r 1Our historial heritage By EUGENE HENRY, Whiybysf remost htorian The Whitby Chamber of Commerce can be justifiably proud of its record over the years, in connection with the annual Peter Perry awards for outstanding citizenship. It lias created a meaningful institution in the life of this communlty, that is understood, respected and appreciated by ail, in the Whitby area. It la this fact, more than any other perbaps, that offers a guideline towards a new and broader based format for the popular annual event. Publisher John Pritchard, recently suggested in his newspaper that the Peter Perry award project migbt be reviewed in its totality in the light of the secrecy that bas always been characteristie of award investigations and a dlminisblng attendance at the annual award dinner and ceremonies. Whlle we share Mr. Prltchard's concern and apprehensions for what seems te be an overail decine in the chamber's prime p-.-ject, we will confine our comments and recommendatiolis in tliis column to a caîl for a simpler, more accessible award ceremony at the Municipal Building and the gift of a newly designed, fine-art medal, to future winners of the Peter Perry award. Investitures at Rideau Hall i Ottawa to Orders of Canada and the like, are dignified butsimple affairs and the fortunate few are often given specially designed medals as part of the ceremony. This is the kind of ceremony that the Chamber of Commerce might consider in connection with future awards. The event might take place in the Municipal Council Cham- bers, with Oie Mayor and councillors participating in Oie a-ward ceremony in an appropriate way. The present memento of Oie award might be replaced by a special medal that would be designed by a Canadian artist who specializes in medal design. It is my view Oiat the Whitby Chamber cf Commerce is now Oie custodian/admiflistrator of a Whitby area institution, with a high degree cf accountability teOie people of Whitby. Such being Oie case, future plans fer Oie awards miglit be broader based, less expansive, less exclusive, and public oriented affairs. I am net calling for a change in Oie terms of reference for potential award winners. It would seem however, that under BY FREE PRESS, WEDN ESD AY, AIJGCUST 13.ý 1980, PAGE 15 preset rules, distingulshed. citizens wli international credentials as scholars and writers along with publi ervmants who were real Whitby builders were not perceived as eligble for the Peter Perry award in reent years. Leaders in the field of architecture have an expression t.hat seems to be. applicable to the search for a new and successful format for the awards, "Lem makes more" Handycapped to be funded this year CONT'D FROM PG. 10 funding and implemation of developmnental programa, and recreational training and activities. The Mimistry of Health has budgeted $30,617,000 this year for the continuing provision of residential and health care ser- vices for mentally retarded persons. The Ministry wlll also continue to be responsible for the operation of current programns which Include health services and nursing care, basic custodial care and some social and recreational ac- tivities. The Ministry of Education, through local Boards of Education will maintain responsibility for special education programs offered for young peuple up to, the age of 21. 1 believe this is an extremely worthwhile and important program which will ensure that every nientally handicapped person in Ontario has the opportumty to, reach his or her fullest potential and to enjoy an active and rewarding life. Happenings. LADIES BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL Registration for both the~ ladies Monday night basketball and Oie Wednesday night volleyball is going te be held on Wednesday, September 3, 1980 from 8-9:30 p.m. at Oie West Lynde Public School in Whitby. For further information cail 668-9762 or 668-6426. WATERFRONT WALK! The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's summer pregram continues tonight, (August 13, 1980) with a walk at Oie Waterfront Conservation Area. Starting at 6:30 p.m., Oie wallc will leave from our office at 1650 Dundas Street East in Whitby. We'll walk along Oie Lake Ontario shoreline looking at Oie ducks, geese and swans which frequent this area as well as any other plants and wildiife we happen upon. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority offers free guided walks at ene of Oie 12 Conservation Areas every Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 1:00 p.m. through Oie month of August. Evening programs cf films and a slide show are shown every Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8:30 p.m. at Oie Heber Dewns Conservation Area Campsite. For more information caîl (416) 579-0411. CONT'D FROM PG. 10 another country, and be careful te ask permission if Oie subjects know they are being photographed (your long lens or tele-extender may keep that knowledge from them if they're far eneugh away.) A final set of suggestions: take your pictures in early morning or late afternoon and choose side or back lighting rather Oian front lighting. Keep your space and expesed film in a cool place whenever possible and don't load your camnera in 'J I direct sunlight. And if you're Oinking of buying camera equipment at a duty-free shop abroad, familiarize with local prices before departure so you'll knew a' bargain when you see one. e .s ta e 'OWN! SMALL SMALL 1978 Honda Accord Gold, sharp, sharp car! 5 speed, radio, WIW, W/C, defroster, LIC: M PC 441 CARS!O PRICES' 1978 Datsun 510 Brown, matching Interior, automatic, radio, W/W, defroster. LIC: MSV 357 1 Get permissonto shoot subjects "PIZZAZI P" Dellvery Person Requlred $1 .50 per pizza Must Have A Car! 668-1 121 Ask For Tony Alvice a 1977 AMC Gremlin 1977 Camaro Black, white interlor, automatic, 6 cylin- Tan, matching interior, automatic, 6 der, power steering, power brakes, cylinder, power steering, power brakes. radio, console, W/W, W/C, only 44,000 LIC: LLZ 490 miles. LIC: LXV 438 1977 Nova 2-Dr. 1976 Chevette 2-Dr. Blue, white cloth interior, automatic, 6 cylinder, power steering, power brakes, Beige, matching interior, 4 speed, radio, radio, W/W. LIC: LYA 617 W/W. LIC: LJ B 975 1976 Volkswagon 1980 Chevette 4-Dr. Rabbit 2-Dr. Blue, matching interior, super sharp car, LIC:aTc dio I022da trs 4 speed, radio. LIC: LCE 974 LC N 2 HOOi0 & SONSLTD). - CHEV-OLDS- 683-4091 Kî1nsale & Hwy. No. 7 555-3351 m SM.ALL 1 1L- i M