Whitby Free Press, 16 Jul 1980, p. 17

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WHITBY FFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1,180,PAG w,, .1 r~V CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tittng, Drywatt, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTI MATES Cail 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Sliver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oit, .paintlngs and seaters. FRIENDLY FLEA 26-843fo-f978rd3als 23ESMAKINGNSATERATWON BROOKLING TOOLSCO Attaiortls.atf prnie on8 aIt mirometeroos, opet &t dlilertsr p, rîl prss 3ation hecng ots hyo 39cgrgue f or clacrntk,479½hnto capac1ity00 and43 o uther dtoots fo CROPLTEATOOTIVE. GARAESPLES Ai 683-1753Hlfprceo BUBBINS SUDINO Aluminum & vinyl siding, soffiti, faicia & sesmiess aluminuin eavestroughing Insallation. Freo estimatas, very rossonablo. Cmili686- 1979 eveninga 10 per cent discount for senior citizens. LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OR Straight Trucks Cal1 Tre Canadian institute of TractCr Traiter Training Ltd. 416-86-9381 Estabtished in 1971 RETEAIONAJ VLE11L 100 cc YAMAHA. n«eye u. won ii, contest.$850 Cmkii 6685933 af"Or .1 OOBILES CARS & DRIVERS WANTlED, (1 fimalofl dorby. Oshiwa Exhibition. 2 n$Q!mtsjuiy 18 &19 phono 723-4580 or 728-0884 SERVICES RENT A POOL Swimming pool manufac- turer wiil lease and instali new 1980 family-sized pool comptete with walkway, Sun deck and fencing, on a ren- taI basîs with option to buy.. Vour cholce of style. Try before you buyl- CatliiM- PERtAL POOLS toit f ree 1- 800-268-5970. SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These, corne complete wlth walkaround deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and f lter. Regular price $2400, now $1498. Call tMPERIAL POOLS tolItf ree 1-800-268- 5970. ENNOEMENT NOTICE 10 CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F EDNA MAY SAWVER, Late of the Town of Whitby, ln the Regional Municipality of Durham, Housewife, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that ail creditors and others having dlaims or demands against the estate of the said EDNA MAY SAWYER, who died on or about the lSth day of June, 1980, are required to give to the undernamed their names, addresses and full particulars of their dlaim on or before the 2nd day of September, 1980 after which date the estate wili be distributed having regard only to the dlaIms of which the Executor then has notice. William J. Riiey, Executor c/o Schilling, Evans 121 Brock Street Northi P.O. Box 267 Whitby, Ontario Li N S1 PHYLLIS AND THOMAS TOMPKINS Are holding "Open House** at 112 St. Peter Street, Wfitby, Ontario for their friands andf relatives f0 celebrafe their 35th Wedding Annivers&ry. 2-4 p.m,.-.9p.m. on Sturdmy Juiy 26. 1960 DRAPERY TRACKS Roller Bilnds, Vertîcals, Draperies Instalied Gwarantee Workmanshîp Your Tracks or Ours 668-1987 579-5121 CAIRNS Property Services *Light Landscapîng B rad Cal rns 668-5328 TRACTOR TRAI LOR TRAINING FOR Class A & D license cal "PARTICI PATION" 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses CLEARWATER FLORIDA- six, 3 bedroom,. fumnished mobile (per- manent) homes. Pools, tennis, ahul- fliboard, air. guif. beaches. Disney Worid. Chiidren weicomoe. 663-550. HE1LI Tell us what you're lookIng for ln a job, what you are today and whàt you want to be tomorrow. Ask us about opportunîties and challenges to match your needs. No obligation on elther side. We may have Just what you're iooking fort MISCLEONUS WOODS SOFI TOP CAMPER - good Condition cJw 9' X 12'Zip on tent $350. 72 dodge monaco wagon- 318 V8 good condition $50. Phone 683-3472 Juno 6.80 7 PIECE MANOGANNY BEDROOM suite, lncludlng two single beds and two Shorîtan style mirrors. Cali 655- 3718 USED OFFICE FURNITURE Save money on fillng stands (used) that now llst for $225 new and are 36 X 18 X 78". The Dlckson Prlnttng price Is only $89 on a cash and carry basls. These stands may be used ln home for workshop storage as wel as for off ice f lilng. Selection ls good so arrange to see this value and many other Items by calllng Grant Westlake and arranglng to inspeot. Cai Dlckson Printlng and Office Supplies at 683-1968 Ajax. VIKING HUMIDIFER, $45; Singer Sewing Machine, $45; 9 X 12' groen mug, $30. Cali 688-3120 RCA COLOUR TV, console, French Provincial style ln working order. Best offer. Cmii 668-9724 affer 5 p.m. ORGAN uedLOWREY, two-manuai organ, auto rhythmn, easy to pay. Cli Lowroy Organ à Piano, ln WhItby et 661>3544. FIVE PIECE KITCHEN crame table soi, good condition. lffl Or be9t offer. Cali 668-1078 mny lime. PEN and INK PRINTS of Historicai Whitby (Station, Museum) ln il X 14" motail or voivet-Iined wood frames 1matted $12 complote. Cmli 668-4521. CHURCH BENCHES, nice wood grain stmined, 7'h foot long, ldeai for break- fast nookn, patio, roc room, etc. Was asking $100 each, now $65 och for fast sale. Cmii 7283135 LIVING ROOM DRAPES, bad apreada, sleeping baga and many other articles. WhitbylAjax towniine south of 401 on west aide, 3rd andf 41h driveway. FRENCH PROVINCIAL Walnut Bedroorn Suite. Like new, has trippie dresser, 2 night tables, mirror, queon sized headboard. Cmii 668-4858. C-13. RADIO. Radio Shmck TRC-57 Navaho with AM, U.S.8. to LS.B. basa station. Coat new $49995. 518 wave omnidiroctional base antenne. Base station dynmmnic table mike- Gain control. $M00takes aii. Caii686-1195 F OMENT ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT APAR. TMENT wiii be availabie September 1, 1980. Prefor mature woman or couple. Cmli 668-23,57 after 5 p.m. Abstaineors oniy pisss. mn-3:00Op.m. City Prov Postal Code WFP Jul 80 = STUTIOri CONSCIENTIOUS 5TUDU.. d,) typing. Cmii 66802 11 NEED ODD JOBS DONE Around you home and dont have time. We wIii do your imwn, gardon andf hedge care, fonce painting and repoir. Cmii 6663010 any tlime. REGISTER NOW FOR SEPTEMBER Lets grow together Co-operative Nursery School. Phone 655- 3773 or 579-8694. HANDSOME WATCM DOG, iooks 1ke a white woif, 4 year oid maie. Good Personaiity, wouid make a nice ad- dition f0 any farin or country loi. Comas with ifs own houso. Cmii 728- 3135. ACCIDENT--DurhSm Road 23, South Whitby--Wed- nesday, iuly 9, 1980--Would the young couple who wsero so holpful, plomBe catI Mr & Mrs Gladwln et 668-1282. CASH LOAN nover repay. For free details write fa: Mrs. Lundiow R R 1 Locust Miii Ontarlo L0MiIo EUTOPARTS FOUR - 1411 Volkowagon Rima 6" wida Ideal for V.W. Based Dune Bugy. $10 esch, cmlil66-1195 ALUMINUM - 4 Barrali niake for Ford 289or302. $500, cal1666.1195 ONTARIO GOVERMENT SUBMISSION LEASE 0F OFFICE SPACE FOR PROVIN- CIAL COURT Submîssions are Invited from owners or authortzed agents of existing buildings, buildings under construction, or to be constructed, for the lease of approximately 1765 square metres (19,000 square feet) of rentable space located ln the downtown area of the city of Oshawa, Ontario, for lease to the Gomerment of Ontario to accommodate the Provincial Court (Criminal Division). Municipal services, good public parking and transportation and on-site reserved parking for a minimum of 17 vehicles are essentiai. Preferred term of lease is 10 years with tenant's option to renew the lease for a f urther period of up to 10 years.' Generat requirements and submission forms may be ob- tained from: Ministry 0f Government Services Public Tenders Office Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 N3 Telephone (416)>965-1152 Sealed submissions wilt be recieived until 3:00 p.m., Thur- sday, August 7, 1980, at the aboVe tenders office, at which tîme and place they wiII be opened in public. NOTE: For further Information regarding the general requirements, ptease contact Mr. A. Gonsalves, Mintstry of Government Services, Toronto, telelphone (416) 965-4777. Please quote Project No. AG-L-6417. The Iowest or any submission will not necessarily be accep- ted. T.O. 082 Ministry of Gomerment Services Ontario FOND MATURE FEMALE CAT, torfoise sholi long hair, wvemring fies colar, vmsinity of Green Street South. Cali 668-0247. YAALES OTTER-CREEK 82 Frost Drive, many Items, tools, ciothing, etc. Large Sale of Good Guaiify"tems. COMotrmY for bcd choicel Beginning sf9 .m. SATURDAY JULY 19set 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. ai 56 Thickson Romd North. Househoid Items, coilectIbias, an- tiques, ciothes, gaines, sndf antique rockers. AUOIN Wednesday JuIY 16 Wednesdey Juiy 16.-6 p.m. Fumniture à Antiques Auction sale the properfy Of the les James t011eOf Peterborough tf0 be auctIonad et ftha Prince Albert Hall In the Village of Prince Abert. Auctiônear le Murray Jackson 985- 2459 Wcdn.sday Juiy 16.-7 p.m. FumIture à ANTIQUES Large auction of the houaahoid con. tenta. Properfy of George and Erma Johnson of Stouffviiia 10 be soid foiiowing the Otolie Sale at the Prince Albert Haii yard, baing ana mile south of Port Perry. Two uctIonears Murray Jackson 985-2459 SATURDAY. JULY 19 -il arn. FumnIture & Antiques Seventh annuel auct ion throughout the Scugog Ilaind Women's Instituts f0 be heid at the Scugog Island Hall Yard. Auctionoar la Murray Jackson 985-2459. AUCTION HOUSE AND GARAGE CONTENTS Location: 1011 Centre Street, South Whltby. DATE: July 21lst at 5:30 P.m. This ls a large sale (over 400 lots) of quality Items. Featurlng furniture, ap- pitances, tools, antiques, Ski's, games, etc. INCLUDING: Westinghouse stove, tables, lamps, rectining chairs, chain saws, air conditioner, etc. TERMS: Cash -- No Reserve Bids AUCTIONEER: W.R. "Bud" McKee. Lindsay, Ontario PHONE: 705-324-2472 VISIT OUR MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT 1 0:00w OSHAWA ARMOU RIES - WEDNESDAYS- Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre.' 4900 Younge Street, Witlowdale, Ontario M2N 6A4 (416) 224-4015 Please send me Information wthout obligation Name Eductation_________ Adrtel Pgo hone

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