WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1980, PAGE 29 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Ktchens, Ceramic TIiing, Drywall, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTI MATES Cail 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jeweîery, dishos, furniture, crocke, 011, paintlngs and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA SWIMMING POOLS inventories muet go on aoie, 1980 above ground poos, complefe wth iiter, motor, pump, wsiksround patio. tenctng. Regutarty $2395 reduced f0 ctear ai $1,479. Phone olti rue 1.800- 265-8343 for turther detaits. TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING Cîass A & D Liconse Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 day, ove. & Sat. cou rsos 1980 PERîSENNE BROUGHAM. fuit tosded, good prie. Cati 668-1012 1971 Le MANS PONTIAC, 58,000 mites, 250 motor, ln good condition. Caii 68-595 1979 MUSTANG OHIA, 2 dr hatch- back, VO, PIS, PIB, radio, automstic. Cusfom deluxe intertor. Ap- proximateiy 17,000 mites, sharp iooking car. Take oyer teaset $176 monthiy, 20 montho remsining. with buy back option. No longer required. Cati166&-2004 DUS1'YDOLLIES Ws wil dcean your home. Give us a cati. Aax. 666-2065, »ak for Judy. EXPERIENCE CLEANING, LADY avattabte Mon-Fît.. reltabie and honeai. Cli Pain sf666633. PRîVATE SEI Leainhow f0 put ford. For mdiv iesseons, apecisi oci corrective malte-up,a malte-up and browa Anne Homov 083.753 RVICE SOLIO BRICK BUNGALOW - Lot 53' X 100, 4 bedrooms, 2 bthrooms, 1Il firepisco and 18' X 32' pool. Pýded doubile drtvewsy wth Car POr9i. j $61 ,900. Sel ting content! )o. 668-9685 or appty 904 1 .ntre m, N. WVhitby. -AAIOHME &salon malte-up. MtNK LAKE - (BANCROIFT AREA> skin cars, stage 1 acre beaufiutty treed lot, private shappIng. Cati sand beach, unspoited tae. Win- B and cotd water. year round acoas - $29500. Prtvatd mortgage avatiabie. Cati 668-968 DRESSMAKING 3 DEDROOM TOWN HOME in West Lynde, near schooi. $400pur month. Phonoe68-5200 or 668-1239 evenInge. BROQKLIN TOOL CO. GARAGE ftoor jacks - $8 and up, new and used, Mtiltate trade-ins. 883- 1753 MECHANCIS STARTER KIT-98 plece set Inctudes ait basic toots for ap- prantice mechanic-, brand new regutar price $750. Soit for $350 cash. U83- 1753 DRILL PRESS 581, MTNo 2, brand new -$265. 683-1753 SAND BLASTER for body shope, 8 gai. sand capactty, complota wth mask, hoso, gun and extra nozzte;, $175. 683-1753 AIR COMPRESSORS and ARC WELDERS, new and used $125 and up. Witt take trade-Ins. 683-1753 BENCH GRîNDER 'h h.p. huavy duty condenser starter brand new, neyer ussd. $110. 683-1753 AIR TOOLS, a tango assortment of new & used air drills, grinders, san- dors, potshers. ratchets, limpaci* wrenchas, shears, nibbtars, hammerS and many more. $30 and up. 683- 1753 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 A/M DRUMNNO2000 ELECTROSTATîC COPIER AND PAPER PLATE MAKER for sale. Partty disassumbiOd due f0 moving. reasonabie. Cati 684111 land ask for Mike or Smiiy. c2,8 y MUB.M. PHOTOGRAPHY 131 B RO CK STREET NORTH WHITBV 668-6111 Mon - Wed 9 arni - 6 piln. Thuirs. Fri, 9 ain-S8pin. Sat 10 arn-S5pti. WE OFFER TOP QUALITY FILM PROCESSING AT COMPETITIVE PRICIES - AND THAT'S VALUE! 13USI NESS- STATIONERVe MAIL ORDER GARAGE SALE Saturday November 1, 1980 from 9 a.m..on. At 19 Tonlna Avenue, Brooklin. Smati and large aaaortmont of articles. Sewing machine, bikes, car radio, train set, etc. LOST DOG Aahburn aras. Large white with back patches. Maie 60-70 Ib.. part hound, part pointer. Namo Biiy. tleward. Cati 86-1985 MORSES BOARDED ln ciean modern stable. Comploe feod and daiiy tur- neuf. Cmii 655-4067. acts & Fanc les According to iegend, corn- mneal "hush puppies" were so named because they were fed tonos dogs-to make te The piIgrimns were the first colonists to aste popped popcorna gif t from the In- dians at the first Thanksgiving Worttng wlth POOPie Who are hetping themeaive SaflOvo,,, Tax0.dluctib@ Contret>uto<'To OXFAM-CANAOA sox 18e000sox 12,000 TORONTO W1NNIPEO OTTAWA REGINA MALFAX CALGARY 87. MO"WSVANCOUVER MUSIC LESSONS Qualifled Instructor Viotin or Gultar 66&.3741 FIREWOOD Seaaoned eptit hardwood mosfty mnapte . 12"- $40 facecord. Deitvered. cati 668-393 -ONE COMPLUE SET 0F MENsa WEIGHTS. For fuither Information ciii 668-7056 &fiter 3 p.m. ANTîGUE CANADIANA PtNE CUP. BOARD. 4 door sotid front, 7 ft tait, 5 ftwide. Asking $725. Cai 688.054 PLASTERING REPAIRS, tapes, dry-watt taping, coment work. 25 yoars ex- perionco. Job not foo big. CHIOKENS for freezer and for taytng eggs, and 5 month otd puilt. Cati 655- 4394 REFRIGERATOR: Coidepot, 17 cu. ftl., f rost free, harveat whoat cotour, tot hand modot. Liko New. $450 RANGE wth conttnuoua ctuaning oven, Kenmoro 30", dock and timer, harvesf wheat cotour. Extra dlean $250. Cati 668-0239 affer 5 p.m. FIREPLACE SET Swodtah astelrectangutar acroon 36" X 28" H. Swedieh steel 5 Pace f treset and Swodish atout finish grite. $50. Cali 668-0239 affer 5 p.m. JOG FOR LIFE AND BREA-TH Support your local ung Association 723-3151 MEN. WOMEN. STIJDENTSget Into action and make extra money for Chrstmas, showing our xmas tino and 150 other producte. Time ta run- ning out. Oeil 571-0412 between 7- 9p.m. Middle Mm couple requirl od too0k alter ounty home and gado. Separate accommodation. Pione 654«0 MECHANIC WANTED For amati angines and machInery. Pruferabiy *xperiuncud. Cmii 65&- .1842. NEW PLANT OF AN ESTABLISHED COMPANY Located ln the N.E. AREA 0F Toronto around Finch and Markham Rd. REQUIRES: PRODUCTION MACHINE OPERATORS To machine job lot quantities of small steel and atuminum parts. Experlence on one or more of the following machines would prove an asset: AUTOMATIC CHUCKERS AUTOMATIC BAR MACHINES GEAR SHAPERS HOBBERS MILLING MACHINES C.N.C. EQUIPMENT Wages and benefilt package are attractive. Please repiy in writing to: Personnel Manager 3441 MeNicoII st. Scarborough, Ont. MIS 3B4 PIZZAZZIP WANTED DRIVERS $1 .50 per pizza delivered. Phono af ter 4 p.m. ai 668-6495 ask for John. of. ABILITY FUND o f NURSING CARE We specialize in car e of patients In their own hotms.Our oarefulv screened insured and ex- perienced homemakers time or lve-ini arsvibes, for fui-tie arn- arl aevailab tie 4phort nusncOMC.AElbe2hus 571-3501 WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB DRAW -rhuJain& Lt» firnM Oshawa 2nd Prize of aide of beet, won by D. Mokaryk fron Don MiIIe 3rd Prtze of $60", won by Barber KIviz froin Ashburn The seller of the wînniîg ticket was Jason Spenme. In, seller of the mnost tickets was David Sharp. 1Ir No, 2-S55ýft If your car's ouf of shape you get rid of It, right? Whot if your body's ouf of shape? Li a-AIPtT~ DAY CANE tN MY HOME close Io0401 on Brock Street. Hot mel, fsnced yard. Shtft worltre wsiconte. Cati Deyoarsuaillabls ln my hom.Ac- cent on orgsntzed «ieanng, ouidoor and Indoor play, bot tunceam, referen- ces. Locatton-Oltte Crsek. Contact 668-619. RELIABLE MOTHER WISHES TO CliVE DAY CARE IN MER OWN HOME. Nutrious mamiseand good superistoil given. Anbed«lea rm. Cati 831-318 571-3501. me. nid 51 Lia NU. dLeijj 1