PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, OCOIBER 8. 1098, WHITBY FREE PRESS M- Interim report OCTOBER 940-11 P LI Rý I e Fibergias Insulation R-12 Friction Fît 15 X48 90sq. ft. carton IS RR Our reg 16.29 3B88W R-20 Friction Fit 15 V48 50Osq. ft. 12.n88 AJAX STORE OSHAWA STORE Henry BulldaIl's glant sldewaik sale, October Henry Buldall's giant 1979180 prefinlshed panel 9,10,11. Many fantastic bargains on many, many clearance sale. Over panels to clear out at speclal Items. First cornef rst served. 10w, low prices. First corne f irst seryed. -Economy r t2 Sparticle Spruce ~!JLYBoard -2X4- 85 Shelves 41 Celling R7908- 29ea. Tule 1211X 12" Polar White 36 sq. ft. carton ShIngies have but Un adhesive spots that seu thom down tlght for comploet 24"X98" Poar Wh t on You could win oneO of 23 Ski-Doo Citation 64 Sq. fit. carton Snownobiies from Mr. Buildali. Just Corne nto aur store and fi11 out an entry form. No purchase necessary and you may enter as of- âi ten as you wish. Prizes wilI be awarded bd ion c qul y.Ete odyreglonally. You must answer a skiUI testing cro 223 Brook St. N. âz, Whitby V> 668-682"à Cý4AKGF1 Mon-Tues .............Barn -6pm C " GEXW ed -Fri . . . . .. . ... 8am- 9pm Saturday . ..........8am - bpm carton our reg.150 on WPH relea sed by health Marion O'Donnell, Chair- man of the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital Plan- ning and Priorities Advisory Committee, announced the recent release af the cam- mittee's interim report which focuses an the role that the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital should play in providing mental health care, once it is rebuilt. The report was approved at the September 25 meeting of the Durham Region District Health Council, and forwar- ded ta Dennis Timbreli, On- tario Minister of Health. The committee, established at the request of the minitr, has been warkibýig.since January, 1980 ta bring coMtmunity input in- ta the planning process for the redevelopment of- the Hospital. The report stresses the need for the provisione af a cantinuum af mental health care which would pravide camprehensive service star- ting with the prevention of mental illness, through the apprapriate treatment af emational problems, ta the fallow-up and aftercase of thase wha have received help. Alsa stressed is the need for flexibility in the design of the new hospital, ta allow for a reduction or ex-. pansion as indicated by future needs. At the centre of the cam- mittee's recammendations is the suggestion that aver the next ten years, mental health services should in- creasingly be provided in the community, allowing for a potential reduction in the size of the hospital, which would provide back-up and specialized mental health services. This wauld involve a rebali ,.;ing of the resaur- ces currently allotted ta the hospital, shifting some of those resources into the community. Health Minister Timbreil bas said he recommends 'i... providing mental health services in the community wherever possible" and that " ... people who do flot require hospital care tend to recover more quickly if they are treated in the famillar environment of their com- mumity rather than in an in- stitution". The recommendations of the report are based on the committee's extensive sur- veys of mental health ser- vice providers, service con- suniers, and on input from public meetings. More specifle strategies for meeting local mental health needs will be recommended in the Committee's final report, ta be completed by December 1980.