- -~ - -~ - I WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEVWEMBFR. l 1(),O, PAGE 9 Corridor I ~< Cap ersj DiMfRY MCEACHEN Cali 725-9867 with news items for the coiumn. wm it has been a short summer! Vacations always end too quickly, but never-the-less, the fal activities are fast approaching. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The first executive meeting of Oie fail season, wil be heid Tuesday, September 9, 8 p.m., Whitby Municipal Building. Al executive members are asked to be present. CONGRATULATIONS, GEORGE George Lofthouse, a long time resident of Oie Corridor Area, was chosen '1979 Peter Perry Winner 1 We are ail very proud of George. He lias made a tremendous contribution to our com- Also the famous IlDOLVINT Ventllated Aumlnum7A-wnîInge Manufactured by PHONE J728-1633 ALUMNUMLIMITED ftn . 845FAREWELL AVE.,, Proven Service Since 1949 OSHAWA Mur- SALE SALE ON INSTOCK ITEMS ONLY 1979 Peterborough MF OTX and Top c/w 50 h.p. $3995.00 1979 Peterborough Rouge and top $1 895.00 1979 Prncecraft Cadet and top $1 595.00 1979 Prlncecraft Rocket and top c/w 50 h.p. $4345.00 1979 MFG 17' Gypsy Star BR c/w 140 Mercrulser $8995.00 1979 Peterborough 16'6" B/R c/w 120 Mercruiser $7495.00 1979 MFG 14' Base Boat $1495.00 1979115 Evînrude o/b Motor and control box $2495.00 1979200 Evinrude o/b Motor and control box $3595.00 1980 Peterborough Jet Star $1 295.00 1980 Peterborough Sunchaser and top c/w 50 h.p. motor $4895.00 1980 Prîncecraft Cutlas B/R and top c/w 1979-115 motor $6245.00 1980 MFG 19' Sportsmen c/w top and 100 h.p Mercury $7495.00 1980 Kodlac 15' Gypsy B/R and top $2795.00 1980 Kodac 15' Gypsy B/R and top c/w 70 h.p. $5245.00 1980 Se&Nymph 15' B/R and top c/w 70 h.p. $5845.00 1980 Matteau Fury c/w top $1595.00 1980 Mattemu SS143 and top c/w 50 h.p. $4295.00 1980 Kodlac 14V Dluxe and top c/w 35 h.p. $3445.00 1980 Kodlac 14V Deluxe and top c/w 65 h.p. Mercury $2895.00 John Deere 2lOTractor $2370.00 wllh 39 mower $2740.00 wth 47 mower $2979.00 John Deere 214 Tractor $2686.00 with 39 mower $3056.00 wtth 47 rnower $31 36.00 John Deere Snow Thrower 200 Sortes 37A $557.60 John Deere Rotary Tiller 200 Sertes 31 $567.20 John Deere front blade 200 sertes 43 $204.00 John Deere 108 trector c/w 30" mower $154M.80 John Deere 65 Rdng mower 28" cul $895.00 John Deere 68 Rldlng Mower 34" cul $1295.00 John Deere 20" Rotary mower Reg. 249.00 SALESi 65.00 John Deere 826 Snowblower Reg. $1137.00 SALE$895.00 John Deere 1032 Snowblower Reg. $128N.00 SALE$995.00 John Deere 3M0 Snowblower Reg. 5384.00 SALE$299.00 Gilson 5*.p. Snowblower Reg. $795.00 SALE$669.0O Electrtc Starl $79.00 Gilson 8 h.p. Snowblower Reg. 589.00 SALE$769.00 Electrlc Start' $79.00 Glson Snow Cannon Blower Reg. £349-OC SALE$289.00 LIMITED QUANTITI ES LARRYS SPORTS &MARINE 1403 King St. E., Oshawca 725"232 U Health counei'l wants viiews on WPH rote mumity and the honour of being chosen Whitby's Qutstanding Citizen was well deserved. MANNING ROAD Manning Road bas been widened. It looks beautiful, but it bas created a hazard for Dr. Robert Thornton students, north of the street. More and faster traffic on Manning, wiil leave children littie time to cross over on Hazlewood. It is hoped that Oie Board of Education will examine the Hazlewood-Manning crossing, and possibly install a crossing guard at that corner, to ensure the children's safety. Comrnents on this probiem area would be welcomed. CORRIDOR CAPERS DANCE The fali 'Capers Bail' wiil take place on Saturday, October 18 at Heydenshore Pavillion. Keep the date in mind and reser- ve vour tickets well in advance.' GARRARD ROAD SIDEWALKS Sidewalks are progressing well along Oie west side of Garrard Road. From Rossland to Manning Road, the walkway is nearing completion. It has been a big project, and will be much appreciated by pedestrians trying to navigate along that busy street. Sehool chidren, especially yvill appreciate a safer waiking area. A job well done. HIGH SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION Our high school students have a real problem. As previously stated, because 0f our municipal bus system, Oie board 0f education has deleted high school bus service for students living south of Rossland Road. The municipal system is flot adequate to accomodate the number of young people requiring transportation. Cost is also a major factor. Whereas, the board of education supplied free transportation, the town buses will average $10 per month per child, just to get them to and from school. Our education tax remains Oie same, but our local taxes are higher to help offset the deficit created by the municipal service. Maybe we should arrange car pools for the few Whitby Transit passengers and run the buses for Oie school children. A couple 0f cars should do the trick! However, this is no laughing matter. It is costing taxpayers ùùz arm and a leg to bave near-empty buses tooting around town, and double those limbs if you have children attending high school. It must be a loneiy job driving municipal buses, especially in Whitby. Town fathers in their wisdom, have created a monstrous problem. We cal al Oiank Counciliors Bugelli, Attersley, Drumm and Evans, proponents of Oie municipal* system, for our children's dillema. This is not necessarily the opinion of the Free Press or any of its employees, but it sure is the opinion of the majority of tax- payers with children attending high school, living souOi of Rossland Road. tee of Oie District Health Council is advising Oie On- tario Government regarding the redeveiopment of WhIt- by Psychiatric Hospital. Donna Loveli, Oie Canadian Mental Health Association's representative to this committee, says "We hope ..to attract former patients, friends or relatives of patients, front line professionals such as public health' nurses, community service officers and family physicians-ail of these people to air their views on 1) problems with existing mental heaith services; 2) Oie need for new or alternate services, and 3) Oie roie ofi Oie Provincial Psychiatric Hospital in meeting these probiems and needs." The public is invited to at- tend this meeting as obser- vers or as citizens wishing to express their views. The meeting wiil be held in Oie Council Chambers of Oie Whitby Municipal Building and refreshments wiil be served. For more infor- mation calOie Durham Region District Health Council at 668-6214. Grant for seniors housirig We are pleased Io announce that JOANNE DRA PER former ou'ner of NEW IMAGE HA1R S TYLES WITH THIS COUPON£ k Tues. and Thurs. only pcc 0ý coPo _ LA CONTESSA 1BEAUTY LOUNGE 119) Green Street 668-9262 à More than $700,000 in federaily-insured boans and grants wiil provide reduced rentaI accommodation for somne elderly citizens in Oie Whitby area. Accouncement of Oie funds' approvai was made last week by Paul Cosgrove, the minister responsible for Canada Mortgage and Housing Cor- poration (CMHC). CMHC is the federal government's housing agency. A $715,000 boan fromn Vic- toria and Grey Trust Com- pany will go to Manning Mews Non-Profit Homes Imcorporated to construct 20 senior citizen units. The boan will be insured under provisions of the National Housing Act (NHA) for a 35- year term. An annual federal subsidy of Up to $61 ,627 to help offset the building's operating costs, however, wili effec- tiveiy lower the loan's in- terest rate to as 10w as two per cent. This in turn wil help reduce some rents charged on units to be oc- cupied by lower-income residents. Clustered in fîve buildings, the 20 one- bedroom units wiil feature larger than average living space. Each wili be ground- oriented, ailowing seniors easy access to their building. Extensive ian- dscaping including trees and paOiways is being pîanned for the surrounding ares. In 1977, Manning Mews received assistance from In- terfaith Homes Incor- porated to develop accom- modation for Oie elderiy. In- terfaith sponsors non-profit groups in Ontario wishing to Iauncb housing projects for persons of limited incom- ce, and Is Toronto-based. A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, Sep- tember 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the coundil chambers, Whitby Municipal Building, to discuss mental health needs in Durham Region. Are present services of Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital adequate? Should Oiese ser- vices be retained, expanded or discontinued? Should they be offered at Whitby or should Oiey be located in other communities served by- Whitby? Should other in- stitutions and community services be taking respon- sibility for some of the ser- vices now offered by Whitby Psychiatric Hospital? These questions are im- portant for residents of Durham Region, which is within Oie service area of Whitby Psychiatric Hospital and wiil be affected by any proposais for Oie rebuiiding of the Hospital. The public meeting is being organized by the Durham Region District HealOi Council to obtain in- formation from citizens living in Oie ares served by Whitby. The Planning and Priorities Advisory Commit- mmoppo,- -qw -,q- -%qqý a