PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1980, WHITBV FREE PRESS Between You andMe By RUTH CHAMBERS J "Write down the thoughts ef the moment. Those that corne unsought for are comxnonly the moat valuable. " -Francis Bacon. Thanks to alrny readers who were able to geat through to, mpduinu t he nst few weeks. This has been a busy time for me, unusally busy and I arn delighted to know you enjoyed the ramblings of an otherwise preoccupied minci. Thank you too for ail the joyous wishes from people I hear frorn or see often on a dally basis about my fôrthcominoe marriage. I arn overwhelmed with the happiness and joy I see on peeple's faces. Love anci romance are stil alive and well. Few of the old friencis from far andi near are aware of fthe news as yet and I amn beginnlng to feel that this may be a good thing. We need a breathing speil so that we can savour each and every klnd thought and good i wsh. Love and romance are alive and well. We seem to hear su rnuch doorn and gloom frorn every sie and no matter how much we try te throw it off It pops up over anci over again. Maybe this is the answer, a romance every now andi then that culminates inmarriage. Maybe marriage betwen olcsters is extra special. It in- volves su many others in our case and the delight of the gran- cichilciren is very special. Rather than having six, three gran- sons anci three granddaughters there wii another grandson and three more grandclaughters adcied te, the folci. My original intent was to have twelve children many years ago s0 I arn now close to my goal if only in grandchildren. Ail of this brings to mmndthougbts that many people share, net everyone, but many. Have you ever given any thought to seul mates or do you know what the words mean? There has been much written on the subjeet by people who feel they un- derstand the topic or by others who have experienced ItL For me it is difficuit to write about it in case 1 don't make myseif clear. This Is difficuit te do because it is impossible to write about very persenal Ideas and thoughts. Every human being has a soul mate. every soul is only haif an entity or an entirety atone. Feeling -or certainty of wholeness is not possible wlthout meeting one's sould mate.* Not everyone is fortuante enough to meet their sould mate in this life but In "Borne existence" one meets "the other hall. " Closed mincis, of course, dismlss ail these thlngs as utter nonsense or worse. That's fine, notblng is ever accepted by everyone but to have an open, clear minc isl an asset. The world is ful of wonderous thlngs andi th6ughts; thlnk before you push them away. The proof is often there hard cold facts' but you have to search, maybe before you can become aware CONr DON PG 18 tiao nFigh tmpg Speaai MOI I j t F j luc UUJL ma u y«ý» 16 mr, TV vv IVV.Ehi.