PAGE 30, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1980, WHI1 BY FREE PRESS Lyon seeking improv ements for downtown, buses and Por Whitby By MIICHAEL KNELL Free Presustffl Thie third contender for the centre ward seat on Whitby Town Council, presntly held by incumbent Berry Evans, said last week that lie wanta a counclior that la ready to take action. "I belleve the centre ward needs a councillor that la ready hi take action, who la prepared hi, bring up the issues of the day and deal with them," said Robin Lyon. Lyon, 30, waa the laat per-, son hi declare bis intentions hi ru» hi the centre ward, making it a three-way race between hlmnsef Evana and Marie Brooks. 1"I'm runnlng becamiffe I believe that a councillor should liaten hi the people that elected hlm and be prepared hi communicate with thex," he said. Lyon la married and la the father of three chlldren. He la a resident of the Athol Green Co-operative, housing project of which leie l currently president. In hs firet try for public office, the seven-year resident of the hiwn said that ViA Wanda & Tohy Martin at THE COMPLETE HARDWARE STORE DOMINION HARDWVARE 319 BROCK ST. S. 668-3540 I2ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE Is hereby glven that the Council of theCorporation of the Town of Whitby hIntends ta pass a by-Iaw ta stop up and close that untravelled portion of the public highway municlpally known as Peel Street, as more specifically described as follows- That untravelled portion of Peel Street, as shown l'ereun- der, Iylng between Trent Street East and Pitt Street East, boundéd on the east and west by lands owned by the Corporation of the Town of Whitby, the easterly lands belng munlclpally known as Peel Park. I-- LIII W11 L jLLLLJU ki L lerhiu1 RIFE J EAST L ST ST .J-Ili sr" E r A%T - ELIIII]1Ic', iY1o Sr T"ENT SrRtr 'E T AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Town af W hitby, wilI, at the hour of 5:00 p.m. on the 24th day of November, 1980, in the Meeting Hall of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear In person or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent, any persan who claims Nîs land wiII be preludicially affected by such by-law and who applies ta be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 29th day of October, A. D., 1980. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.Cý., Clerk-Admlnlstrator, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whltby, ONtarlo LUN 2M8 lie bas four major concerna. Lyon's flrst concern la residential development. "At this point, we should put some restraint on residential development," he said adding that Whltby bas a need for stronger i- duatrial baae in order to keep property taxes down. He would alao like to see a renewed effort on downtown redevelopment. "Some of the merchanta have hi be commended for their efforts," he said givlng pralae hi the Downtown Ix»- provement ARea Board ad- ding that the town should, now be taking a bigger role in the ares through long range planning. "The town bas hi form a partnershlp with the down- town community, " he said. Lyon's third concern la the buses. "The service on the buses needa to- be improved, " he said adding that the service should be of a more full-tixne n ature. lus final concern la the situation i the Port Whitby area syalng that the oldest section of town la In need of a facelift. "Trhere îs a need for im- provements i the sewers," he said adding, "the roada are diagraceful. " Lyon la of the opinion that the area should be cleaned up and the beach area should be fully utiized as a recreation area. "It- could be made into a realy nice beach," he said. Delay The raffle that 15 being sponsored by the Frontenc Youth Serviées will not be drawn until April 3o,1981. The draw for a hand made grandfather dlock and backgammin table was originally scheduled for Oc- tober 31. Scouts meet Jini Murphy (left) of the 7th Whitby Boy Scouts shakes han- cis with Ian Artia (riglit) of the Holley New York American Boy Scouts during a recent International Camporee. The even The event was held in Greenwood Ontario October 17-19. -Photo by Bob Richardson Agio w me eting The next meeting of the Women's Aglow Fellowship will be beld on Novmeber 13 Associate: Ben Poirier at 7:30 p.m. at Camp Samac, Simcoe Street North, ,OSSANDRD. ASTThe guest speaker will be %.m. Sunday School Nan Biles, vice-president of &.m. Momlng Worahlp the Aglow chapter in Kit-/- >.m. Evening Worshlp chener, Ontario. She will speak on ber work with )WSH-IP' single parents. o a-1ie