PrAGE 16,WEDNESDrÂA . 13. Free 0 Pr( col Emiporiumi 1668-6111mo Emporium Ads-wiII only be occepted subject to the followinai Conditions. w 1$W0 PONTIAC. 8,cyi, standard tran- sMission, 48000 miles, 4 doors, very good condition. $1000 or besi offer. Cali855-3011 Ji 23,80 1970 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 340 auiomatic on fioor, tiger carpet on ln- aide, mags, very quick, runs good, $500. Ask for John ai 683-7538 JI 2,80 1974 HONDA, new tires, brakes, mut- fier,. $1,200ifirm. Cali 723-5489 salr5 p.m. i 2,80 1975 HORNET, 6 cyi, AMC, automatIc, 29,000 miles, new con- dition, with roof carrier, 4 dorrs. $2,500 or besi of fer. Coui 655-3011. JI 23,80 1975 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, new engIné- good ga, mut jge, ',500 Cali 6!.,i.79&- Jun .1,80 72 DODGE MONACO WAGON- 318 VII good condition $50, Cali 68ý3-3472 June 6.80 1974 VOLKSWAGON BUG, good for parts, new wool plaid seats. Engine A-i $450firm. Perigo carniage (Itallan) mint condition. converts into car bed. $130 Cail 668-066. Aug 6,80 70 BUICI< SKYLARK, 350 cu ln, runs great, needs body work $295. Cali 668-7438 day or evaning. June 12,80 1969 CAMERO SUPER SPORT,Biack' White Intarlor, 350 two barrai, 3 spead on the f loor, posey trac'. raarand, $2000 or besi off.' 723-6967 J une 1l1.8( 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON, mechan-sound, body fair, may be car- tiiied, asking $400. Cali 668-3052 si- ter 6:00 p.m. i16,80 1978 DATSUN 510 HATCH8ACK, 5 spaad, spotiesa, lika new, 30,000 miles AM-FM cassette. It has super gem miiaag - 36 mpg. Asking$4,350. Calil 571-3131 i16,80 75 BUICK LA SABRE A-I mechanicai cond. Landau roof, bucketm, certiiiad $2000 or bost ofiar. - Runabout with cabin and head, needs nmre work, f ree morage for the summer $400. or boat offer Caii 668-7573. Juiy 30,80 1976CHEV wiih 283 utomnatia $150. Phono 668-5735. Juiy 30,80 MOTOR à TRANSMISS'ON Sf. - 1974 Toyota about 35000 mu,. , $200i, aiso wheeis and raar-ond. $50. Cali 6M 3006 June 11,80 72 0000E VW TON PICK-UP, 318 auiomaiic, good runnar, asking $900. Caii 655-4410 evenings and weekan- ds. June 25,80 TRUCK CAP. firiy gocd condition. $75. one oniy pproximataiy 12 fi. auminum mwning $100. Caii 725-5753 aller 5 p.m. Juiy 23,80 CUSTOM DUNE BUGGY, cromad headers, new ' -es 50 and 60 mrias, buckat se., s. hearsi 4 speed. Asking IOLLECTORS ITEMI 1 ownar, 1974 Plymouth Roadrunner, 318 automatic, 25 milem par galion, PIS, P/B, AMIFM stereo, T-sun roof, radiots, mag WheetS, 52,000 originalimmues, not driven un winter, Immaculata con- dition. Cariiad. Asking $3500. Phone dmys 576-2032, evaninga 7284700. Aug. 13,80 1909 DODGE DART, good for parla, naw transmission, new radiatoi, angine un good condition, Asklng $200. Cati 668-1461. Aug. 13,80 PIONEER CASSETT DECK with Dolby and thrae tapa satiings. Ex- cellent condition, Asking $150. 32 galion aquarium with custom stand and many accessories, In- ciuding fish, Asking $150. Phone 655- 3821.- Aug. 13,80 ARMY BUNK BEOS and matresses $75. Calil668-9585. Aug. 13,80 ORGAN - GALANTI DELUXE X300, 2-37 key manuals, 13 pedals, automatlc rythym. Excellent con- dition, $750. CaLI 668-9902. GOLF CLUBS & CARRY BAG - 1 set oft iteiisi lite 100's iR. Hand, 3 woods (1.3,5) & 9 irons used one year, woods refinished, 1 Ram Aries carry bag 1-ver used) wiih head covers. Cosi .W $550, asking $400 f irm. Cali 666- lUJO or 668-6421. June 18,80 1 LARGE (approx. 9' s 5') picture win- dow with centre ight & outsida single hung aiuminum screena & storm windows inciuded, ait in workabio'4 condition - $175.00, 3/4 beri trame (48" x 72") with headboards - $25 - caii 668- 865.June ~,t one pair floral prînt drapes 95" x 84" $10. Two double bed siza bed spreads $5 and $12. Console cof tee table $15. New AM car radio $15. Drum stooi $5. Cati1666-2510. Juiy 23,80 ENGLISH SADDLE made In Argentins ieathar, complets wiih suade irim- ming, A-i condition, muai be seen. Asking $500. Cali afiar 5 p.m. at 655- 4121 June 20,80 1-3 PlaceO Cheserfilid Suite, very good condition. Mult-coioured veivat $150. 668-1436 caii mter 5:30. Juna 11, 80 ONE CASCADE 40 water heatar, ideai for Cottage use, good condition $50. Cali l668-7371 June 13,60 TRUCK CAP- 42" rear door, oniy used 2 weeks - $500; Swlmrnlng Pool Pumpî Filuor wiih motor, and fliters 25 thousand gallons a day 4 350, 683- 8043 .iuna 11,80 BLACK & DECKER aiaciric iawn- mowar, needa naw motor. $15, Cali 668-1063 June 18,80 GIRL'S BEDSPREAD - pîtîpia floral, -single bed size, good "mndiiion, $15 - caii 668-9379. MAV fflfRl IITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs, $50; Five-drawer wardrobe, $75; beige ant1 bro'- n piiow chesieriieîu uand chair, $75. Calii666-3457 i, 9,80 LONG HORN WESTERN SADOLE, dark brown, ieathar complats with suada trim, excellent condition. Asking $35. Caii alter 5 p.m. ai 655- 4121 Juna 20,80 COMPLETE MAUSKIN MOTOR & SAND FILTER AS NEW 'A HP. motor, 3450 RPM AND FîLTER. STAINLESS STEEL SEE-THROUGH PORT.' POSITION VALVE. Self pfrmer, H-ydrmuiic.miiy bminced. SO. Phone 6M82967. PLEASE READ Whrn the advertised Item is sold, disposed of, or unavailabie for Whatever reason, the Item wiIl be deemed to have been sold and a commission wiil be Charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as lllustrated below, regardless If priCe is statad With '"best of fer". If the Item Is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wilt be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wlll apply. Ail advertisements must be plaCed on an exclusive basis Wth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ai least one month If not sold. RATES (if article la soid): 5% of advertlled prie up ta $40000 2 % of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertIsed for $120.00 -commission due $600 (minimum charge le $3.00) PrIvate advertisIng only! Please notify the Whitby Free Press Immediateiy when Item Is soid 50 that we may delete It f rom the foiloWlng Issues. Ail ads not fitting the Emporium guidelines will be treated and charged per week as regular ciassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heip Wanted, ciothing, real estate, and personai message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classIfied ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headIngs. Al &de wili go In ciaeitiia scton unlama othemîmae apecif lad. If ln doubt, call 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whltby, Li N 5S1 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock St.N. Whltby, Ont. TH-E DEADLîNE FOR EMPORIUM ADS îS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. Air-condItIonsr, GenamiEiaciric carr cool, 5000 BTU, $125. 3M 051 portable Photocopier, $125. Cali 668- 9430 Ji 23,80 ELECTRîC ORGAN, Canadien made, beginner with bench and books, very good condition. $50 or basi offer. 10 galion aquarium $10. Cali 655-3011 JI 23,80 Zenith Bieck & White TV, 20" for $30. Brasa Fire acrean 30' X 23", $40. Bird cage stand, croma $12. Upholstery materil for large cuahion siza places ai $4.00 a place. Wooden ciothas dryar stand, $5.00. Calii668-2258. JI 2380 TIME CLOCK in good condition, Costa $450 new saiiing for $200. Cali 6868-3m68 Juiy 30,80 SPEAR.Gun, asking $40. On. SMITH- CORONA TYPEWRITER, manuai wlth hard-sheiied case, asking $75. AIi 668-0827 June 23,80 GARAGE DOOR DOUBLE- Stel 7' X 16'. Good condition $125, c/w Har- dware, Cali 663-3472 Juna 6,80 SOFA- in (excellent condition) $300 and lwo aphoistared chairs for sala $50 each. A rai good buy for someone starting oui. 668-2602 June 11, 80 AIR CONDITIONER, deiuxe GE. 6,000 B.T.U., axacailent condition, used 4 summers, $175. Cali in Whitby 723- 2781 i ter 5 p.m. June 13,80 WOODS SOFT TOP CAMPER 900d condition c1w 9' X 12', ,'îp on tenu. $350 Cali 683-3472 June 6 80 COLOR TV. ADMIRAL 20" por- table, very good condition $200 or best offer. Phone 666-10771. Aug.6,80 USED GREEN VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCîNG, 65 feet higis pproximataiy 100 feet, $75. Used aboya ground Swlmmîng Pool 12 ft X 3 fitun dapth. wih pump, iaddar and a plastic cover, %75, Cai666-4744 i16,80 21 cu ft FREEZER, Aking Lc 6ffl89C* 50. Colt i 16,80 TWO SKYLINE (AUSTRIAN) 10 SPEED BICYCLES (26 inch), one man's one woman's, like new $75 each. ONE 20-INCH MTD Lmwnfiight Lawnmowar 31/ horsepower, Briggs and Straiton Engine--2 seasori old with grass bag, $100. 4 CHRYSLER- PRODUCT RALLYE WHEELSwiiIî centres and trlm rings 41/2 inch boit circie $100. 4 BRAND NEW MICHELIN tires ZX (European desing) 165-70-SR13 radiais mounted and baiancad on 4 brand new Omni or Horizon rallye wheeis $350. 4 AUNGER aluminium wire style. wheeis 15 X7 widihs, 4V2s Inch boit circia $150. Cali 655-3266 June 13,80 TUXEDO STYLE COUCH, Iliver gray crushed veivat. Excellent for rec. room, $60. Piaase cali 668-1075. May 21,80 PRINCESS BED - 3 drawars. Ex. caltent condition. White Frenchs Provincial. Asklng $200. Cati 868- 0718 JI 23,80 TWO NEW WIGS, long dark brown and siraigih, $70 or besi otier. Blon- de short and curty $20 iirm. Cati 668- 6119 i16,80 SOLID CHERRY, French Provincial DIning Room Suite, table, 5 aide and 1 armed chair, buffet and china cabinet. Asking $1.800 or basi 0f fer. Calil 666-1168 il16,80 FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, 30" a $120. Screen avaiiabie, $10. Oniy used a few Urnes. Cmii 655-3977. JI 23,80 GILSON 22 cu fi CHEST FREEZER, A- I condition, $200. Cali 668-0552 days, and after 6 o m. cati 666-2215, JI 16,80 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, ex- cellent condition. 4 years oid, scuip- iured veivet, rust and brown damask print, Orîgînaiiy $1200 sking $400. Cati 576-4992 JI 16,80 ELECTRîC TRAIN SET, gouge H.O., 4' X 8' beautifuity iandscaped, inciuding angines and roiiing stock. $175.Cmii 655-3961 JI 16,80 MATTRESS, EXTRA FIRM, qusen size ambassador, 3 yoars otd, excellent condition. $80. Cali 668-9113. JuIy 30,80 FRIDGE-FROST FREE $100., Dish- washar, buit-in $225.. Storm door 80 x 32 $85, Cati1668034 1. Aug. 13,80 WEBSTER DIAPHRAM COM. PRESSOR Modal 10-3 with hosa and gun. $160. Cali 6554381. Aug. 13,80 IBANEX CUSTOM ELECTRIC GUITAR with casa $350. Sibra accoustic guitar Wlthout case $75. Cati 728-3213 Aug. 13,80 gus dryer, excellant condition asking $125. Calii688115. Aug. 13,80 TWO TWIN SIZE 3911 head boards. vinyl finish, white with goid trim $10 pr. or $5 each. Table with wooden egs, top white anamei 26" x 23½i" x ,0"' for $15. The aboya Items are ln good condition. Cali 683-7538 mor- ning or evening mter 8 pm. June 18,80 Crosswalks are for pedes- trians. STransporiation and 5DC ommunicaiions NEFO To. KNOW SoMETHING ABOUT YoUR NEW OOMMUNI1Y? Cati Phone 668-9168 Our hostess wiII bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community information. HEY KI1DýSIl' Want to earn some eextra spending money, how '0 0 about a Paper Route? THE ,,WHITBY FREE PRESS*' le is Iooking for carriers for: 0Wednesday afternoons. ~Boys & Girls 9 or older: s: NO COLLECTUNG 1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: ' 668-6111: or drop in *WHITBY FREE PRESSe0 131 Broc% si. N.* * WHITBY#S ONLY NEWSPAPER 0 sese es***a 0 0* 0** eee eu* T 13, M