Whitby Free Press, 20 Aug 1980, p. 24

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Free 0 Press Eimporiumn CaiI 668-6111 f2l Emporium Ads wiII only be occeDted subiect to the followina Conditions. w 1900 PONTIAC, 6 cyl, standard tran- smission, 46,000 Mtes, 4 doors, very good condition. $1000 or boat offer. Coii 655-3011 JI 23,80 1970 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 340 automnatic on f ioor, lIger carpet on In- ide, maga, very quick, runs good, $50. Ask for John ai 683-7538 JI 2,80 1974 HONDA, new tires, brakes, muffler, $1,200 f lrm. Cal 1723-5489 af ter 5 p.m. JuIy 2,80 1975 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, new engine, good gas mleage, $2,500 Cali 668. 7965. June 11,80 72 DODGE MONACO WAGON 318 V-8, good conl- dit ion $500. Cali 683-3472. June 6,80 1974 VOLKSWAGON BUG, good for parts, new wool plad seats. Engine A-i $450 flrm. Perigo carrnage (Itallan) mint condition. converts Int car bed. $130 Cali 668-066. Aug 6,80 70 BUICK SKYLAIIK, 350 Cu in, runs great, needs body work $295. Coli 668-7438 day or evening. June 12,80 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON, mechan-soufld, body fair, may be cor- tiied, asking $400. Cali 668-3052 ai- ter 6:00 p.m. i16,80 1978 DATSUN 510 HATCHBACK. 5 speed, spotless, like new, 30,000 Miles AM-FM cassette. it has super gos mileage - 36 mpg. Asking $4.350. Cali 571-3131 i16,80 1972 Oldamoblie 188 good body and motor $895. 1969 Ford Econoline Van low mloage, perfect condition, certilied $1 200. Phone 576-722 or 725-3052. Aug. 13,80 1976CHEV wilh 283 automnatic $150, Phonoe668-5735. July 30,80 1969 CAMERO SUPER SPORT, black, white in- terior, 350 2-barrel, 3 speed on the f loor, posi-traCk rearend, $2000. or best Of- fer. CalII 723-6967. June 11,80 72 DODGE Wa TON PICK-UP. 318 aulomnalic, good runner, asking $900. Cali 655-4410 evenings and weeken- ds. June 25,80 TRUCK CAP, I airiy good condition. $75. one only approximateiy 12 IL. aiuminum awning $100. Coli 725-5753 aller 5 p.m. juiy 23,80 MOTOR & TRANSMISSION for 1974 Toyota. About 35,000 miles, $200 also wheels and rearend, $50. Calîl 655-3006. June 11,80 dii' >,eds inule bod, ew , <.,%as ra aslnrng yAOii r.arry Augusl 20.80 COLLECTORS ITEMI 1 owner, 1974 Plymouth Roadrunner, 318 automatlc, 25 mles per gallon, P/S, PIB, AMIFM sterea, T-sun roof, radiais, mag s-els, 52,000 original mles, flot driven ln wlnter. immaculate con- dition. Certif ied. Asking $3500. Phono days 576-2032, eveninga 728-700. Aug. 13,80 CUSTOM DUNE BUGGY., cromed 50 and seats, Asklng 3681. headers, new tires 60 series, bucket hearst 4 speed. $2,000. Caîl 666- JuIy 9,80 1969 DODGE DART, good for parts, new transmission, new radiator, engine ln good condition, Asking $200. Cali W68-1461. Aug. 13,80 1978 YAMAHA SR500. Excellent shape. 3,000 km. Asking $1,350. Phone 655-3310. August 20,80 GIRLS BEDSPREAD - purple floral, single bed size, good condition, $15., Cati 668- 9379. May 28,80 KITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs $50; fiVe-drawer war- drobe, $75.; beige and brown pilîow chesterfield and chair $75. Caîl 666-3457. J uIy 9,80 ont pair floral print drapes 95" x 84" $10. Two double bod aize bod sproads $5 and $12. Console colffaie table $15. Now AM cor radio $15. rum stool $5. Cati 666-2510. Juiy 23,80 ENGLISH SADOLE mode in Argentina leather, complote wih suode lrim- mlng, A-i condition, must be seui. Asklng $500. Coualller 5 p.m. ai 655- 4121 June 20,80 PIONEER CASSETT DECK with Dolby and lhre tape soilings. Ex- cellent condition, Asking $150. 32 galion aquarium wlih custom stand and many accossorles, in. ctuding lsh. Asking $150. Phono 655- 3821.- Aug. 13,80 GILSON 22 eu. fi. CHEST FREEZER, A-i condition, $200. Cail 668-0552 days and af ter 6 p.m. cal 666-2215. July 16,80 ONE CASCADE 4n waler neaier. iea for Cottage use, yzýod rondition $50. Cati 666-7371 JuneJ BLACK & DECKER eloctric iown- mower, needs new motor. $15, Coti 668-1063 June 18,80 1-3 Pce Chesterfield Suite, very good condition. Mut-coloured veivel $150. 668-1436 ca; aller 5:30. June 11,80 TRUCK CAP- 42" roar door. only usod 2 weeks - $500; Swimming Pool Putpà Fluer with motor, and lillois 25 ihousand gallons a day $350, 683- 8043 ltune 1180 WOODS SOFT TOP CAMPER ou .00'on clw 9g X 12 ' orlent S U -ail 6833472 ORGAN - GALANTI DELUXE X300, 2-37 key manuals, 13 pedlals, automnatic rythym. Excellent con- dition. $750.Cati 668-9902. AIR ;ONDITIONER. deluxe G.E, 6.000 B 1 U, execellent condition, useil 4 %ummefs. $175 Cati n Whiby 723- 2181 aller 5p rm June 1380 PLEASE READ Whrn the advertîsed Item Is sold, dlsposed of, or unavallable for Whatever reason, the Item wlll be deemed to have been sold and a commission wlll be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated below, regardless if prîce Is stated Wth "best offer". If the Item Is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad willI be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 WIII apply. AIl advertisements must be pîaced on an exclusive basis Wth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If flot sold. RATES (if article la sold): 5% of advertlsed prîce Up t $4000 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $1 20.00 -commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la $300) Private advertisIng only! Please notlfy the Whitby Free Press Immedlately when Item lB sold s0 that we may delete It f rom the followlng Issues. Al ads not fîttîng the Emporium guldelines wiIl be treated and charged per week as regular classifiled ads on a pre pald basîs such as: services, help wanted, clothlng, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantlty: Private classifîed ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headîngs. Alil Me wiil go In ciiisified section unies@ otherwIse op.cified. If ln doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whltby, Li N 5S1 OR DELI VER TO: 131 BrockSt.N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. Air-condIlIoner, Generai Eiectric carry cool, 5000 BTU, $125. 3M 051 portable Photocopier, $125. Cali 668- 9430 JI 2380 ELECTRIC ORGAN, Canadian made, beginner wllh bench and books, very good condition. $50 or best offer. 10 galion aquarium $10. Colt 655-3011 JI 23,80 Zenith Biack & White TV, 20" for $30. Brasa Fire acreen 30" X 23, $40. Bird cage stand, crome $12. Upholstery moteriailfor large cushion size paces aI $4.00 a piece. Wooden ciothes dryer stand, $500. CaiI868-2258. JI 23,80 TîME CLOCK in good condition, costa $450 now setting for $200. Cali 66-3868. Juiy 30,80 21 Cu. Ft. FREEZER, asking $50. Cai l 668-9585. July 16,80 GARAGE DOOR DOUBLE- Steel 7' X 16' Good condition $125, c/w Har- dware, Cati 683-3472 June 6,80 ARMY BUNK BEDS ond matresses $75. Colt 668-9585. Aug. 13,80 COLOR T.V. ADMîRAL 20"' por- table, very good condition $200 or best offer. Phone 666-1071.ý Aug.6,80 USED GREEN VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCING, 65 foot high approximotely 100 foot, $75. lJsod above ground SwImming Pool 12 fi X 3 fi in depth, with pump, iaddor and a plastic covor, $75. Colt 668-4744 i16,80 SPEAR GUN, asking$40. One Smith CORONA TYPEWRITER manual with hard shelled case, asking $75. Cal 668-0827. June 23,80 LONG H-ORN WESTERN SADDLE, darli brown, leather complets wïth suade trim, excellent condition. Askîng $350. Cati afier 5 p.m. ai 655- 4121 June 20,80 gai dry.r, excellent condition askung $ 125. Call66U8-8115. Aug. 13.80 TWO SKYLINE <AIJSTRIAN> 10 SPEED BICYCLES (26 loch), one mons one womans, like flOw $75 each ONE 20-INCH MTD Lawnfiight Lawnmower 31/2 horsepower. Brlggs and Strailon Englne--2 season old wilh grass bag, $100. 4 CHRYSLER- PRODUCT RALLYE WHEELSwirir centres and tim rings 41/2 inch bc-it circle $100. 4 BRAND NEW MICHELIN tires ZX (European desirrg) 165-70-SR13 radiais mounled and batanced on 4 brand new Omni or Horizon rallye wheels $350. 4 AUNGER aluminium wire style wheels 15 X7 widlhs, 4112 inch boit circie $150. Cati 655-3266 June 13,80 PRINCESS 8ED - 3 drawers. Ex- cellent condition. White French Provincial. Asking $200. JI 23,80 TWO NEW WIGS, long dark brown and siraigih, $70 or besi olfer. Blon- de short and curly $20 firm. Cati 668- 6119 i16,80 SOLID CHERRY, French Provincial DInlng Roomn Suite, table, 5 side and 1 armed chair, buffet and china cabinet. Asking $1.800 or besl of fer. Colt 1666-1166 i16,80 FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, 30" a $120. Screen avaliablo, $10. Oniy used a lew limes. Coli 655-3977. JI 23,80 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, ex- cellent condition. 4 years old, scuip- tured velvet. rusl and brown damask prinI 1riginaliy $1200 asking $400. Cali 'r 499;' J 1 16,80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, gouge H.O., 4' X 8 beautiflly landscaped, including engines and roiling stock. $175. Cati 655-3961 i16,80 1 LARGE (approx. 9' x 5') picture window with centre ight & outside single hung aluminum screens & Storm windows included, ail in workable condition - $175.; 3/ bed trame (48" x 72"~) with headboards- $25. Caîl 668-8675. June 4,80 MATTRESS, EXTRA FIRM, queen size ambassador, 3 years old, excellent condition. $80. Cali 668-9113. Juty 30.80 FRIDGE-FROST FREE $100., Dish- washer, bulIt-in $225., Storm door 80 x 32 $85. Cati 668-0341, Aug. 13,80 IBANEX CUSTOM 5»LECTRIC GUITAR with case $35. Sibra accoustic guitar without case $75. Cati 728-3213 Aug. 13,80 TWO TWIN SIZE 39" head boards, vînyl finish, white with gold trtm $10 pr. or $5 each. Table wilh wooden egs, top white enamet 26" x 23W" x 30" for $15. The abovo Items aru ln good condition. Cati 683-753la mor- nlng or eventng afier 6 p.m, .une 18,80 GOLF CLUBS & CARRY BAG i set of titelistIlite 100's R. Hand, 3 woods (1,3,5) & 9 Irons used one year, woods refinlshed, 1 Ram Arles carry bag (neyer used), with head Covers. Cost new $550. asklng $400 f irm. Caîl 666-1030 or 668- 6421. June 18,80 Toathe Un4»e TRJM ATREE 0F HOPE. 1Please send cheque or Smoney order along with name and address bo:I Suite 318, Help the Aged 88 Eglinton Ave, E.,I IToronto, Ont. M4P 1C7 uTele: 14161 489-1146 I uThe charity is registered I Sin CanadaI 1 lReg.No.045099909131I Iand ail donations are Ideductible for income taxI purposes.I ****** ssSS*S@SSSSSS.USSWS eue 0 0 HEY ekIDSI eWant to earn sonie eextra spending money, how :about a Paper Route? THE *WHITBY FREE PRESS~ : is Iooking for carriers for: 0Wednesday afternoons. :~ Boys & Girls 9 or older: : ,~ NO COLLECTINGI1 e 1' v. l-FOR 1îvîî ,.INF0RNIATI0N CALL: 668-6111: or drop ini WHITBY FREE: ~ PR ES S S1,31 Ilrock Si.N. * Whid>y * WHITBYS ONLY NEWSPAPER 0 PAGE 124. WEDNESDAY. AUJGIST 20.190. ~lWFUlTRY FLREPR.ISS ,-qqmwý '-9@Mmopl

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