PAGE 26, Wl ONtSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1980, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Buses major issue in LittlefÀield's attempt to wmn west ward seat By MICHAEL KNELL Free Preos Saff Tbere te one lady ln the west ward that feels s0 strongly about the Whitby Transit Service that she bas decided te, run for council on that issue. Angle Llttlefîeld announ- ced laqt week that. she wil run agalnst incumbent councilor Joe Bugelli. Asked why she was run- nlng, Littlefied gave Uic rosponse, "buses."t "I don't llke thc bus sytem as it exista, " she said. I I I I lttlfleld, 33, is a teacher at Whtby's Henry Street 111gb School and bas been a resident of the town sincer ber family first came bore in 1954. She sald that the bus ser- vice should ho "lso serlously re-evaluated that we're not talklng about cosmetic surgery.#P Uittlefleld daims that because the ridershilà, s5 low, it coets $675 te tran- sport juat one person. "4Adult usage of the buse te decreaslng, not in- creaslng," Littlefleld also dlaims. The students who use the bus are the only people glvlng It any degree of sup- port, she said addlng that "witbout the students, it would be even more horrible." While she opposes the present system, the Gilbert street resident sald that she is not opposed te the idea of having a public transit ser- vice. 'II don't tblnk 1I'd ho totally opposed te one," she said admlttlng that she bas neyer made us of the service. She also adniltted that she is flot totally famillar wltb the process of municipal government. "I'm an Intelligent person, 1 learn qulckly," she said addlng that she la confident that she could learn te do the job. If elected, she sald that she would "flnd out as much as possible, as quickly as possible"' Llttlefleld said that she bas chosen the bus issue as ber main themne because it te the "Issue I'm comfortable wlth, the issue that I know the mnost abokit. " III believe ln my tewn and I want to seecit served. 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But to act unilaterally and at the same time expect Britian to in- clude those changes Trudeau wants - that's qulte another matter. Added to this is the fact that Trudeau's resolution cail for two different ways of amendlng tbe new constitution: by vote of the provinces through an amending formula or by going directiy to the people in a referendum. Who decides which method to use? Ottawa. It is obvious that wbenever the Federal Government wanted to pusb a contentions change througb, it could just cail a referendum and pour on the adver- tising dollars. It's like the old double standard: unilateral federal action for Ottawa's changes, an amending formula for anyone else's. By way of contrast, the Federal PC's propose that, first of ail, the BNA Act be brought home immediately with only an amending formula - agreed to by provinces - attacbed. After this, a "1constitutional convention" composed of federal and provincial legisiators and ordinary Canadians would meet to develop a package of possible amendments. These proposals would then be put througb the amending formula process and become the basis of the new constitution. The Quebec referendum and the Alberta oil-pricing dispute both show that even a strong country can have real problems. Trudeau is not doing us any favour by choosing manipulation over consultation and conciliation. ~ Let me make a Taylor Made Deal with yo u. Corne in and see me for THIS WEEK'S SPECL4L. 1976 Nova 6 cyL Power Steering Power Brakes. Automatic. Rado Defroster and more, $>62 795.O MIDWAY DATSUN 1300 Dundas St. E., Whity 66064828 Wl NTERIZE NOW We wii11 check the foilowing Items... "Hases & clamps "Batteries " Anti-f reeze Electrical connections "Llghtlng "Lube & oll change & f ilter "Wlndshleld wlpers "Wlndshi eid washer end antifreeze Exhaust system "Beits $21w95 See aur service advisor for f ree estimate WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB iNDOOR SOCCER REGISTRATION BOYS 7-11 GIRLS 7-12 Iroquols Arona Lobby Saturday, October 25 9 ama - 12noon 15 Saturdaysl$15 Commenclng November 8th. ar»mulkjv-uuu Umm ý qWMUM w Ulqwm m fflmý %revu a amom m 10 A