PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY. JULY 16, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS 18,053 unemployed hEn Jume The number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Em- ployment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month of June totalled 18,058, consisting of 9,482 female and 8,576 maie clien- ts. This figure includes 7,434 students. Placements in the three offices totalled 1,540 for the month, which compares to a total of 844 place ments during May. The fnajority of clients were registered in the student category; clerical and related; sales; service; product fabricating, assemblingz and repairing; construction trades; and material- handling and related. During June, the greatest employment opportunities existed in manufacturing of transportation equipmeflt, retail trade; personal ser- vices; accommodation and food services; and gover- nment offices. In June, there were 92 agreements signed under the Canada Manpower In- SPECIA L I ALL TV SERVICE5 CALL WITII THIS AD ONLY i FALCON TV 426 Simcoe St. 723-001 CLOSED SATURDAV DURING JULY AND AUGUST Gtlrantee on ail parts and service dustrial Training Program. As a result, 112 people will benefit from both training and employement in the Region of Durham. At the end of June, there were 118 students in t.he skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 35 people receiving academic upgrading at Durham College. Em- ployers are encouraged to contact the Student Centre in Whitby to place their or- ders for summer vacancies. Malta club picnic The Malta Social Club will hold its annual picnic at the Knights of Columibus Park, Ritson Road North, Oshawa starting at 10 a.m. on July 20. There will be games, prizes and entertaiient. Club members will be ad- mitted free while non- members fees are $2 per family or 50 cents a person. - ERDC -OU - -- -- -- --- - - -- FRE REPACMET ILMONKP.C O I FO YORNAEI LOATO IAL68l5% IIT ., I EE 1%OF OR IEX IUEOFFL Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Duivesteyn celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary with an afternoon and evening tea at Emmanuel Reformed Church hall. The couple was married on Jun 18, 1930 in Bleiswyk, Holland before emmigrating to Nestleton in 1951, settling on the Hoyer tobacco farm. From there they moved to Blackstock to take up far- ming. Af ter 10 years they moved to Whitby. Guest attending the celebration were met by the cellebrants il children. Best wishes were reeeived from Bill Mempa of the Phillipines, Co Baxmeyer of Holland, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Primier of Ontario William Davis and Whitby Mayor Jim Gartshore. ApproximatelY 169 guests attended from Holland, Chicago, Woodstock, Hamilton, Stoney Creek and other centers. The celebrants are proud grandparents of 45 grand children. -- I Stained & tacquored Furnlture. Flntshod ftrame comptete wtth 14 yoar tap seam mattress, heater tiner, ttnotock, podestal shoot. Cholceo0f stains avaltabte. Stained & Laquered FumnItuie. Ftntshed bookoase t rame, complote with 14 yoar lep soam mattreseos. Heatorllner, ttnerlock, pedestal and shoot. cholco of aome avattobtO. COMPLETE PACKAGES INCLUDING: PINE UNFINISHED FLOOR FRAME (ANY SIZE) LINER, LINER LOCK, ALGECIDE, LAP SEAM, BAG AND HEATER FOR ONLY $240.00. MOTIONLESS MATTRESS AVAILABLE FOR $100.00 ADDITIONAL. OVER 200 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. MANY SPECIALS AND END OF THE LINE CLEARANCES. e0 10% Discount For Att residonts n the Durhiam Regton on prosontatton of thts ad. CALL WATERBEDS UNLIMITED a Locations At: 2124 Bloor St. W., Toronto 769-4596 2355 Eglinton Ave. E., Scar. 759-4979 239 Qucen St. E., Brampton 459-9867 W54 Dui"vesteyn cele brate goldnaniversary