The Durham Board of Education bas reached a tentative agreement with its elementary school teachers. Board Chairman Art Win- ter said that the agreement was reached early last week and that the board is scheduled to discuss the matter at their meeting that was held Monday night. The 1,300 elementary school teachers were expec- ted to vote on the past last" night. At press time, the iesults of these voters were not known. Winter said that until both sides had accepted the agreement, its contents would not be made public. Last week, the provin- cially appointed fact finder in the contract talks submit- ted his report to the Education Relations Com- mission. However, if the agreement is accepted by both sides, the report will flot be made public. Negotiations are con- tinuing in the board's con- tract talks with its 1,017 secondary school teachers. A- fact finder report was released about three weeks and Winter said that since then the two sides have met Xmas gifts The Whitby Psychiatric Hospital will be accepting gifts and cash donations for the patients Christmas lists. It is requested that each item flot be wrapped,, as every patient receives a number of gifts specially selected for them. Gifts can be left at the administration building switchboard or the volunteer association office at the psychiatrie hospital. For inquires cali the volunteer services at 668- 6881, extension 213. without any progress in the effort to sign a new contract. He added that another meeting will probably not take place until the newly elected board takes office next Monday. WI-UTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1980, PAGE 9 Welsh says.. Free enter1prise necessary iin Canada - --ý à- 1 &à.- fn im Ir By S. GREENAWAY Fres Prose Staff Rumor and speculations of a specific date for the Up. comirig provincial elections were not lain to rest at the Progressive Conservative annual dinner at the Heyden- shore Pavllion aest week although the MPP for Durham West, George Ashe, tried on- ce more to predlct It.* With his original pred ltion for a provincial election by mId-October (Made during Premier William Davis' visit to th e Heydenshore Pavillion during the summer) already put to rest by time Ashe predicted the election would fali on either March 14 or March 21. The dinners guest speaker Bob Welsh, minister of energy and the deputy premier of Ontario, had no comment to make on a possible date nor did he hint at the accuracy of Ashe's remark. I enjoy the position 1 now hold so 1 would like to repeat It was George (Ashe) whol called that date and not me," he said Jokingly.ý Turnlng from the talk cl. election Welsh focused ont the f ree enterprise system which he said is the basis for Canadian society. "We must look closely at two words which come out of the words free enterprise," said WelsA. 'Those words are 'f reedom and enterprise'." Welsh caîied the free en- terprise system the "concep- tuaI framework vital to the society and the cornerstone of government policy. "We should be asking our- selves closely about the society which will develop over the next few decades." "'There 18 a dimension to f ree enterprise which we tend to put at the back of our min- elements wrapped up in 'f reedom' and 'enterprise'." He said that society today is becoming the victim of a growing parodox. On the other hand Welsh said there Is an Increasing pressure placed on gover- nment to assume more responsibility for the workings of the province, "The province stems f romr the expectation we as a society have Imposed on the government." As an example of the growing public outcry for more government control Welsh cited the Increase of spendlng In the f ield of public health service. lIQAA the total budget for the province was $182 mil lion. Of that $20 million or 9.8 per cent of the budget went to heaith care. Today health care alone takes Up $5 billion or 31 per cent of the total budget. Calling the PC party a 11peopIes'-party" he stressed that they will neyer forget the governments social respon- sibilities. "The ship exiats for the sake of It's pasengers and flot the other way around," he sald In closing. "In thEr face of ail growing concerns we must neyer forget the human element In freedom and enterprîse. Whtdo you think is our best advertisingWe do so much that we often 7wonder ourselves but it has to be the recomend)at- ions folks like you givp 10 aur hones eff ort Bob Welsh D. THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundss St. E., Whitby 668-7797 HOURS: Mon. - Sat. & Evonings By Appointment OnIy PRNIN N ) I Bo ard reaches tentative agreemnent, teachers to vote Now get aDalry Queen Brazier Burger, PLUS regular f Ires, PLUS reg ul1ar soft d ri nk, PLUS aW 5-ounce sundae. It's partlcally ~ a meal ln Itself 1 This offer Is IF 7 good only this Thursday thru I E~* Sunday at our Whltby store. If you haven't tasted our new Dalry Queen hamburger, now's your chance. It's 'more burgor than bun', so you really taste the tender meat. And there you have It. A super treat for only $1.991 235 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA 1003 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 683-19