-777 Report from Queen 's Parlk 13y GEORGE ASHE, MPPj (P-UHA ET LÂJ. Throughout the varlous constitutional conferences of the past summer month, Ontario bas led the provinces in recom- mending that the federal government establish an integrated Canadian Economic Renewal Program, lu which ail provin- cial governments could work together with the federal ýgover- uent to provide stimulation te the Canadian economy. As a resuit of this action, the Federal Minister of Finance has agreed te cail a meeting of ail the ministers of finance in Canada on September l9th. The Goverrnment of Ontario has long supported the view that the federal role in this country should be a strong one, with adequate pwoers over the economy to goveru f irmly in the national interest. With these powers, the federal government shoulb be in a position to takcle wbat Ontario considers to be the major Issues. Ontario's number one conceru is an adequate supply of new jobs; our second coneru is the problem of oil pricing which has created enormousnew revenue flows from the consuming regions to the producing regions; and our third major conern is the need te curb inflation.1 Ontario has in the past advanced various job-creation proposals to the federal government. We have long argued for a national program te support and enhance research and development activities. Research and development must be given a new sense of priority across the nation, if we are to survive ln techuological areas that are rapidly changing or developing.9 Ontario bas special akills and tecbnology in the mass transit field te seil abroad, and we would like to see the federal gover- muent give this more support as a national industry. We have long argued that the unemployment insurance fund should be more actively used for short-term job creation, job training and job experience. The marketing of the Candu reactor, the world's safest most efficient nuclear reactor, should be inten- sified. -Our unique skills lu the areospace industry should be supported more aggressively. New communications should be cleared for our private sector to expert these. Several large Pho tography WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1980, PAGE 11 Ontarlo 's co nstitutional needs energy projeets, such as the Cold Lake project are scheduled for start-up over the next few years. An early commencement te thèse projects would provide iminediate steel jobs ln On- tario, skiled jobs ln Alberta and Saskatchewan and would phase ln the heavy demand for steel ln the mid-1980's. This leada to the second major economlc issue, energy pricing and the problems of revenue distribution tbat go along witb It Ontario recognizes that the price of où willhave to rise, and we support price increases and revenue distribution arrangements that meet basic national economnie objectives. W-e also want to ses increased efforts to conserve. We are not opposed to the use of oil and gas revenues to assist the federal goverument lu improving the economic climate in Canada. If somne portion of the new revenues are used to reduce the federal deficit, this would support the fight against inflation and head off other taxes that might be imposed. Ail that we ask la that the objectives be clear and precise 80 that the people of Ontario know what they are getting for their money. Our final major concern la inflation, which we believe can only be beaten by creating a sounder national economic situation. canada's balance of payments deficit and the federal government's budgetary deficit are clearly at the cen- tre of our national economic problem. Ontario wii continue to urge the Canadian minister of fnnet rduei i p coming budget, a 'plan for the systematie reduction of the federal deficit. Most of us, given the choice, want a country that la finan- claily sound because goverument spendixig and deficits are under control and beause lndustry bas a powerful position in the world export markets. This simple economie target, that everyone can understand, should be the basis of our national economic objectives. DENTURE THER APY CLINIC 111 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY 668-1464, The. next meeting of the Whitby Photographic Club wiil be a lecture/demon- stration on photojournalism. SpeAker will be Malcolm Mitchell of the Ajax Camera Club. Mitchell la an award- winning, freelance photographer and teacher. The meeting, open te, new and prospective members, wiil be at the Wltby Public Library, on September 22, commenclng at7 p.m. The club wll also hold the firat of three workshops on basic photography, at the library, on Saturday Sep- tember,20 from 9:30 te, 11:30 a.m. These workshops are speciaily designed for new members who wish to im- prove their working knowledge of camera, lens, and filters as well as the aprreciation of light, texture and form in photographic composition. Iu addition there will be a session on the basics \ f portrait photography. The registration fee of $12 iu- cludes membership te, the club for the 1980-81 season. New . members are welcomed. ee The fail meeting of the South Durham branch of the Ontario Association of Superannuated Women Teachers will be held at 12:15 pam. on September 24 at Kingsview United Chur- ch, Oshawa. DELTA 88 ROYALE SEDAN MONTE CARLO SPORT COUPE IMPALA 4-DOOR SEDAN CHEV OLDS 6834091 KINSALE & HWY@ NO@ 7 655-3351 I CAMARO BERLINETTA COUPE WE STILL HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF NEW 1980 MODELS THAT MUST BE CLEARED'OUT TO MAKE WAY FOR THE fý8 l's. DONI DE AY.DEAL TODAY.l