PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1980, NEW CAR SUPPlEMENT Traveling by Car? Read These Tips: Roadworthy cars shoulci bc able to pass a few criti.- cal, operatianal tests. Most ai these inspections can bc performed easily by yaur- self or a memiber ai your famlly. Begin by chccking the brake system. With the en- gine idling, place yaur foot an thc brake pedal whilc your car-.rmains stationary forat Icasi fiftcen seconds. If the pedal falîs away underfoot, it's a sign oi a possible ieak in the brake's hydraulic fluid systcm. As fiuid is necessary for proper operatian of your auto's braking system, it is impor- tant ta have ary reîate<j probîem .correctcd as soon as possible. As an additional safe- guard, you'll want ta drive the car on a dry, smooth road where there is light traffic. Bring the car toaa * 9O~AUTO BODY * Complete paint plus * 3 hours body work FREE ESTUMATES * *GUARANTEED PAINT WORK. e NO LARGE OVERHEAD4 *a NO OFFICE FULL 0F EMPLOVEES 4 Together they add up to . *ROSEDALE quality & savmngs * AUTO BODY FOR YOU 11 * ~ 202 Rosedale Ave. *g 576-6779 ' slow stop and apply the brake pedal with varying de- grecs of pressure. At each stop, check for shuddering, sponginess, or hardness, where excessive pressure is necded ta stop the car. If any ai these signa appear, there is a reasonable chance your brake systcm needs at- tentioin. You can avoid costly transmission repars by ire- quéntTyý--iêting your auto fluid dipstick. Draw the stick from its'tubular hoîd- et and éxamine the fluid it contains under normal con- ditions. It sbouîd appear red in calot and have a pleasant "un-varnish like" odor. IYou arc now rcady ta la- cate the carburetar air- cleaner, a large component found in the middle ai your carts engi ne. It's easy ta un- screw the caver and remave the carburetor filter irom its housing. By tapping the fil- ter, you should be able ta sec any accumnulated dirt. Clogged filters should be te- placed immediately. This is Also a good time ta note the calot of exhaust smoke. White smoke indicates nor- mal condensation purged from inside the engine. Blue or blue-gray smokc mndi- cates your engine is burning ail and may need mechani- cal repair. Clanking noises and con- tinuaus bouncing might bc signs ai worn shock absorb- crs. -You'll also want ta be aware ai the need ta aver- steer after turning corners. If even anc ai thes signs ap- pears, it is best ta purchase four new absorbers and in- staîl thcmn as soon as possi- bic. Cuts, uneven treadwarc, and bulges indicate marc seriaus tire pr)blems and arc usually an indicatian af needed replaccinent.. Tires should be replaced in twos, and new research indicates placement in the rear of the auto. Anytime tires are re- se an "alignment" or auto. balance should be per- formed by a skilled mech- anic., Other potential troublé- spots ta look out* for in- clude windshield wipers that may nccd réplacing, broken or baose rcar-vicw mirrors and Iights. Make sure sig- nais, taillights and brake lights are working right and that headlights are propcrly adjusted. Once you're sure your car is in good shape for the trip ahcad, make sure it's also well-equipped with a tire cx- tinguisher, road flares, tire inflators and a first aid kit. .A good first-aid kit should contain items such as gauze bandage, a 3-inch elastic bandage, heavy-duty feminine napkins (ta substi- tute for gauze), d istilled water in a plastic bottle (ta cool burns), adhesive tape, ammonia inhalants, scis- sors and safety pins. It's also a good idea ta pack a sheet that you can cut up for slings ami band- ages, plus a blanket. If there will be children along, take extra safety pre- cautions. Safety studies in- dicate thaï childrcnh should travel in the back seat and be restrained with a seat belt or, other restraint especiallY designed for them. They shauld neyer travel unre- straincd in the front seat! (Ali these recommenda- tians assume that the car in question docs flot have auto- matic restraints.) Once you're on the road, enjoy yourself, but don't for- get ta keep an eye aut for road hazards. Some af the mast common huzards secm ta be narrow bridges, rail- raad crassings, and sur- faces that are slippcry whcn wet, for instance. Bad signs can also cause ac cidents due ta a drivcr's inability ta read tbem or duc ta poor place- ment. Watch out also, for guardrails that have sharp ends instead ai curvcd ones WHITBY FREE PRESS they pierce your Car 1s body. Taa.narrow roads, sharp curves, braken pave- ments, and steep unguarded embankmeiIts are other road bazards ta bc alert for. Safcty experts advise kceping an eye out for such patential hazards and for emergcncy.escape routes as yau drive. It's bcst ta drive in' the middle af yaur trafiic lane, rather than hug the shoulder. It's vital ta take frequent test stops when yau're driv- ing. You'll stay alert longer and enjoy traveling mare if yau stop regularly ta sec the sights or just ta take it easy. VACATIONING BY CAR is still a papular way for familles ta get away tram it ail and be tagether. Praper planning can make these jaunts a joy instead of a headache! VOLVO. AT TODAYYS PRICES, IT'S -WORTH A LONG HARD LOOK, Ater carefully examlnlng and test-drMng theVolvo DL sedlan, you coulci make some very rewardlng discoverles. Like how much quallty, bath ln materlals and work- manshlp, the Volvo Di'has bult into It. And its exceptional han- dllng and braklng systems. Not to men- tion the klnd of safety features and comfort that could make yaur drlv- Ing, once again, a pleasure. Sa stop ln at aur showroomn today. When yau seu haw much value for your money aur Volvo DL sedan offers, you won't be askçing yoursetf If you can afforci ta own aon. You'll ho wonder- ing how you can afford flot to, VOLVO 4 DOOR DL SEDAN For your convenience our ports deportmeni is open Tuesdoy and Thursdcxy nights until 8 p.m. TAUNTON MOTORS LTD. Taunton Road East at Wilson OSHAWA "DURHAM REGIONS' VOLVO DEALER" 723-0209 Toronto686-1525