Whitby Free Press, 16 Jul 1980, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, Y Free PressEmnporli CaII166.8-6111 si bwi orb P.i. COL Ro; aier whe litti ducl OVI 197 aut sli $50 197 fiar p.,f i l A-1 Ocl te( Ce 72 gc P! tir ne r 70 gi 66 si ci 7 kAUTOMOBILES FOIR SALE WMC GRIEMUN ô cylinder 3 spe" mdard, mag Whee1s headers, 4 rati, mint condition. Aslcing $3,200 beat of fer. Cati 668-727 sfio! 5 in. ~Ap -16. 80 )LLECTORS ITEM - one ownar 74 )d Runner 318. AMIFM 8 track greo. T sun-root, radials, M8g seels, immaculae throughout. Ce!- md asking $3,500. Cati 576-2032 rIng the day and 728-700 tnIngs.Apr. 16, 80 70 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 340 tomattc on (toor, tige! carpat on In- Ie, Mage, very quick,- runa good, 50. Ask for John'et 683-7538 i2,80 14 MONDA, new tires, brakas, mut- er,. 31,200 f Irm. Cali 723-5489 alter 5 i M. 2,80 970 VOLVO 144S -4 cpeed stands - 1- mechentcalty, A-i inter/O!, new wheusi system. brakes & tire,., den- ed rear quarter repatrabia). no rust* ;250or besi otf er - 688-4637 avenings. May 28180 175 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, new mgine. good gas miteage, $2,500. ail 668-7965 Jn 18 2 IDODGE MONACO WAGON- 318 V8 ood condition $500 Cati 683-3472 June 6,80 97o PONTIAC ASTRE, 4 cyt. con'- *act, oniy 27400 mites, new peint, ires, eutomatic, radio, white Wall$, wheeI dioka, fonder fiapa, body sida modIngo. silver with red trtm, tIka new and wttt certIfy. Price $2540. Call 8-32W43 il 9,80 o BUICK SKYLARK, 350 cu In, rune reat, neodo body work $295. Cati 58-7438 day or evaning. -Jn 28 1960 CAMAERO SUPER SPORT,Btack white intertor, 350 two barrot, 3 pood on the ftoor, p>os6Y track oearond, $2000 or botOff.* 723-61%7 June 11.6 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON, Mechan-8ound, body fatr, May be cor- tified, asking $40. Catil068,3052 et- ter 6:00 p.m. J 68 978 DATSUN 510 MATCMBSACK, 5 apood, epottes,Ike now, 30,000 Mites AM-FM cassette. it has super se mitoag.e-36mpg. Asking 34,350. FOR SALE 17 FORD %3 TON PICK-UP 38-000 miles, 3 spoed standard, AMJFM 8 track steoo, sun roof. captain's chaire, Mag Whoots, Plu$ more. Cor- tfted asking $3800. Cati 578-2032 durtng th@ day and 728-700 evenIngs.Apr. 16,680 1075 FORD F-260 hoavy duty 44 ton tmjck, 390 VO, PIS, PIB, hesvy duty suspension, AMJFM cassette, hoade nobultt two yeers*go, new bralios front snd mrs, now rea brake câbles. $3,500 certif4ld. Cai 655-4570. Apr. 18, 80 CUSTOM DUNE BUGGY, cromed headefs, now tires 50 and 60 sortes, bucket soute, htra 4 spéod. Asking $2,000. Caeil666-3681 i9,60 MISCELA EU AIR.CONDIT IONER 80W0 TU, good condition. Asking $196. cati m-8 1576 J9,80 CHROME KITCHEN SET - table and six chairs. $125 or best of fer. Good condition. 666-1567 or 688-3244. May 7,680 1 LARGE (approx. 9' x 5') picture win- dow with centre ighi & outside ingle hung aiuminum screens & storm windows Inciuded, ail In woricebiei condition - $1 75.00, 3/ bed (rame (48" x 72") With headboards -$25 - cati 6688- 8675. ' June 4,80 DRESS FORM $75; size 12, adjustabie,. (uniqusiy you). 66.0341, Apr. 30,80 Have a set of tift brand golf clubs, balle, giove, tees, and cart. Ail Items 3 years oid and are ln good condition. My price sa $90 for 3 woods and 5 Irons, modemn style and steel shafts. Cati 725-3845 i96 TUXEDO STYLE COUCH, siver grey crushed vaivet. Excelent for rec. room. $80. Piesse cati 688-1075. May 21,80 GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE $25; car bed with pad $10; rocicing horse $12; cardage seat for toddier $10; high chair $8; wetker $2; umbrotter $8; 688- 6144. Apr. 16,680 SIMPLICITY GAS DRYER, excellent' condition $100 or best ofter; 1 Watt gas space heater $100 or beet of fer. 8-594. Aprit 16,80 GOLF CLUBS à CARRY BAG - 1 set of titatisitite 100's R. Hand, 3 wood3- (1,3,5) & 9 Irons used one year, woods refinishad, 1 Ram Arias carry bag neyer used> wth haad covare. Cost new $550, asking $400 f Irm. Cati 666- 10300or 68-86421. June 18,80 TWO HEAD BOARDS, vinyl finish, white with gotd trim $10 Pr o! $5 sacti, 3-drswer cheet wtth mirror, wood naturel finish, 34W X 70b" X 341h for $35; Taibe % wooden legs, top white enamnel 26" X 231,"V X 301h" for $15. The above Items are In good condition. Cati 083-7538 momtng or ovening sfio! 6 p.m. June 18,80 2 FILTER PUMPS for sbove-ground pool, $10 & U5, Cati 668-4032 June 2580 ENGLISH SADDLE mode ln Argentine leather, compete with suade tiIm- ming, A-i condition, muet be soen. Asktng $500. Calil ter 5 p.m. et 65 4121 June 20,80 EmEAimRS Ail o IR CMESSceR, z cyun TWO NEW Ilongdak bo dor 1 h.p., 120 Ibo pressure. Like new $20. Phono 576-2032 durtng tho day and 728.700 eveninga. KITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs, $W0; Ftvo.drawe! wardrobe, $75; beige and brown plIIowý chosteifieid and chair, $75. Cati 666-347 i, 9,80 LONG MORN WESTERN SADDLE, dark brown, loathe! complote wth suade trim, axcellent condition. Asking $35. Cati sltar 5 p.m. et 655- 4121 June 20,80 ONE BLACK WROUGHT IRON 5 ttght chandeliar wtth ' chain $55; 1 biua shag 12 X 8 wtth undarpadding $50; 2 bronza table temps, 3 ighte wth whitaeik chade, 31" htgh $25 eâ; An- tique movie projacto!, workiflg con- dition, 2 baby car cas, used 1 year $25 ea. Cati 668-8294. Apr. 1,80 GIRL'S BEDSPREAD - purpia floral, single bed size, good condition, $15- calt 668-9379. )Aav 2pRnR BATHROOM TILES, whitta 3 x 6 seconds, 75 square feat plus 20 feet of back tri' $40; compote toitat set and bathroom eilnk $15; 2 inside doors 1 -'24 x 80, 1 - 22 x 80,310 each. Appty 711 Burns St. W. or phono 688-3495. Apr.16,SiI AIR CONDITIONER, PHILCO, 1 ton, 240 volte $100; large tan drewer cheat, A-i condition, commercial quaiity $125; 655-4107. Apr. 30,80 SPEAR-GIJn, asktng $40.'One SMITH- CORONA TYPEWRITER, menuet with hard-sheiiad cae asking $75. Cati 668-0827 Juna 23,80 MORSES FOR SALE, excellent riding horses, very good rnannered. 11 yaar otd Patamino $700; 4 year oid Pinto $800; aiso 3 caddies end teck $1000; 1 horse traiter, Cevatto, hydrottc brekes $2000 - o- beet offer for ait. Cati sItarS p.m. 655-4827. May 7,80 7' RUST CMESTERFIELD, Contam-. porary styting. Good condition $120. 668-562.May 7,80 LAWNMOWER-G. E. Eiectric, ike naw $60 tr. Cat 668-8178 JI 2,80 7 SOLID WOOD dintng room chairs, $36 a place, two styles, cati 655-4647 May 14,80 AIR CONDiTiONER, deiuxe G.E. 6,000 B.T.U.. execeitont condition, ussd 4 summers, $175. Cati tn Whttby 723- 2781 atter 5 p.m. Jn 36 21 Cu fi FREEZER, Asking $50. Calit 668-955, 6 WOODS SOFT TOP CAMPER good condition clw 9' X 12', ztp on lent, $35, Cati 683-3472 June 6,8d SEToI Btmck FIREPLACE TOOLS- $10.00; Set of Braase firoptece toots $W; COeil668-1063 June . 18,80 TWO SKYLINE (AUSTRIAN) 10 SP -EED BICYCLES 26 Inchi), one man's one womsan's, tIke new $75 oach. ONE 20-INCH MTD Lawntlght Lemnmowe< 3%hhorsepower, Blggs and Stratton Engtne-2 soason aid wth grss bag, $100. 4 CHRYSLER- PRODUCT RALLYE WHEELSwith contras mnd trim rings 4%1 Inchi boitt circie $100. 4 BRAND NEW MICHEUN tiras ZX (Euroiaan destng) 185-70-SR13 radiais mounted and balanced on 4 brand new OmnI or Horizon raltye whools $350. 4 AUNGER aluminium wire stylo whals 15 X7 wtdths, 4%o6 Inchi boit circie $150. Cati 655-326 June 13.80 GARAGE DOOR DOUBL- Steel r x l6,. Good condition $125, clw Mer- dwsro, Oit683-3472 u e68 and strstgth, $70 or boat of fer. Blon- de short and curty $20 firm. Calit 668- SOLID CHERRY, Frmnch Provincial Dtnlng Room i tte, table, 5 sido and 1 ermad chair, buffet and china cabinet. Asking 31,600 or boat offor. Cati 666-1166 ONE ONLY 1le" LAWNBOY LAWN- NOWER, soiid stete, 'stightiy used. Cati 668-2863 afler 5:30 p.m. i16,80 GILSON 22 cu ft CfIEST FREEZER, A- l condition, $200. Oelil 6680552 days, and ettaer 6 p.m. cati 68-2215. J16,80 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, ex- cellent condition. 4 years otd, scutP- tured veivet. ruet and brown damecsk print. Originaiiy $1200 esking $400. Cati 576-4992 i16,80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, geuge HO., 4' X 8' beeuttf uity iandscaped, tnctuding angines and rotttng stock. $175. Cali 855-3961 J16,80 USED GREEN VINYL CHAIN LtNK FENCING, 65 feet high epproximaty 100 feat, $75. Usad aboya ground Swtmming Pool 1121t X 3 ftIin dapth, wtth pump, tedder and e plastic cover, $75. Cali 668-4744 J16,80 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 place, rad and grey $200. Phonoetlter 6:00. 655- 3604. ,May 14,680 SOFA- In (excellant condition) $30 and two ephoistered chairs'for sale $50 each. A reel good buy for someone elarting out. 6&28 ANTIQUE PIANO Inid cerved red mohogeny. Circa 1896, $1500. Phone 688-8271. JI 4,80 NEED To KNOW SoMETHING ABOUT VtOUR NEW oOMMUNITY? C ai Phone 668-916 Our hostess wiI bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community iniformation. When the advertised item Is sotd, disposed of, or unavaitable for whatever reason, the item wil be deemed f0 have been sold and a commission wiit bç charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ittustrated below, regardtess If price is stafed with "best offer". If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wtll be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0of $3.00 witi appiy. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ati east one mnonth If not sold. RATES (if article Is soidi: 5% of adverttsed price up f0 $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for 120.00 .commission due $.00 i minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising onty! Piease notify us if you find a retaiter tisted as a private advertiser. Piese notify the Whutby Free Press immediateiy whè item is soid so that we may detete t f rom the fotiowing issues.* Ait ads not fitting the Em-prium guidetines witl be treated anci charged per week as regutar classified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, reai estate, and personal mecssagje type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. Ail adis will go tn ctaaalflcd section unteas othcrwise spectfbe. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LUN 551 THE DEADLîNE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I5 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SPUREBRED SAMOYED, maie, 1 yei otd. Has hed ai t tt neodîes. $65. 65 ~ ,, ~4224. MORSES OARDED ayboxst We can't help Without your help. AeILITY FUND WORKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS. Carry passeflgers to and $" and gas. availabla, excellent locetion, cer and facitties. Deity turn-oul, hey ae badding suppiied. Good estur sheds, and separae training ares $85 a month. Cati ln person Sunda, et 334 Gerrard Rd., R R 1 WhItby phono Mondey - Seturdey at 8:30 P.1 il p.m. 728-3370JI2 frorn work, and you can al Transportation and 5 D Communications Ontario Eni Oni save ergy tarto AMJun18II_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock SI. N., Whitby ami i- - L- te% tha fnllnwina CondiMons. ie e.

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