Family Relief Service wants volunteers Durham Region Relief Services is for families to provide relief for parents of handicapped individuals. The Durham Region Associations for the Men- tally Retarded have designed and are offering a The Family looking Any interested person wLo wants more information on the program can call Marn- Rose Minett, Regional Co- ordinator, at 668-3812 or drop her a Une at 101 Mary Street West, Whitby, Ontario. The course at Durham College starts in the middle of January and runs Monday at the college and Tuesday in Ajax from 8 til 10 p.m. The cost is $26 (tax deduc- tible). Hawks rally Denise McCracken led the Henry cheerleaders in a demonstration of the Hawk's supporters talents at a pep rally held last week in preparation for the big game against McLaughlin Trojans. As it turned out the girl's had lots to cheer about as their team defeated the Trojans 35-6 to clinch the team's second Lake Ontario Secondary School Association senior football title in two years. -Free Press Staff Photo Leslie's Music Centre presents a CONCERT With Special Guest Organ Artist CHRIS ANDERSON MONDAY December 1st. 7:00 p.m. 1100 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Everyone Welcome OPENING SPECIALS Save up to $11000 Off Reg. Prices! EXAMPLES:- CONTEMPRA DESK SET Rotary Dial, Refurbished Coloured or Black Limited Time Onlyl Price at Only $64.95 $39.95 Over 50 Different Modela Ail Fully Warranteed TELEPHOFNES UNLIMITCD 1450 Hopkins Street WhItby - 666-3424 relief program that will provide a qulified babysit- ting service to parents who at present, rarely, are able to get out of the house for an evening of entertainment or relaxation. This program's second objective is to offer relief placements (within the community) for short periods of time from eight hours or a weekend up to three weeks per year, to these parents whose only alternative would be to in- stitutionalize. This also means the handicapped per- son can continue their daily program and extra curricular activities. Those who wish to become parent relief homes are trained, hired and paid by the family relief services program. The training consists of a course offered at Durham College. This course is geared to train interested adults in management and supervisory techniques required when taking a han- dicapped child into the home. The other aspect of training is volunteering at daycare centres or schools for more experience with the handicappéd. THANK YOU To my family, valued friends, dedicated campaign workers, supporters, and ail the people of the West Ward for re- electing me to Council. I shall continue to work on your behalf with the sarne energy and enthusiasm as I have during the past term. Sincerely yours, ROSS BATTE N Thank you north ward residents for your support. Fm looking forward to serving you as your representative. Ross Batten 125TH ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE INAUGURAL COUNCIL MEETING THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY WILL HOLD THE INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE 1981 .82 COUNCIL AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby On Monday, December lst, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. Citizens are cordially invited to attend this Inaugural Coun- cil. Meeting. Those person planning to attend the meeting are requested to advise Mrs. Verna Roberts, at the Whitby Municipal Building (668-5803) accordingly, on or before November 26th, 1980. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Administrator, Town of Whitby 575 Rossîand Rd. E., Whitby, Ontario No Charge Refreshments L 683 . mwr- /