WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1980, PAGE il Between You and Me Bv RUTHI COUFS UJ a "An author should write for the youth of bis generation, the crities of the next and the schoolmasters of ever afterwards. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Canscaip, Canadian Society of Children's Authors, Illustrators and Performers, a group of people interested and dedicated to these arts. 1 think as of September, 1980 there are 82 members and 225 friends of Canscaip, including myseif. There are many members who bave published over a long period of time, many well known Canadian authors for children. Membership is open to anyone who is interested and more information will be given later in the column. Library consultants of every school board should obtain a COPY 0f the memberhsip directory, a bibilography of authorp ilustrators and perforiners. The directory outlines the coinl- bined disciplines of each member. Personal informattion, what, they do, their interests, their published works, perfor- mances made, awards received and any other pertinent in- formation wich they consider to be important to their work. I arn told that there are often far too few Canadian books for children on book store shelves, ini fact, they are sometimes totally lacking. We do have many Canadian authors and Can- scaip is trylng in every way to promote their works and generate interest in the arts for children. Any child who reads and can become lost in a book is seldom bored or lonesome. This carnies through a lifetime, always there and always a comfort. My greatest dellght when a small child and even no has been Christmas books, to not receive a book would be a disaster. The first thing to look for under the tree was a package which I knew contained a book or books. At this point In time for the moment I become a child again. We have a children's author and illustrator in Wbitby, Cavol Gabourie Cooper. Her verse and often cartoon illustrations are wonderful and I once again become a cbild. Carol's eyes light up and sparkle when she reads ber verse and shows children her illustrations. SmaUl nes of verse memorized as a child in a sing-song or skipping manner are probably retained for.a longer period of time 50 this is why Carol uses verse 50 much. As Carol says we live in an age of realities, many not too pleasant. Children need enchantment and fantasy. As in pollution, a reality but it can be made into a fantasy with charactors such as the Anti-Pollutes of Doaber Creek, a creation of Carols's. A wakeup story about recycling brought to life by a family of toads, publisbed by the Ministry of Enviroment. This was part f GUIDA &DINO Instîtute of Beauty 109 Byron St. S. Whltby PERM SPECIAL $2500 Reg. $3000 From Oct. 27th-Nov. Bih Cali Joannie Moze Evening appts. âvailable 668-3621 About Canscaip' s work of their International Vear 0f the Child program and 100,000 copies of the colouring book have been distributed to children in Ontario schools. They can be obtained by teachers, free 0f charge by request from the ministry. Children can become involved with pollution in this way and to date the Anti- Pollutes bave been translated into French, Italian and Spanish. Characters in children's stories do not die for the child but live on in the chld's mind to adulthood from generation to generation. We, my busband anld I, spent an hour or so to day at E.A. Fairman Scbjol in Whitby as this was Carol's day to enchant the eilîdren with atonies and pictures while she answered their questions. Mrs. Free wbo was formerly a library consultant and now a librarian at two schools is the most entbusiastic person and I think a valuable asset to the Durham Board. Her appreciation of books and realization of how important they are for cbldren is wonderful. At E.A. Fairman school about 200 books go out in a day, about 1,000 a week. Parents are closely involved and belp man this school library. Interested children, motivated staff, helpful parents and a dedicated librarian. Before an author goes to the schoo, the staff and Jean Free prepare the cbildren for the visit so they can anticipate what the visit will ail be about. They were familiar with Carol's writing and cartoons. In fact we were shown several "books" or stories written by the children for their teacher, Ron Wilberton wbo has a grade five class. They were excellent and beautifully illustrated. We may have somne valuable talent in our town who will put Whitby on the map at a later date. The following paragraph I hope will start a few heads tbinking and stimulate interest in such a challenge to be outlined. Port Coîbourne, a srnall community on the shore of Lake Erie bas taken a great interest in Canscaip and in what they are doing and 1 migbt add visa-versa. Tbey are at the moment making plans to have a three-day festival in May, 1981, to kick off and stimulate interest in a Cbildren's Cultural Centre. Last year Carol was invited and this year bopes one or more of ber Anti-Pollutes wll be in the parade. They envision a centre whereby artists, Illustrators and per- formers in residence can conduct workshops for each of these disciplines. Space for these people to display their work and or CONT'D ON PG. 16 SUMAR PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS s-666-1861 Operated byfomer Metro policeman 24 Hour Answoring -qSc Cd0M*inal Pie-Trial Invesigations Background Checks Conduct Reports InsuranoeClams Personal injury Auto Lite Fire Property Loss Businu & Commercial Salesman & Employee Checks Surveillance Undercover Investigation Skip Tracing rOm obc Background Information Missing Persons Child Custody Divorce 211 Brock St. S.1 Whityl