tPAGE 8, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 13, 1990. WHITBY FREE PRMS Ottawa Report By SCOTT FENNELL MP (PC -O0NTARI10) Canada is in the midst of the most criical process a country can undergo: constitutional reform. Granted, reform has heen haggled over for so long that many Canadians have lost in- DIAL- N -INSPIRATION' Dial 668-1331 and hear a three minute inspirationai message by Pastor Emmo Oltmanns of the Emmanuelchurch at 401 Rossland RoadW. in Whitby. Alan J. Risen,B.A.,LL.B formorly a partner in the Iaw f irm of Af fleck, Risen & Somna wishes to announce the opening of his new office at Lord Slmcoe Placé, Suite 1C 57 Slmrcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ontarlo 571-3942 Pref erred area of practice in crirninal law. Constitutional reform; critical period for'Canada w. to Canada, planning for an amending formula which would be acceptable Lo boOi Oie federal and provincial governments began in earnest. Applylng to Oiose sections of Oie Act, Canada could amend and any oOier sections arising as a result of patriation, Oie proposais were designed to give Oie provinces a say in Oiose changes which would impact upon Oiem. We came close twice to agreement on a formula: in 1964 wiOi Oie Fulton- Favreau formula and ln 1971 wiOi Oie Victoria Charter. BoOi imes Oie proposais <ied because unanimous consent was denied by Quebec. Next week: a look at some of Oie constitutional issues. Fate of restaurantm hands of 0MB terest in or are oblivious to the debate. This time Oiough, Oiere seems obe a real impetus to succeed. The "no" vote in Oie Quebec referendum along with the resource ownership and control questions of the other provin- ces have shown us just how fragile a political union can be, just how easily 113 years of partnershlp can become unglued. And no country is Imune from such strains. Belgium, for example, has just instituted a new constitution in an effort to deal with its regional disparities and language problems. Over Oie next several weeks I'm going to look at Oie con- stitutional debate and, while trying not to take sides, discuss some of the issues in this dry and complex Lopic. The FaOiers of Confederation, through Oie British.-North knierica Act, envisaged a Canada far different Oian today. They intended a highly centralized union wiOi Oie provinces responsible for onlyl Oie rnost minor or local matters. no one couic have foretold Oie rise of Quebec nationallsm, Oie in- credible demand for 011 and gas or Oie increased economie power of Oie provinces. Instead, Oie patten intended in 1867 has been reversed: Oie pressure is now on Ottawa to become more sensitive to provincial aspirations. Perhaps it bas been only through our ability to compromise and negotiate over Oie yeàrs that we have been able to work out our differences despite a somewhat dated constitution. The powers Oiat be, Oiough, feel that this graduallst approach may not work much longer. Perhaps Oie greatest impetus for change cornes from Oie fact that, since Oie 1960's, the BNA Act bas been criticized and re-examined s0 often that iLs credibility has suffered. Piecemeal change will probable not suffice eiOier; only a major overhaul could ever satisfy all Oiose who now have a vested interest in reform. Before proceeding further, two related definitions are fun- damental to understanding Oie constitutional debate: par- triation andamendment. Canada was created by an Act of the British Parliament for, after ail, until that ime we were but colonies of Oie MoOier Country. That statute, Oie British NorOi America Act, our con- stitution, is still in Oie archives at Westminister. Over Oie years, Canada has graduaily assumed responsibility for amending Oie Act, save for certain fundamental sections which have remained with Oie British Parliament. By patriating Oie Act, Canada would have fuil and complete responsibility for its constitution. As well, there is a certain stigma in some people's minds in having a self-governing country approach anoOier count.ry for permission for amend, even if that country is Britain. Since pressure began in the late 1940's to bring Oie BNA Act restautrant may cause and Oie unpleasant smell of the garbage that would be created. Many of Oie Kendalwood residents have lived there since 1963, before Oie plaza was built. Whitby council approved a zoning change lasL March ailowing Oie plaza to ex- pand. Wils on- Seymour Margo, daughter of Jack and Effie Wilson, Whitby, and William, sonl of James and Alice Seymour, kincar- dine, were married by Rev. W.J.S.- McClure in St. An- drews Presbyterian Church on July 26, 1980. "Butchart Gardens of east"l A unique tourist attract- on has been opened 3 miles noy th of the Town of Whi.')y (Taunton Rd. west of N, . 12 Highway).' Fromer metro parks commissioner Tommy Thompson predicted that li zi ; 1 oi 111 THEN THINK WEATHERTRONR HEAT PUMP by General Electrlc " More efficient than an ordinary electric turnace. Because at doesn*t have ta make heat. it extracts heat from the outdaor air. " Easy to instail where existîng warm air ductwark is adequate. " One system heats and cools. Replaces bath a canventianal turnace and a central air canditianing system. The Weathertran' Heat Pump by General Eiectric - Amercas No. 1 selling heat pump FIND OUT ABOUT IT!. vil9 I.imo-1v heatlng & air conditlofllng contractors 129 Cartwright Avenue Toronto 789-3247. Whltby 686-1864 "Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village" would become the "Butchart Gar- dens of the East". The village is located on 50 acres of rolling, treed far- mland and is built on a scale of 1 to 12. The village in- cludes a train running Oirougb Oie 100 buildings. A village church, complete with organ music and a wedding party, are a centre attraction. Future plans in- clude Oie addition of a miniature resort complete with tiny boats and fisher- men.1 Len Cullen, while working at Edwards Gardens (Toronto) in 1948, long ago decided that he would develop bis own public gar- den. The miniature village concept followed a visit to Woodleigh Replicas in Prin- ce Edward Island. Every building is an auOientic reproduction wiOi Oie plans taken from pic- tures of Oie actual buildings. The village train station is a duplicate of Oie Whitby station. Miniature people, hand made form epoxy and depic- ted in various states of everyday life - such as CONT'D ON PG'. 9 The fate of a proposed Winco Steak and Burger Restaurant hangs in Oie hands 0f Oie Ontario Municipai.Board. 1Kendalwood residents must wait for sixweeks until Oie 0MB passis it's decision on their appeal to turn down Oie proposed expansion 0f K- Mart plaza. Devan Enterprises, K- Mart Plaza owners, want to build the new restaurant on Oie norOi east corner 0f Oie plaza's parking lot. "We're going to fight Oiis until our views are properly heard by everybody," said residents spokesman Bill Lovelock. Lovelock said Oiat residents don't want the restaurant to ha constructed on the north east corner of Oie parking lot, but would' be more Oian willing to have iL built on the norOi west cor- ner, away from Oieir homes. Residents fear Oie added noise Oiat patrons of the e