Whitby Free Press, 3 Sep 1980, p. 20

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PAGE i20. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER -3.l1 «0-WHITRY FREE PRESS Free. Press Emnporiumn CoiI 668-6111 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the fol!lowing Conditions. -w 1900 PONTIAC, 6 ýcyt, standard tran- &mission, 46,000 mites, 4 doors, vory go0d condition. $1000 or boat offer. Cali 658-3011 JI 23,80 1970 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 340 automattc On f toor, tiger carpet on in- aide, mags, very quick, runs good, $50. Ask for John at 683-7538 JI 2,80 1974 HONDA, new tires, brakes, muffler, $1,200 f irm. Calil 723-5489 after 5 p.m. JuIy 2,80 1975 TRIUMPH SPITIFIRE, new- engine, good gas mnileage, $2,500 Cali 668- 7965. June 11,80 1969 GREY ASTRE, 2 door, 55,000 miles, ittis ruat. Good condition. Take ovor remaining payments of $124.1 month for 10 montha 9884716. Can be seen by appt. ln Whitby. Sept. 3,80 1974 VOLKSWAGON BUG, gond for parts, new wool plaid seats. Engine A-i $450 firm. Perigo carniage (italian) mint condition. converts into car bed, $130 Cali 668-068. Aug 6,80 70 BUICK SKYLARK, 350 cu ln, runa greot, needa body work $295. Colt 668-7438 day or evenlng. June 12,80 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON, mechan-aound, body f air, may be cor- tified, aaklng $400. Cati 688-3052 af- ter 6:00 p.m. i16,80 1971 DATSUN 510 HATCHBIACK, 5 speed, spotiesa, Uke new, 30,000 mites AM-FM cassette. tl has super gas mieage - 36 mpg. Asking) $4,350. Cati 571-3131 i16,80 1972 Oldamobile '88 gond body and motor $895. 1969 Ford Éconoline Van low miteage, perfect condition, certIfiod $1200. Phono 576-722 or 725-3052. Aug. 13,80 COLLECTORS ITEMI 1 owner, 1974 Plymouth Roadrunner, 318 aufomafic, 25 miles per galon, PS, P/B, AM/FM stereo, T-sun roof, radiais, mag . eeii. 52,000 original mites, not driven ln wlnter. Immacutate con- dition. Certif led. Asking $3500. Phono days 576-2032, eveninga 728-6700. Aug. 13,80 CUSTOM DUNE BUGGY, cromed headers, new tires 50 and 60 series, buoket seats, hearst 4 speed. Asking $2,000. Cail 666- 3681. JuIy 9,80 TRUCK CAP, fairty good condition. $75. One oniy approximafeiy 12 fIL auminum awning $100. Cati 725-5753 atter 5 p.m. Juiy 23,80 MOTOR & TRANSMISSION for 1974 Toyota. About 3.5,000 miles, $200 also wheels and rearend, $50. Calîl 655-3006. June 11,80 1972 PONTIAC VENTURA 4 dr, 6 cyt, PIS, radio, auto. gond running con- dition, needs littho body work. many new parts, as la asking $600, Phono 571-2761. Aug 20,80 1969 01, 05.2R. hard top. PIB, PIS. air. auto. 350 V-8. can be cert. $500. Can b. seen at 309 Dundas St W, Whitby, or cati 723-5810 Aug,27,80 1975 I4ORNET, 6 vyl. ANC. mut omatîc, 29.000 miles, new condition. with roof carrier, 4 doors $2.000 or beat 0o1fe Cati 655-3011 Juty 23,80 72 DODGE %, TON PICK-UP,* 318 automatic, good runner, asklng $900. Cai 6554410 evenings and weaken- da. June 25,80 1976CHEV with 283 aufomatic $150. Phono 668-5735. Juiy 30,80 1972 BUICK LE SABRE 2-Dr. vinyl roof, PIS, PIB, radio, good shape, new paint. $700 f lrm. Cali 888-7573. Aug. 27,80 1949 DODOE DART, good for parts, new transmission, new radiator, engins ln good condition, Asklng $200. Cati 888-'1461. I Aug. 13,80 1969 FORD FAIRLANE302 motor and transmission for sale. Good con- dition 58,000 miles $200. or best 0f fer. Phone 688-838. Aug. 13,980 TIRE SIZE G78-14, glass boted, ltitte used. A bargain at juat $15. Phone 688-1060. Aug. 20,80 1978 YAMAHA SASCO. Excelent shape. 3,000 km. Asking $1.350. Phone 655-3310. Aug. 20,80 STEEL PIPE FOR OUTDOOR SIGN 4" x 21-9" with 1 'h" x 5-6" Hanger pipe $60. Phono 655-3534 ONE 8' OVERIIEAD GARAGE DOOR complote with hardware. $50. 1019 Centre St. S. Phonoe88-3941. Aug.27,80 one pair floral prînt drapes 95" x 84" $10. Two double bod sîze bed apreada $5 and $12. Console coffee table $15. New AM car radio $15. Drum sf001 $5. Catil 668-2510. Juiy 23,80 ENGLISH SADOLE mode in Argentina teather, complte wlth suade trim- mIng, A-i condition, muai be seen. Asking $500. Cati affer 5 p.m. at 655- 4121 June 20,80 PIONEER CASSETT DECK with Doby and throe tape settInga. Ex- cellent condition, Aaking $150. 32 galion aquarium wth custom stand and many accossories, In- ciuding flsh. AskIng $150. Phono 655- 3821. Aug. 13,80 GILSON 22 eu. fI. CHEST FREEZER, 'A-i condition, $200. Calil 668-0552 days and after 6 p.m. Cali 666-2215. July 16,80 ONE CASCADE 40 water heater. ideal for Cottage use, good condition $50. Cati 668-7371 June 1380 BLACK &s DECKER electric awn- mower, needa new motor. $15, Cati 668-1063 June 18,80 4 ALUMINUM SCREEN DOORS$20. each, Fireptace $100. Floor polisher $10. Phono 655-3814. Sept. 3,80 17 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT, windshieid, soats, irst doasa condition $600 or boat offer! Phono 655-3011 alter 5 p.m. Sept. 3,80 DISHWASHER-porabe. Kelvinator, needa some attention $150 or beat of- fer. 668-858 Sept. 3,80 KITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs $50; flve-drawer war- drobe, $75.; beige and brown pilow Chesterfield and chair $75. Cali 668-3457. JuIy 9,80 AIR CONDITIONER, detuxe G.E. 6,000 B T.U,- execoitent condition. used 4 sumrmera. $175. Cati in Whitby 723- 2781 atter 5 p.mn June 13,80 PLEASE READ Whrn the advertised Item Is sold, disposq unavallable for whatever reason, the Item will be have been sold and a commissIon wlll be charge( THE ADVERTISED PRICE as lllustrated below, re prîce Is stated wlth "best offer". If the Item 19 NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 AIl advertlsements must be placed on an exclu wîth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least or not sold. RATES (if artIcle le sold): 5% of advertlsed price up 10 54M.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertîsed for $120.00 -commission due $600 (minimum charge le $3.00)' Private advertlslng only! Please notify the W Press Immedlately when Item Is sold s0 that we il f rom the followîng Issues. AIl ads not ftting the Emporium guldelînes wili and charged per week as regular classified ads oi basîs such as: services, help wanted, cîothing,i and personal message type ads, or ads not quoti quantîty: Prîvate classflfed ads may appear ln the section under appropriate headings. Ail ada wilI go In cîaeifted section unies@ ofherwtae spe If ln doubt, cal 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whîtby, LI N 5S1 OR DI 1311 m THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS1 FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT N Air-conditioner, Geneli carry cool, 5000 BTU, $1. portable Photocopier, $1. 9430 ELECTRIC ORQAN, Cone begInner with bench anc good condition. $50 or be galion aquarium $10. Call Zenith Bteck & White TV, Brasa Fire screen 30" X 23 cage stand, crome $12. materiai for large cushior of 54.00 a place. Wood dryer stand, $5.00. Cou 6(0 TIME CLOCK ln gooc coats $450 new seilng f. e66-3868. REDISHIBROWN, crush sofa, 2 chairs & ottoman s ter86 p. m. 855-3497. ARMY BUNK BEOS and $75. Cati 68-9585. COLOR TV. ADMIRAý table, very gond candit beat offer. Phone 666-1071 USED GREEN VINYL Cý FENCING, 65 feet high apg 100 f eet, $75. Uaed abc Swimming Pool 12 tt X 3 with pump, adder and a pl $75. Cati 668-4744 SPEAR GUN, One Smith TYPEWRITER n viant hard shelled case, $75. Calîl 668-0827. Ju LONG HORN WESTERNe dark brown, eather corr suode trim, excellent ci Asking $350. Cati aller 5 P 4121 ORGAN - GALANTI X300, 2-37 key nmuals,1 automatic rythym. Excel dition. $75. Cmii 668-990. WESTINGHOUSE DAYER,. condition $1 10. Caii 623-153, rai Eîectrtc 25. 3M 051 25. Colt 668- JI 23,80 iadion mode, i books, tory )est offer. 10 i655-3011 JI 23,80 20" for $30. 3", $40. Bird Uphoistery ri size Places ýdn clothes 58-2256. JI 23,80 t condition, 'or $200. Colt Juiy 30,80 ýhed velvet $155. Colt al- Sept .3,80 1mattrss Aug. 13,80 %L 20" por- tion $200 or i. Aug.6,80 MAIN LINK proximatoty ove ground 1ft in depth, )astlc coter, i16,80 sking$40. CORONA ual with easking une 23,8 0 i SADDLE, ipiete with rondit ion. p.m. at 655- Juno 20,80 DELUXE 13 pedais, eUent con- ,excellent 34. Aug.27,80 RUNABOUT WITH HEAD,needs some wcr for the summer $400. Catil 668-7573. ONE 20-INCHI MTD LAWNiAOWER3½ h.p Stratton Engine--2 sei grass bag, $100. 4 Ch Rallye Wheeis with ci rings 4W Inch boitc brand new mic ZX(European design) radiats mounted andt brond new Omni or wheets $350. 4 Aungeri style wheeis 15 x 7 wl boit circle $150. Cati 65. GOLF CLUBSi BAG 1 set oft 100's R. Hand, (1,3,5) & 9 irons year, woods rel! Ram Aries carry1 used) with hea, Cost new $550. w f irm. Cali 666-10. 6421.- WALNUT CONSOLE Solid 00k awlvel off i. Phono 666-1372. CHESTERFIELD AND ceilent condition. 4 yea tured veivet. ruat and ti print Orginaiiy $1200 Calt 57f6-4992 WINTER COATS, Ladiei good condition $60.,1 wooi size 7. worn twlcg camnet duffie-sizo 7 go $40 Mains, black beathe new $50. GARAGE 0O0 with hardware, exceli $100. Storm door - au ight brown, excellent Phono 668-400. LIVING ROOMdIDEN5 swivei rocker, 1 swive fomnan. Off white with b $35. Whit>y 68-665ai SKATEBOARD FOR & trucks, kyptonic wheetl WINKLE BOARD $40. Ca ed of, or deemed to d based on egardIess If 1wiIl be run usive basis ne month If Jhitby Free may delete 1be treated ýna pre paid real estate, lng prIce or 3Emporium ýELI VER TO: Brock St.N. WhItby, Ont. THE dbON. CABIN AND rk, free storage -or beat offer. Juiy 30,80 LAWNIFLIGHT ,p., Briggs and aaon otd with hrysler product entres and trim circie, $100. 4 lchetin tires il165-70-SR13 baianced on 4 1Horizon raity aiuminum wlre fidths, 4t/2lnch 55-32M6. June 13,80 &CARRY titelist lite 3 woods used one inished, 1 bag (never ad covers. sking $400 30 or 668- June 18,80 at ereo $250. ýce rocker $15. Sept. 3.80 iCHAIR, os- ýars oid, sculp- brown damask )askîng $40$ Jl 16,80 îa woif, sîze 10 MATTRESS, EXTRA FIRM, queen size ambassador, 3 years oId, excellent condition. $80. Cmli 68-9113. Juty 30,80 FRIDGE-FROST FREE $1W0., DIsh- washer, butit-in $225., Storm door 80 x 32 $85. Calii 668-0341. Aug. 13,80 IBANEX CUSTOM ELECTRIC QUITAR wltth case $35. SIbra accousttc guitar wlthout case $75. Cati 728-3213 Aug. 13,80 TWO TWIN SIZE 39" heai vInyl finish, white with golc pr. or $5 each. Table witt legs, top white enamet 26" 30 " for $15. The above fe good condition. Cati 683-7 ntng or evening af for 6 pm. Ci-ILOS, 2 WHEELER bicyt year otd, good condition. 868-0084. AQUARIUM, 200 gsi, 1", gl piste wth stand, fiat a Aquarium, 100 gai, 'h" gl piete with stand, fish, etc. 855-4069 atter 5 p.m. TWO NEW WIGS, long da and straigth, $70 or best off de short and curiy $20 f irm. 6119 SOLIO CHERRY, French i Otning Room Suite, table, 5a armed chair, buffet ari cabinet. Asking $1,800 or bE Cati 666-1188 WEBSTER DIAPHRAM PRESSORModeI 10-3 wlth1 gun $60. Cati 655-4361. 1974, 360 HONDA, quarter good condition $800. Cati 65! CHILOS TRICYCLE $10, baby carniage & atrolier $2! field suite $100., Kitchen Att Items in good conditic 8084. 9us dryer, excellent condIl $125. Catil 668-8115. SOFA, In excellent conditi reai good buy for someoi out. Cati 688-2602. 22"1 COLOR T.V. $225. Caiu ad boards, Id frim $10 th wooden Ix 231h" s Orme are tn -7538f mor- Jung 18,80 CIO, suite 4 $20. Cati Aug.27,80 lss, com- etc. $300. osa, com- $200. Cati Sept. 3,80 lark brown fer. Bion- 1. Colt68-. i 16,80 Provincial side and 1 id china )est offer. i 16,80 CON- hoso and Aug. 13,80 r fehring, 55-4046. Aug.27,80 IGendron 5., Chester- isuite $45. in Colt 655- Aug.27,80 lion asking Aug. 13,80 Ion $300. A ne stortlng Junel 1,80 523-1534. Aug.27,80 NEFO To KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YoIJR NEW OOMMUNITY? Cali Phone 668-9168 Our hostess wiII bring gifts and gree 'tings, along with helpful cornmunity information. The Canadjien ovement for personal irinesi. Be safe ... not sorry! O Ministry of Transportation and Communications Ontario M77- 7777,77- 17-77- 77,77-, f k, -i f 1* i i. j' k m -d-, - 1

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