e Pres Ca Emporium Ads wiII- only be accepted subject to the followingCc ori Um >nditions. 17 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT, windahiold, s, ftit clase *condition $600or besi offert Phone 655-3011 atter 5 p.m. Sept. 3,80 1974, 360 MONDA, quarter fehring, good condition $800 Coli665-4046. Aug.27,80 1972 BUICK LE SABRE 2.Dr, vinyl roof, PIS, P/B, radio, good shape, new paint. $700f Irm. Cali 668k7573. Aug. 27,80 1970 GREY ASTRE, 2 dooi, 55,000 miles, ltte ruai. Good condition. Talcs over remaining paymenis of $l241month for 10 moniha. Cali 98&- 4716. Cen be sen by appt. In Whitby. Sept 3,80 1974 VOLKSWAGON BUG, good for parte, new wool plaid suits. Engine A-i $45 firm. Perigo carniage (Italien) mint condition. converta into carbed. $130 Cali 0084o661. Aug 6,80 1977 YAMAHA SNOWMOBILE,ET 250, excellent condition. $1100. Cal 655-3477 Sept 24,80 1978 VAMAHA BROC. Excellent shape, 3,000 Km. Aaklng $1,200. Phono 655-3310 Aug 20,80 1970 SLANT ô ENGINE, 16,000 miles. $275. Automatil transmission for the samo vehicie $150. Aller 5 p.m. caîl 5794125. Sept 24,80 1974 CHEVROLET CAPRICE CLASSic ail power equipment, automaic V-8, loaded wth options. Comiort and style. Certlfied. $2,250. Cali 6685678 Sept 24,80 79 FORD Ws TON, '" Super Cab Ex- plorer, AM-FM sterso, PS, P/B, crulse contrai, tilt ateerIng, factory air, with Ford Cap. Equlpped for camping. Plus much more. Muet be seen. Liai $13,500. Muet oeil aeklng $9.200. Certif led. Cali 728-700 Sept 24,80 COLLECTOAS ITEM 1 owner, 1974 Plymouth Roadrunner, 318 automnatie, 25 mles per gallon, PIS, PIB, AM-FM aieroo, t-sun rof, radiais, mag whaeis, 52,000 original mlles, not drven ln wlnter. Immaculate condition. Certif led. Aaking $3100. Phono deys 576-2032, eveninga 728- 6700 Aug. 13,80 1900 FORD FAIRLANE302 motor and transmission for sale. Good con- dItion 58,000 miles $200. or beet offer. Phono 668-36. Aug. 13,80 1969 DODOE DART, good for pane, new transmission. new radiator, engins In good condition, Asklng $20. Cali 661k1461. Aug. 13,80 32 galion aquarium wlih stand end many acces& cluding fiah. Aeklng $150. P 3821. One Portable Tolai cuitai tage or tralier $50. Ktchen tapa $25. Bath tub.& chower nozzle also sinka & One Propane cook siovE $100, One Propane Spa $100, One pair 14" snow til $20 reasonable. A quantity plplng and f ittIngs hait pric ply 704 Burns St., W., MlI 668&5272 or 578-1392. ARMY BUNK BEDS andi $75. Cali 668-9585. Approxlmaialy 'X5' PIC DOW SCREEN and àiorr ciuded, ln good condit ¾/bed trame 48"X72~, $à wood siove $110. Cali 6E TRAILER, 4 X 8, ingle fiait Cati 571-2791 SMALL DINKY TOY CAF TION $5 each approximmi Appiy 711 Burns Str. W. 3495 DISHWASHER-portable, needs some attention $15( fer. 68-8l580 LIVING ROOM/DEN SE7 swlvel rocker, 1 ewlvelq tomen. Off white with bro $35. Whliby 668-6650att ORGAN - GALANTI X300, 2-37 key manuaie, automatic rythym. Exc4 dition. $750. Cail 668-99M. 4 ALUMIÎ 4UM SCREEN each, Fireplace $100. Flc $10. Phono 655-3814. CHESTERFIELD AND celleni condition, 4 year iured veivet, ruai and bit print. Originally $1200a Calil 5784993 WESTINGHOUJSE DRYE! condition $110. Calil623-1 ~.22" COLOR T.V. $225. Cal BOY'S MOTORCROSS PRO>, excellent condition $95 or will trede for 5 bike. Cali 668-9880. OAS STOVE wiih rousE toge fridge. $200 or bes 723-2005 ONE Flighi Lina) hic ar eider on wheels. Size 2 plus like new aide pocket Phono 655-4014 WALNUT CONSOLEa Solld oak awivei office Phono 86661372. BABY CARRIAGIE In m dition - $615. UBY CRUI TRES -M36.Cati 6W3-157 lh custom sortes, In- Phono 655- Aug. 13,80 ýbfor cot- n inka and tabs plus laps $125. oe 4 burnor roc on rime ty of copper Ice $20. Ap- ltby or Cali Sept 24,80 matresses Aug. 13,80 CTURE WIN- n wlndow in- lion, $160. 25. Quebec 18-8675 Sept 5,80 bod - $125. Oct 8,80 R COLLEC- ely 70 cars>. or Cal 668- Octi .80 iKelvinator, Sept..3,80 ET. Sofa, 1 chair & Ot- own patien. cr 4 p.m. Sept. 3,80 DELUXE 13 pedals, SUent con- DOORS$20. loor polishor Sept. 3,80 CHAIR, ex- ira oid, sculp- rown dammck asking $400. -Sept 5,80 R, excellent 1534. Aug.27,80 il 623-1534. Aug.27,80 BIKE <ALL n. 1 yeor oid. or 10 spoed Sept 17,80 oerle and cot- at of fer. Calii Sept 17,80 1 nd hors soit' '2X22*'X12", te. $50 firm. Sept.95a8 PLEASE READ Whtn the advertised Item la sold, dIsposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the Item wiii b. deemed to have been sold and a commission wili be chai'ged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iliustrated beiow, regardieessIf .priCe ls stated with "lbest of fer". If the Item ls NOT SOLD, or disposed of, thead wiil be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiii apply. Ail advertisemerlts muet be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month If flot sold. RATES (If article la soid): 5% of advertised price Up to $400.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertlsed for $1 20.00 -commission due $6.00 (minimum charge ia $300) Prîvate advertising onlyl Piease notify the Whltby Free Press lmmediately when Item se soid 80 that w. may delete It f rom the following Issues. Ail ads not fitting the Emporium guldelines wili be treated and charged per week as reguiar ciassified ads on a pre pald basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads flot quoting price or quantity: Private ciassifiled ads may appear In the Emporium section under apipropriate headlngs. Ail &de wlli go un ciassîf led sacion unloesotharwlsspaclield. If ln doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: OR DELI VER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 131 Brock St.N. P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. Whltby, LiN 5S1 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. OLD FRIDO, gond for coid drinks QUEBEC HEÈ(TER, wood or cool $25. Cmii 055-4381 $ 125. Annex etovo wood or cool $150. SQUASH RACKET, brand i used. duniop $15. Cmii 668- REDISH/BROWN, cruchec sofa, 2 chairs & ottoman $15 ter 6 p.m. 665-3497.' WINTER COATS, Ladies, w size 7,- Worn twice $50. M loather, size 36 Ilko new $ Dorr - aluminum 2"~ tri-luÇ excellent condiion-$100.1 4006. COMPLE!METOF EQUIPMENT suitahie for years. Includas pents, per gloves, carrying bag etc. - plate 2 pr DAUER SKATES 8 each used only on* sem pair. Caîli6-3m4 ROYAL DOULTON BONE complote place cettinge, cream, sugar, 8 fruit nap collent condition. Contomr blue, floral deslgn. $200 or1 Caii 5764745 WHITE BATHROOM SINC chromne tape $15. Comp tape for ehowors $10. Ta $3. Medicine Cabinet <wl $10. Weather vain chimnei for 12" flue $30. AliItems condition. Phono 576-3127 KITCHEN SUIT E $45, doui laundry tubs $20. Ali itei condition. Cali 655-8084 DESK à CHAIR$25, t Cheeterfield $100, addini $25, vînyl sofa $5, 8 pc di set $90. Ciothlng and oth, Immnediate saie, cause we, Cali 668-2649 PERE12O BABY PRAM, de navy w/whiie lace trime, condition $125. TODDLEI canlage, navy. In excalleni $12. Cali 66"-137 new, nover A6563. Sept. 5,80 W velvet 55. Cali et- Sept.3,80, ihite whool lanes black M5. Storm ght brown, Phono 668- Sept 3,80 HOCKEY boy 11-13 la, heimai, su. Cem- aiz.»7 and on $W0 par CHINA, 8 îtea pot, ipies. Ex- iporary paie bosi off er. Oct 8,80 wlih set of lote set of pa for sink hilte & gold> iy extension are In good Oct 8,80 bis comeni ms In good Aug 27,80 Iwo pioce îg machine ining room oer articles. re moving. Sept 24,80 luxe style. ,excellent R SEAT for i condition Oct 1,80 BAYPA white, In go* package carri NEW BEN PIA end 12 Brownit fIied pointe, ô equlpmeni nev Cali 068.9702a ONE CONSCI $200. On@. wiih boit, grel On@ Rockinç cleanlng $40. dres wiih el 13, $20.( colour $25.C G.M. WMITi excellent ci Caii 6M8- ovenîngs. 5 PIECE DINI $50. Cmli 723- POOL COVI pool. Blue around edge, Caii 668-8785 Ont pair Cac and goalie condition. boih. Cali57( 2 Floor poile ai cross-cot boots -$W01 size 10 -$ sewing mach - $100. Cali ô Sept 24,80 POOL TABLE, BRUNSWICK, 4' X 8',: monihs old. Excellent condition. tri- cludes bous, rako and wrack. AskIng $800. Cmli 723-8416 Sept 24.80 STOVE, harveat gold, 1 yeor oid $225. Strolier $15, Baby car seat $20, baby bock pok $5, motaI tire place, electric $50. Ater 5 p.mn. coul 579-6125 Sept 24,80 SKATEBOARD FOR SALE, Tracker trucks, krypionic whoolc. WEE WILLY WRîNKLE BOARD $40 or best offer. Bike porto, bosi offer. 1/4cmii 668-5227. Dînata Sel with iv woodgrain and brase. LO $175. Caii 668-6062. ONE BROWNIE UNIFORI Cub Uniform $10, One Scc $20. Caii 668-4407. SKATES CCM Super Tracks, worr size 7½V $115. 0CM Muat 1 soason, cize 6, $70. Be Suprome size 2 for $30on( $20. H.B. Mark 7 Junior siz, Hockey Pants, blue, wal $10. Phono 668-5227 FRIDGIE, older but works g Cai 666-3148 CHILD'S DESK ln gond co Two pairs of boya akate Junior pro-Ilke now $15, ( Hall lie 5. $10. Cali 728-2 WEDDING DRESS for aimees, sizo 16, $60. Cali1 REGISTERED QUARI geiding, six yemrs and 1ý Basic dressage training 1 655-4271 vo chairs iok os new Sept. 24,80 IM$15, One Dut Uniform Sept 24,80 n 2 montls tange, worn suer Junior id cize 5 for e 4 for $10(. est 24"-26* Sept 24,80 jood - $50. Sept 24,80 ndtion, $5. as 1 size 6 CCM Bobby .578. Sept 24,80 soie, long 655-4289. Oct 1,80 rER-HORSE 15.2 hmrs. $1,700. Cmii Oct 1,80 I g/1 /7 1i7 /7 £7 7 An accident looking for a place to happen??? ®Mînîstry of Transporation an d ( 5 Communications Ontario1 I 668-61 1, Peigree, blue and >d condition. Includes lo. cuit eW&9285 Give a UNICEF gift Oct 1,80 to a friend -- and heip a child. ARÎON HUNTIM4G DOW ing Flb@aimroa <6 0 serpentine pointa>)ail ver ussd. Asking $150. alter 0 p.m. Oct 16,80 )LE STEREO, f loor modals Wintar Coat, lui longih y, fur coller, size 16, $50. ig Chair, neods a utile . On* mini green, tonnai Ilbow isngth Jackei, sîza One End-Table, walnui cmii 665-4216 Oct 1,80 E STOVE AND FRIDGE, ondltlon. AskIng $250. 6922 days 6684046 UNICEF doesn't ust make Oct 1,80 holiday cards. UNICEF aiso offiers a strikîng array of ail.- ETTE SET, walnutf Inieh - occasion cards by arlîsts kM93f ter 8p.M. f rom ail over the worid. and a handsome fine of statio- ER for 16' X 32' inground nery ensembles. Please e on black, grouments yourseif. piease a iend. , no ripa or tears - $0 and heip a çhid Buy a SOct 8,80 UNICEF gîti ioday. apa Adligoll glves For a free brochure, eaui oii iree eW Adultgoanly lime: 1n-800-268-6362. stick. Usod once, new Asl for operator 508. $80 or noareet offor for ln B.C.. caii toii iree anytime: 6-4840 il 2-800-268-6362. Ask for operator 508. shar et $10 eech. 1 pair 4iniry skis with sizo 10 i pair of mon Bauer skates $80. 1 Kanmors zlg-zag hine wlth amli ttachmenis Oct 15,80 uniel. m il 1 î f u m >.a u