PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1-0, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS ParvovfOrus 4,,has finally hit the reg ion By S. GREENAWAY Free Press Staff Reports of confirmed and highly suspected cases of pavi-ovirus, a cisease wbich attacks the digestive system ln dogs, are beglnning to crop Up ail over Durham region said Doctor Clayton MacKay of the MacKay Animal Clinie in Whitby. Cases of pavrovirus had began to fude out over the province in the past few weeks. but MacKay now says that there bave been two confirmed cases of the disease in bis dlinic alone last week. On top of the MacKay clinlc the Osbawa Animal Hospital and several other - . FF"e veterenery bospitals in Oshawa have reported several suspected cases of the virus. "'These are the first signs that we are in trouble in the region, " siad MacKay. To compound the problem of an outbreak supplies of the vaccine have depleated at sucb a rapid rate that there is almost none left in the region. MacKay said that bis duinc would run out sometime yesterday after- noon. "Brooklin bave 100 doses," he added, "but I could go tbrougb 100 doses today."p He said that at present vets of the region are not ex- pecting anotber shipment of the vaccine until October. Parvovirus is transmitted by contact between a con- taminated dog and a non- immunized dog. 0f the two confirmed cases reported at the MacKay clinic botb dogs are now 64resing comfortably at home" according to MacKay. Two more dogs that are suspected to have bad the disease were brougbt to the chiei Friday. One died and the other was eutbemized. MacKay is stili waiting for the test resuits to confirm parvovirus. Witb no vaccine left and none due until October, MacKay said tbat ail suspected cases of the disease should be reported to the family vet. Parvovirus is accomn- panied by vomitting, diarrboea and a general listlessness in the animal. "I think tbat owners are going to have to keep their pets as isolated as possible for tbe next while," said Know what the advertisments If anyîhing shouid be obvi- ous 10 the consumner, il is that in today's markeîplace, there are almiost as many ways to selI a producî as there are products for sale. One of the mosî effective, cf course, is Ihrough adver- tising- in magazine's, news- papers a nd on local lelevi- sion. The great majority cf retailers use advertising re- spo:nsibly, just as Ihey run their businesses. But adver- \ z~' 579-4999 COUPON BRING IN TH-IS COUPON AND YOU WILL RECEIVE * 2.00 OFF [[2: FFCREAM RELAXER & PERMS COUPON tising can also be used de- ceptively. And the only way to avoid being taken by mis- ieading advertising is to learn how to recognize it before you end up-with lcss than you bargained for. Assess ad claims carefully Where advertising is con- cerned, Ihal oid adage "there is noîhing new under the sun" couldn't be more true. The products may change, but the techniques rernain the sanie, and the informed consumer recognizes Ihem immediately: eFree gîfts. Can you really get sorneîhing l'or noîhing? Take a good look aI the fine print. You nmay xin a "f*ree" radio with the purchase cf a dishwasher. But the dish- washer's price may hiave been increased to cover the cost cf' the radio. The saine ap- plies 10 discount certificates and other such special offers. They rarely resuit in substan- tiai savings. How about the record club thal offers a "f*ree" record player to any- onle purchasing a record each mionth t'or twelve months? A quick check aI local record outiets rnav reveai that the advertised price cf the rec- ords wvas grossly inflated. Be sure to check contipetitive prices and find cul lust how "free" those free gifts are. eSuggested îist price. Somie- tirnes a manufacturer or dis- tributor will put an inflated price on a produet that the retailer simply doesn't ex- pect to get. The suggested list price then becomnes noth- ing more than a convenient "talking point" froin which the seller can appear to be giving you a "speciai" deal if you buy rigkt away. Again, check competitive prices. That "steal" you are offered at $99.95 may be available down the street for consider- ably less. e Discount. The word "dis- count" is frcquently mean- ingless. The "discount" aI one store may be a regular price at the nexl. A retail outiet that has the lowest prices in sporting goods, for instance, may have the high- est in household furnishings. Fven between so-called "dis- count" stores then, comnpari- son shop. a Wholesale. The idea Ihat goods are being sold at whole- sale is expressed in any nurn- ber cf ways, through such ambigucus phrases as "un- believablc savings", "fan- tasîic price reductions". "factory prices" and su on. But unless you have an uncle in the business, the chances that you will receive a truc whiolesale price are slim ini- MacKay. If in doubt about the vac- Îine situation, symptomS or what to do to help your Pet, MacKay sais close contact with the family vet is a must. Parvovirus, according to MacKay, bas a 5-7 per cent -iiortality rate. Say deed. True, there are such things as "loss leaders" that are priced extrenîely low to attract customers. But aside from these unusual cases, no retailer who sold at his own wholesale price could stay in business. Don'tlet thie promise of "wholesale" prices deter you from coin- parison shopping. CONT'D ON PG. 27 Record system CONT'D FROM PC. 14 repairs, insurance, and depreciation -- can be claimed as a deduction. File profit - and - bs statement (T2032), avail- able from your District Taxation Office. It lista all categories of expenses and deductions. Once you've set up your record-keeping system, you'll find it simple 10 follow. And if your money- making venture is success- fuI, 'it will be weIl worth the trouble. ENTRY FORM OSHAWA MAYOR'S CUP RACE August 24, 1980 - 1:00 p.m. ai Oshawa Centre Registration fee - $1 .00 Registration tee with Sponsor's Name on T-shirt - $5.00 PLEASE MARK VOUR DIVISION WITH X EYOUTH-BOYS &GIRLS, 10 & under (1) lap) EBOYS &GI RLS- 11,12 & 13 (3 laps) EIYOUNG TEENS-14,15 & 16 (5 laps) E MEN & WOM EN- Overl16 (8 laps) Ail entrants muet pre-register for the race at the Motor City Rolliarena or by mail. It wili te place eround a course et the Oshawa Centre and wIil b. I ½h miles ln length. BALLOTS MUST BETU RNED IN AT MOTO R CITY ROLLAR ENA IN PERSON NAME:A tiGE: BORN: -_______ ADDRESS: CITY: ______________POSTAL CODE:____________ PHONE: ARE YOU SPONSORED? CI NO - Registration Foe, $1.00 CI YES- Registration'Fee, $5.00 Sponsor's Nome:_________________ Your Registration Number is: No.________________________ (Number wiII be issued at timne of registration) Ail Entries passod August 17,1980 would have to be delivered. "Rentai skates can be plcked Up" between 9 a.m. and il a.m. on Aug. 24180. For more Information contact: Registration forms may be picked up at Dave Emerson the foIlowing locations: (1) CKAR Radio Motor City Rollarena (2) Motor City Roliarena (3) Both Burger P.O. Box 2218, 22 Athol St E. Kings (4) Saints Roliarena ln Whitby (5) Oshawa, Ontarioo 11H 7V5 Coliegiate Sports (6) Athlete's World (7) _____________________________jT-Shirt Gallery (8) Foot Locker. OSHAWA CENTRE. C.K.A.R. 1350 PEPSI COLA. MOTOR CITY ROLLARENA Ail Monies Going To The Oshawa and District Association For The Mentally Retarded Helen's Beauty Flair Spcaizing in East & West Indie ktypes of hair f or men & joe PERMANENT CREAM RELAXER AFRO CUTS à SETS JERRY CURLq TINTS à PERMANENT CURLS *HOT COMB PRESS à CUAL BRAIDING 1. Oshawa 9-6 Weekdays 7:30-4 Sat. 1 UMM"