i WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1980, PAGE 9 x Als a pre-Chrisimas preseniaiion, the Whigby Free Press invites ail iis readers go parileipage ln sha ring iheir holiday gifi ideas for 1980. Each week until Christmas ire wil present as many of ihese ideus as spaee permits. We aak gon the readers, of ail ages. Vo submii gour fa,'ouriie recipes, handicra fis, ci.. on hou go make simple gifis, u'iih compicie directions, and if possible approximaie cost. Send or brin g lu gour gif i ideas go the WhlVby Free Pressata 131 Brock St. N., P.O. Box 206, Whiiby LIN 5S1 and piease ineiude gour namne and' address. Think aboutilI and gel siaried righi away. The more ire receive, the merrier Christmas wli be for evergone. Mère are jus# a feir suggestious. If one of Mhentln gour holiday specialiu - let us hnow about itd 0 J[t9s. Juter than you think! J!