Whitby Free Press, 20 Aug 1980, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1-0, 1980, PAGE 25 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IM PROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B6-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CaIli668-4686 HISTPT RICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Ijewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, ail, paintlngs and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA BROOKLIN TOOL CO. SPECIAL SALE Ail air tools. Hait price on ail micrometers, socket î wranch set, vices, jack, drill sets, drill press, 3 ton hoist, hydroiic garage f loor jack, 1/2ton CapaCity $195.OO and sand biaster and other tools for mechanics. Ail Items fuiiy guaranteed. Made in U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OR Straight Trucks Cali 11te Canadian institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 416.864-9381 Established in 1971 TRACTOR TRAI LOR TRAINING FOR Ciass A & D license cal "PARTICI PATIO N" 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses CAIRNS " Property Services " Light Landscaping Brad Cairns 6 SWIMMING POOL CLOSEOUTS Aanufacturer has new 180 oois, regular price of $2790 0oW at end of osasan pecial of $1488. Pools ýquipped wîth pump, motor Mier, fencing, patio and valk around dock. Cail IM- ERIAL POOLS toil free1 0-268970. 77-1 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER Overstocked. Muet close out aIl 1980 modela and sîzes. Huge savînge on above ground and ln ground pools of steel and ulumlnum. No monthly payments untl 1981. Cal IMPERIAL POOLS toîl f ree 1-800-268-5970. *Inventories muet go on sale, 1981 *above ground pools, complet. wit *f liter, motor, pump, waîksraund patio* *fenclng. R.gularty $2,395, reduced cere$147.Phono toit free 1-80 265-8343 for further detailq. BUBN WSDING *Aiuminum & virtyl siding, soffitt, Mfascla & seamiesa alumnInumi eavestroughing Instal lation. Free~ *eetimates, very reasonable. Caili 668 [or senior citizens. PIANO LESSONS AVAILABLE on coronstlon Rd. from Jane petrenko, B-M us. greduate study Uao Tr. Begn nlng piano & preparatlon for conservaloi'Y exams. ALL AG ES- 688&4974 I RESSMAKINQ ALTERATIONS DONE Phone 668-2864. CASH LOAN nover repay. For free dotaux write 10: Mrs. Lundiow R R 1 Locuet Hill Ontario [OH iJO HOUSEéNLAKE Dairymple, 55 miles north of Hwy. 12 from Whitby. 3 bedroomn bungalow, living room wth fireplace, four pc bathroom, moderr kitchen, carpet throughoul, full basement. Eleven blocks hlgh with ail conveniences, hot and coid water, eiectrIcally healed. Asking prîce $49,000 wlh 5,000 down paymenl. Cail 668-3495 belween 4:30 and 7 p.m. CLEARWATER FLORIDA six, 3 bedroom, furnished mobile (permanent) homes. Pools, tennis, shuffleboard, air, guif, beaches, Disney World. Chiidren Welcome. 683-5503. ONE BEDROON BASEMENT APAR. TMENT wiii b>e avalable September 1 1980. Prefer mature woman oi couple. Oeil 6682357 aller 5 p.m. Abstaineors only please. 3-BEDROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, Port Perry W. $355 mont h. Caîl 852-7729. DAY CARE WANTED for teacher tr my home ln Collage Downs ares fi two children beginning Sept. 1, 1980 Phono 666-1844. EXPERIENCED à RELIABLE daycaro ln our home. Mon - Fri. Key east area. Gooct Lunches. 540. a weak. Cal 668 1218. anytime. LOVINO à RELIABLE PERSOII required ta care, for 2 cbildren agee!5 years and B monibe in aur homo In West Lynde. 5 day vtek 730-530, lighi housekebping. rfrefices, live out. 68-9631 I I I CONSUMER SUBVEY Former patients of the Whltby Psyv.hletrlc Hospital are lnvited te take part in a conlldentlal consumer survey. The information whlch la gathered will be kept strictly con- fidentiel and wil be used to plen future services ta, be provlded by the hospîtel. Phone Mental Health Durham et 723-5133 ask for Project Viewpoint or Stephen Bourque. If you know a persan who bas received treetment et Whltby, pleese tell them about this ad. INCOME TAX COURSE Classes Belin Sept. 15 H&R BLOCK wiil teach you tao p are Incarne tax re- turne i n a speciai 13 week tulion course. e COURSES COVER CUR- RENT TAX LAWS e ENROLLMENT OPEN TO ALL AGES " NO PREVIOUS TRAINING OR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY " JOB INTERVIEWS AVAîLABLE FOR BEST STU DENTS For detaîls and class scheduies please phono: 723-221 7 15 Bond St. E. Oshawa (Canada) Lld. WHITBY DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Cenlenniai Building, noxl sesson beglns Sep- tomber 10, 1980. New members welcome. For furîher information calu 668-9997 or 668-4756. OSHAWA ANTIQUE GUN COLLEC- TORS show and sale, kinsmen Com- munity Centre, 109 Coiborne St. W. Oshawa. Sunday, August 241h, 1980. 9 ar.. 0 1 p.m. Ladies Silver dollar Draws. Admission $1.00 Ladies Freed BOUVIER de FLANDRES PUPS, CKC registered, top champion bioodline, excellent guard & companion dog, great wlth kide. $350. Oeil 683-7684. ORGAN usodLOWREY, two-manuai organ, auto rhythm, easy ta Play. Cali Lowrey argon & Piano, ln WhItby et 88-3544. WANTED About 40150 stacking chairs. Phono Ernie Howard days 683-6690, evenings/weekends 683-8580. CLEANING LADY available la dlean offices, buildings, etc. Evening bours or night. Whitby, Ostawa, or Ajax. CaUl Helen, 666- 3m2. USED OFFICE FURNITURE We have a warebouse full of used of- fice furnîture haro ln Aax. Saiection ic good and Inspection sa by appoin- tment only. Values are excellent and you cen cave large amounts over prasent new pricas. For exemple: Used Secretariel Posture Chairs seliing new for up ta $119.00 new may be purcbased home for as lilîle as 529.00. Terme are cash & carry with deiivery evaîlabie. CeIl Dickeon Prin- ting and office Supplies et 683-1968 f or addilionalIinformation and an ap- pointment to view. STOVE A FRIOGE nearly new, $30. each. Girl's customn made bedroom suite, dresser, desk, bookaheif, plus sisal bed rails. $400. excellent con- dition. CeIl 728-2927. YARD SALE, Friday and Saturday, Auguet 22 & 23 f rom 9-6 p.m. Freezer, table saw, sheives, dishes etc... 1105 Athol St. Whitby. EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show aur exciting line of Christmas cards and gifla ta friends, neighbours, relatives. No experience required. Our big, colorfully illutrated catalogue makes it easy and profitable. Start nowl Write today for free Christmas catalogue and in- formation. Monarch Greeting- Carda, 217 Cen- non St. E. Hamilton, Ont. UN 3K3 or Phone (416) 527-3891. PART-TIM E RECEPTIONISTITYPIST Local office requires receptionIat- typiet for afternoon work, Monday la Friday. hopkins St. location, muet have coma knowledge of typing, filing, and generai office procedures. Apply by phono for appoinîment 6«6- 1561 or 686-1561. RNS or RNAS Join one of Canadas leading Nursing Services ... becomei a Comciato Nursel1 -full or part lime work -arrange your own schedule -paid weekly -short lerm dIsability Insurance -ma-prectice insurance -in service ceminars oshawa comcare ltd. 1I Saturday, Auguet 23. Auction sale of large Ou of ishes, antiques, f urnIture, hundreds of amal articles the property of Mrs. J. H. Danleil Jenkins, wiliibe heid at ber resîdence 1 Evelyn Ave. Rouge HIII Pickering. 5 miles west of Pickering Village on Hwy. 2. Circuler Oueen Anne design mahogany table, Adam period 4 ft. cabinet bookease wlth elaborate carved decoration, canopy top, giazed doors, over base wlth twln doors and mIrrored surround, vlc- torlan oak etorage cabinet (large) mahogany occasional chairs, number of book cases, wlcker furniture, 4 pc maple bedroom suite, antique black marbie mental dlock, modern scan- dinavian desk (lke new) severai engllsh prints and pictures, 2 framed Baxter prInts, 2 antique gui framed 011 paIntInga, steamer trunka, Cuckoo dlock, set of eariy Victorien semi- porcelain 6 desert plates and 3 mat- chIng comporte, sterling silver soup tumeen, 12 pr ofesilver and Ivory desert knIvee and forks (halimarked> 2 Britannia plate tes services, Por- celain and sliver victorien biscuit barrai, silver antique letter scale, cut glass and sîlver antique tentalus decanter, set of three crystal and silver pinch-bottie decanters, brasa antique latter scale, a number of cop- par lustre ware plîchers, lvory miniature cheat 0f drawers elaborateiy decorated, section of ivory tusk figured with elaborate mothar-of-pearil niaid decoration, large qu of brase, copper, china, being part of a large famiiy collection, refregeralor, slave, freezer, Ilnens, ellectrIc sewing machine, eiectric pump and water tank, partial set of ivory blIlliard ballesIn fin box, etc... Plan t0 attend this sale, there wIii be somethIng for everyone. Property soid, terme cash or good chaque, sale et 10 a.m. Lunch evailable. Reg. and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phono (705> 357-3270. _______ AUCTION SALE, saturday, aug. 23rd. at 12 noon, 208 Euciid St. WhItby. Household effecte for Lawrence and Ruby Cammack. lnciuding 26" color TV., Maytag washer & dryer, oid radios, bede, chesta. dressers, tables, oid waii phone, hall stand, de- humidifier, wicker settee, giassware, china, amail appliances, too16, gun, and iswn mower. Plus numnerous misc. artIcIes. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 7265 AUCTION SALE, Saturday, Aug. 30, Sunday Aug. 31, Monday Sept. 1, 1960. GLent 3-day auction et 1 p.m. deily. Seliing the complete contents & property of The Talisman Antiques, 420 Division St. Coburg, at this ad- dres. ApproximatelY 5.000 Items plus the stateiy 1830 Perry Mansion (Woodlswn). This le one of the largeat offerInge of this qualily ever heid ln the province. Preview Saturdey, Aug. 23, and Sunday Aug. 241h et il a.m.-5 p.m. daily. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4456* AUCTION SALE, Wed. August 2lth at 6 p.m. NEEO To KNOW in the Blackstock Community Aren a SMEIIIO> Excellent antique OEHN i items; china, glas s and crystal, heav 'YoRNE duty tools, many ex- YU E cOMMUN JOHN PEARCE AUC- CM UI AUCTION SERVICES 985-7472 Cl JOHN PEARCE Cl Pe a se prevent forest fires! ýBOUT b'Y? îali)h Phn. 6689168 Our hostess wili bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community information. PanRwIIPOt«017»P The canadian movement for personal filess. M o Co S113M Driver preoecupation can be fatal. PROTECT YOUR LUNGS FROM Tra nsportation and FUMES, GAS AND DUST r A message f rom your Communications Lung Association 723-3151 Ontario ~Y-~' I> i I Som le say it's good luck ta sleep with a cat, Some

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