Whitby Free Press, 1 Oct 1980, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1980, WriIIBY FREE PRESS, Empo Press Emnporiumn Ç,,, 1668M-6111 À -1 - .S.%. ~ r1kirt othe followina Conditions. 1. 17 PT. ALUMINUM BOAT, wlndehleld, seats, irai clasa condition $600or best offert Phono 655-3011 afior 5 p.m . Sept. 3,80 1978 VAMAHA SRSO. Excellent shape. 3,000 km. Asklng $1350. Phone 655-3310. Aug. 20,80 1974, 380 HONDA, quarter fehring, good condition $800. Cali 655-4046. Aug.27,80 1972 BUICiC LE SABRE 2-Dr, vinyl roof, PIS, PIB, radio, good shape, new peint. $700 flrm. Cali 6687573. Aug. 27,80 1969 GREY ASTRE, 2 door, 55,000 miles, littie ruai. Good condition. Take over remaining payments of $1 24.1 month for 10 montha 988-4718. Can be seon by appt. In Whitby. Sept. 3,80 FISH IN' CHIP TRUCK. 196, 24ft aiuminum body, equipe Ikwiîh fryer, fri !ge, guli, potato peeier, chiper and stock. Phono alter 4:30 weekdays 705 324-6285 Sept 17,80 1974 VOLKSWAGON BUG, good for parts, new wool plaid seats. Engine A-1 $450 firm, Perigo carrnage (Itallan> mint condition. convert.s into car bed. $130 Cail 668-0661. Aug 6,80 1978 SLANT 6 ENCINE, 18,000 miles. $275. Automatic transmission for the same vehiclo $150. Aller 5 p.m. cal 579-6125. Sept 24,80 1974- CHEVROLET CAPRICE CLASSIC ail power equipment, automaiic V-8, ioaded with options. Comfori and style. Certif led. $2250. Cali1668-5678 Sept 24,80 1977 YAMAHA SNOWMOBILE,ET 250, excellent condition. $1100. Cal 655-3477 Sept 24,80 79 FORD %a TON, 16 Super Cab Ex- plorer, AMFM sierso, PIS, PIB, crulse control, tilt eserlng, factory air, wiih Ford Cap. Equlpped for camping. Plus much more. Muai be seen. Liai $13,500. Muai saii asking $9.200. Ceriified, Calil7288700 Sept 24,80 COLLECTORS ITEMI 1 ownsr, 1974 Plymouth Roadrunner, 318 automaiic, 25 miles per gallon, PIS, PIB, AM-FM ster@o, Tsun roof, radiais, mag wheels, 52,000 original miles, not driven In wintsr. immaculate con- dition. Ceriifled. Asklng $3500. Phone days 576&2032, evenir'ge 728- 6700. Aug. 13,80 1969 FORD FAIRLANE302 motor and transmission for sale. Good con- dition 591000 miles $200. or beat offer. Phono 668-8W6. Aug. 13,80 73 CRAN D TORINO. 351 V-8. PS, PIB. certif lad. Asking $500. Caii 655-3679 Sept 24,80 19M9 DODGE DART, good for. parts, new transmission, new radimior, engins ln good condition, Asking $20. CWI WI001481. - Aug. 13,00 PIONEER CASSETTDFCK with Dolby andi three tap e astings. EA- collent condition, Asking $150. 32 gallon aquarium wlth custonit stand and many accesserias, ln- cludlng 118h. Asklng $150. Phono 655- 3821. Aug. 13,80 Ont Portsbloi Tolai suitable for rot- tage or traiter $5W. Kichen sinks andi taps $25. Bath tub & taba plus shower nozzle also sinka & tapa $125. One Propane cook stove 4 burner $100, One Propane Space heater $100, One pair 14" snow tires on iims $20 reasonable. A quantity Of copper piping and fittînga half price $20. Ap- ply 704 Burns St., W., Whtby or Cali 868-5272 or 57(l-1392. Sept 24,80 ARMY BUNK BEDS and matresses $75. Cal 668-9585. Aug. 13,80 Approxlmatuly 9'X5' PICTURE WIN- DOW SCREEN and storm window ln- cluded, In good condition, $160. ¾/bed frame 48"X72, $25. Ouebec wood stove $110. Cali 668-8875 Sept 5,80 LARGE OAK DINING ROOM TABLE, antique, asking $200. Chesi like suit- case $9. Table lamps, olti ailver $45 a pair. Metail cabinet with liding doors $20. ronging board $5.00. Cali 683-66J38 ~3ept 5,80 DISHWASHER-portable, Kelinator, naeds some attention $150 or besi Of- fer. 868-8580 Sept. 3,80 LiVING FOOMIDEN SET. Sofa, 1 swivel rocker, 1 swivel chair & ot- toman. Off white wiih brown pattern. $350. Whitby 684650afier 4 p.m. Sept. 3,80 ORGAN -GALAXIDELUXE X300, 2-37 key manuels, 13 pedaIS, automatic rythym. Excellent con- dition. $750. CaU 668-99M. 4 ALUMINUM SCREEN DOORSS2O. each, Fropiace $100. Floor polîsher $10. Phono 655-3814. Sept. 3,80 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, ex. collent condition, 4 years oid, scuip- iured veivet, ruai and brown damask prini. Originally $1200 aaking $i JO. Cali 576-4993. Sept-,8. WESTINGHOUSE ORYER, excellent condition $110. Cmli 6231534. Aug.27,80 221 COLOR T.V. $225. Cali 623-1534. Aug.27,80 BOYIS MOTORCROSS BIKE (ALL PRO), excellent condition. 1 yoar oid. $95 or will irado for 5 or 10 spoed bike. Cali 668-9860 Sept 17,80 OAS STOVE with rotisserie and cot. tage f ridgs. $200 or best offer. Cali 723-2005 Sept 17,80 STEEL PIPE FOR OUTDOOR SION 4" x 21'-0" with 1 W, x 5-el" Hnger pipe $60. Phono 655&3534< ONE (Flight Lino> his and hers sofi aider on wheels. Size 22"X22'X12", plus like new ide pockeia. $50 f irm. Phono 655-4014 Sept. 5.80 PLEASE3;EAD hr' the aclvertlsed Item Is soid, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item will be deemed to have been sold aind a commission wili be Charged based on THE ADVERTSED PRICE as Illiustrated below, regardless If price la stated with 'lbest offer". If the Item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wlll be ruri for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wili appiy. Ail advertlsements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month If not soid. RATES (If article la soid): 5% of advertied prîce up to $40000 2% of balance over $40000 EXAM PLE: Soid Item advertised for $12000 -commission due $6,00 (minimum charge 19 $3.00> Private advertisîng onlyl Please notIfy the Whitby Free. PresImmediately when Item sa sold so that we may delete It f rom the fol iowing Issues. Ail ads not fittlng the Emporium guidelines willi be treated and charged per week as regular ciassifiled ads on a pre paici basis such as: services, help wanted, ciothing, reai estate, and personai message type ads, or ads not quoting prIce or quantlty: Private Classifled ads may appear ln the Emporium section urnder appropriate headings. Ail &de il go In clmusiflud section unlesasotherwlte sp.cled. I f 1in dou bt, cal 1668-611 MAIL ADS TO: OR DELI VER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 131 Brock St.N. P.O. Box 206, Whltby, Ont. Whltby, Li N 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 7 Po. DINING ROOM SUITE, excellent conditIon, $400 or besi ofler. Cali al- ler 6 p.m. 668-7644. Sept 24,80 POOL TABLE 8' X 4', 5, cues and comesalaong with balla. $100. Cali 668-4889. Sept 17,80 Nuwiy rucoverud studio Couch $90. Gold veivet chesterfieid $125. call 68-.900. Sept 24,80 RIEDISHIBROWN, crusheti veivet sofa, 2 chairs & ottoman $155. Calilai- ter 6 p.m. 655-3497. Sept.3,80 WINTER COATS, Ladies, white whooi size 7, worn twice $50. Man's black jeather, sizo 38 like new $50. Storm Oorr - aiuminum 2" tri-ight brown, excellent condition-$100. Phone 668- 4006. Sept 3,80 Chesterfield Sulte$100. Kitchen Suite $45. Al Items in gooci condition. Cal 655- 8084 Aug. 27,80 BABY CRI8 for sale. Four years olti and n good condition $60. Cali 668- 2687 afiernoon and evenings. Sept. 5,80 IBANEX CUSTOM ELECTRIC GUITAR with case $350. SIbra accoustic guitar without case $75. Cali 728-3213 Aug. 13,80 Complote set of HOCKEY EQIJIP- MENT sutimblu for boy 11-13 ysmrs. Includes pente, pada. hulmut, gloves, carrying bug etc. $6 complets.- 2pr Bauer Skates alzes 7 and 8 each used onîy one season $30 pur pair. Cmli 655,364Q ELECTRIC ORGAN (Elecirohome)u ieih bench. perfect for beginner. .i-ry gooti condition. Caii 723-6798. Sept 10,80 DESK à CHAIR$25, Iwo p Eeo chosterfielti $100. adding machins $25, vinyi sofa $5, 8 Pc dinfinq room set $900. Clothing anti other articles. Immudiate sale, cause we're moving. Calii86682649 Sept 24,80 I I ___________ $125. Anne tERWood Or coal0 Ca12 55-4931ov oo r ol 10 Sept 24,80 POOL TABLE, BRUNSWICK, 4- X 8', montha oli. Excellent condition. i- cludea balla, rake and wrack. Asking $800. Coli 723-8416 Sept 24.80 STOVE, harveat goid, 1 year old $225. Sirollor $15, Baby car seat $20, baby back pak $5, moteil fIre place, eiectrlc $50. Afier 5 p.m. cail 579-125 Sept 24,80 SKATEBOARD FOR SALE, Tracker trucks, kryplonic wheaia. WEE WILLY WRINKLE BOARD $40 or beat ofler. Bike parts, besi olfer. /cali 668-5227. Aug. 27,80 DINING ROOM SET, Octaganai table wlth 18" ext. Four uphoisiered chairs with arma (No mar casiers). Wood grain and chrome. As new $450. Dinutu Set with iwo chairs woodgrain and brasa. Look as now $175. Cali 668-602. Sept. 24,80 ONE BROWNIE UNIFORM$15, One Cub Uniform $10, One Scout Uniform $20. Cali 688-4407. Sept 24,80 SQUASH RACKET, brand new. never usoti. duniop $15. Cmii 668.6563. Sept. 5,80 SKATES CCM Super Tracka, worn 2 months sizo 7½ $115. CCM Mustangs, worn. 1 season, size 6, $70. Buer Junior Suprome size 2 for $30 and aizo 5 for $20. H.B. Mark?7 Junior size 4 for $10. Hockey Ponts, blue, waist 24"-26" $10. Phono 668-5227 Sept 24.80 FRIOGE, Oiut- cail 66-3146 Sept 24,bij PEREGO BABY PRAM, dluxe stylo, navy wiwhite lace trime, excellent condition $125. TODDLER SEAT for carniage, navy. ln excellant condition $12. Calii 68-137 Oci 1,80 )rium A dCHILDi onDE5Den good condition, $5.% Two pairs of boys skates 1 suze 6 junior pro-Ilke now $15, CCM Bobby Hall aize 5, $10. Cali 728-2578. Sept 24,80 WEDDING DRESS for sale, long E sisoves, size le, $60. Cmli 655-4289. Oct 1,80 REGISTERED QUARTER.HORSE geiding, six yoars and 15.2 hands. Basic dressage training $1.700. Cali 655-4271 Oct 1,80 WHITE, Froat-fre, WESTINGHOUSE- FRIDGE, good condition $150. Smaii dinky toy car collection $5 (ap- proximateiy 70 cars). Appiy 711 Bur- ns Str. W. or Cali 668-3495 Oct 1,80 BABY PRAM, Pedigree, blue and white, ln good condition. Includes package carrier. Cmii 668-9285 OcI 1,80 ANTIQUE DARK OAK DININO ROOM CHAIRS. 5 aide and 1 arm chair wiih hall paddod assis, $36. Cai 655- 3128 Oct 1,80 ONE CONSOLE STEREO, f oor modol $200. Onu Wîniur Coat, full longih with boit, grey, fur colIar, aize 16, $50. Onu Rocking Chair, needa a llte cleaning $40. One mIni greun, formel droits with uîbow lsngth Jacket, sîze 13, $20. Onu End-Table, wainut colour $25. Cati 655-4218 Oct 1,80 The pilgrims were the first* colonists to taste' poppedi popcorn--a gift from the In dians at the first Thanksgivingl dinner. G.M. WHITE STOVE AND FRIDOE, excollent condition. Asking $250. Cali 868-6922 days, 68-4048 SEE YOUR DOCTOR RIONT evenings. AWA-Y Oct 1,80 A message from your Lung Association 723-3151 oe Ki ee e Watt ansm .9exr spnigmny s, eHEY~THE' * HTB FREeES a esloigfrcrir o '0 eeK DnS Ia feron Bos&Grs9oele NOeLETN FOR FRTHE WantORMATIONnCsome e6o6l1 :WHITBY FREE PRESS eR %j- 13 sec S.N is lokin forcarirbfr WHITBYS ON s Wednesay afernoonsu QUEBEC IIEATER, wood or coal ýlffl MOI -goum 1. M

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