WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1980, PAGE 17 Report from Queen 'ýs P arlk u~>u ly GEORGE ASHE. MPP PC-DURHAM WEST) Few sectors 0f today's national economy stand unaffected by the world boom i high technology. Most industrialized nations are respondlng with increased commitment to the need to compete i the hlgh technology range of the industry spectruin., Ini this regard, research and development is seen to be a prlmary vehicle to enhanced economic performance in the 'elghtles.' Ontario has long argued for a continulng national program to support and broaden the role of private enterprise in research and development activities. Such a co-ordinated thrust is vlewed by our government to be paramount hi the protection of existing Canadian jobs, the creation of new ones, and the sustenance of our nation's. in- dustrial base. Ontario recognizes that, in the long-term, more and more Canadian Industries wlll be forced to compete on the basis of technology. To meet this growing demand, the Ontario Governnient la developig substantial incentives for in- novative research and development activities i Ontario. We are also worklng closely wlth International firms, encouraging them to speclallze, i an economlcally efficient manner, the operations of their Canadian subsidiaries. For a number of years, the federal governument lias allowed a 100 per cent write-off of R & D expenditures. The investment tax credit on capital goods purchased for the purpose of R & D lias been extended, not only to capital goods, but to current cash outisys. In 1978 the basic investment tax credit for R & D was doubled from five to ten per cent. There are already many examples in Ontario of firnis which have developed a hlgb technology or speclallst manufacturing capabllty which ls being aimed at both the domestic Canadian market and international markets, particularly those in North America. Ontario bas already moved hi encourage one such speclallzed organization, the Urban Transit Development Autbority, hi bld on large foreign contracta for urban transit systemns and equlpment. The newly developed UTDC street- car la currentiy being tested i Boston, Massachusetts and response from Boston resîdents, to date, bas been en- couraging. To keep Ontario industry abreast of, present and future scientiflc and technlcal trends, the Ontario Research Foun- dation bas worked for over 50 years as a problem solving resource for industry. The foundation is sponsored through a fund contributed equally by industry and -the province. R and D imortant to our growth The motto of Ontario Research is 'Teamwork in Technology'. This motto is a reflection of the nature of their organization, a higlily co-ordlnated group of research teams drawn from the whole range of sclentific disciplines. Their main purpose is to concentrate upon technologies which more directly support the manufacturing sector. In effect, the foun- dation seils its services to industrlalists, catering to the research needs of companies both large and small. The Government of Ontario is asslstlng our manufacturers to take advantage of the unique services offered by the professionals at Ontario Research. Througb the Technological Assistance Program adniinistered by the MUilstry of lndustry and Tourlsm, Canadian-owned smaU manufacturers in Ontario are given the opportunlty to benefit from this important R & D resource.1 The program provides up to $3,6W0 i financial assistance (up to 90 per cent of eligible costs) so that manufacturers can have the Ontario Research Foundation carry out essential R & D. Worklng wlth an Ontario Research team, businesses are able to refine their Idea to a stage where a viable product development plan can be drawn up. The benefits of these product and process innovations speak for themselves. Partlcularly in areas such as information services, Canada is recognlzed to be on the verge of a second industrial revolution. Wlth the development of such Canadlan-deslgned systema as Telidon, our country simply cannot afford to Ignore the need for lncreased expenditure on research and develop- ment. Many exclting opportunities face Ontario manufac- turers I the 80's. As in the past, the Ontario Government will be lendlng is support In helpmng lRdustry to meet these unique and vital challenges. Customrn HOIR Sifli DG We' il give you a cut that.wiii make you look your best for this fait. Cati for an ap o tment LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Green Street 668-9262 L 1t BRAKE SPECIAL imto $ 99,095 soReplace New Front Dsc pads New Rear Lnngi bol Repack Front Wheet bearngs - ke inspeci Drums & Rotors Bake Hse$ Front Groase Sals Rear Wlhees Cyhnders v Front Catîpers Maoil Passenger Cars Any addtmina paris of labour wrtt e quold belore Ofok iS Slariod AUGNMENT $ 16995 >0 AjIS CM M. C-b Mid %»-Is bb posse SbooikooU ndaid $ponSo @sib g- MW 4cesy P5fm Md *KSIM e ds. irqwd CALL OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT THEY'LL KEEP YOU GOING FALL .C 14-095 r os m ndR OMu s fl Q Ra*àlor lord Hoalor Moes Séiet. 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