale, $1098,0 _ _ "OUR AIM ISTO SATISFY" WHITBY 309 Brnck St. S. 668-2081 ~¶ /tp 125TH ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 STHE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY CONTRACT W80-31 TENDER FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES Tenders MilI be received until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, December 11, 1980 for Janiltoriai "services at the following facillties - (1) Whltby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock Street, South, Whltby (I1) Whitby Operatlions Centre, Taunton Road East, Whitby Specifications and tender forms are available f rom the Town of Whltby Treasury Department, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whltbýy. Telephone 668-5803, extension 54. Lowest or anytender not necessarlly accepted. GAIL GOSLEIGH, Purchasing Agent, Town of Whitby. m m à 1