PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, J ULY 16,1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS O'Keefe res igns and moves north Michael O'Keefe, the ad- ministrator of the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital is GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. 824 Brock St. N., Whitby- 668-6221 - MAIN FLOOR FAMILY ROOM.-FIREPLACE $53,000. 10% mortgage 6n this 3 year old home. Floor to celllng brick fireplace & patio walkout ln family roomn. 2 baths & double at- tached garage. Rosemarie Bell 668-6221. resigming his post to assume similiar duties at the North Bay Psychiatrie Hospital. The Ontario Ministry of Health is presently seeking a replacement for O'Keefe of- fering a salary of up to $49,600 depending on ex- perience. Ail applicants for the position must have a univer- sity degree with post- graduate training in hospital administration preferably in mental health or psychiatrie hospital specialities. The administrator is responsible_ for the overal supervision of ail facets of the hospital's operations in- cluding medical, educational and, support' programs. He also has to forcast the hospital's future needs and set up the budget.- Before coming to the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital in 1977, O'Keefe was the executive director of the 700- bed Pioneer Village Nursing Home in Regina; assistant executive director of St. John's General Hospital and associate executive director of the Humber Memorial Hospital in Toronto. Search for a soul mate CONr DFROM PG. 6 of such things. This concept of a soul mate is rather widely held and ac- caepted around the world. One could caîl this knowledge or awareness of having one a revelation. People's whole lives change, things faîl into place and one does not doubt its existence. The loss of a soul mate ils a grievous and traumatic experience. I am thinking of friends who understand and have gone through this. Many of us have fallen in love, maybe many times. We always feel it is the right thing, the perfect person. Often it is. A whole lifetime can be spent happpily with one person; we all know many well mated people. But are they sould mates? Only they know and we say again everything falîs into place. Sometimes others are pushed to one side; the reason is neyer quite clear and then suddenly after many yeAirs have passed the sould mate appears; someone you have known forever buy now suddenly you hoth know. Maybé it comes at the end of ones life or in the early years. Maybe- neyer, not in this life anyway but for many of us who believe there must be another existence it could be there. We leave it ail, again for iack of time. Next week 1 hope to interview an interesting person in Whitby, an old timer who may have an interesting tale toteli. EDITOR'S NOTE: We, the staffmembers of the Whitby Free Press, would like to congratulate Ruth on ber forthcoming wedding. We wish her and her new husban many years of happiness and prosperity.