Witby Atom Soccer team coninue on in fine«form Whitby's Atom Soccer considerable caolness he by the Pickering goalie and teamn showed continued shot the bail beyond the ended behind the latter. form last Thursday when it goalie's reach. The early stage of the defeated Pickering Village Jaan Luik, always a hard second haif was similarly Photo King Pirates by a worker in defense saw his ef- patterned with the An- resounding 6 to 1. As the forts rewarded when a hard tholy's Dining Lounge score indicated the game shot just inside the penalty squad attacking in force and was thoroughly dominated box could not be secured CONI"D ON PG. 14 by the local squad which took but a few minutes to put the bail in the opponents net ehpn, Ma~rk fl'flIl. one of Annual barbecue ends ayear of development The annual barbecue and award presentation of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club, marking the end of 1979/80 season was held July 8 at Iroquois Park. According to Charles MeAlinden, president of WISC, the club has undergone a year of growth and development, and has been highly suc- cessful in its third year of competition. Each year a special President's Trophy is awar- ded to a swimmer or swim- mers who achieved outstan- ding performances in com- petition during the season. This year's winners are nine year old Chris Don- nelly, WISC's entry in the Ontario Age Group Cham- pionships in Ottawa, and twelve year old Denise Van- doleweerd. The Coach's Award for swimmers in each age group attaining the fastest overal times with ail strokes com- bined, were presented by Coach Tom McLaughlin to Jodi MePhail, Mike Nougebauer, 8/u, Chris Donnely, Jili Connor, 10/u, Brian McAlinden, Denise Vandoleweerd, 12/u, David Goulding, Donna Goulding, 14/u, Mike Pfeiffer, Dona Martin, seniors. Trophy of Merit for swimmers reaching a high level of improvement in swimming ability were awarded to Tammy Qattes and Jari Ollikainen, both 12. This season swimmers voted for teammates most demonstrating the qualities f good sportsmanship and leadership and winners of the Swirnmers' Choice Trophy are Jennie Connor, 14, Tammy Oattes, 12, Mike Pfeiffer, 15, and Bian McAlinden, 12. Swimmers Choice Trophies were donated by the Whitby Op- timists Club and presented to the winners by President, John Town, and Jim Gam- sby. Coach McLaughlin is presently readying 13 WISC swimmers who will be com- peting at an international meet in London July 19-20. The club is also preparing for the Whitby County Town Carnival during which a proposed meet with Longulul, Quebec is being planned in addition to WISC members entering a float in the parade. TOP swimmers Charles McAlinden, (centre) president of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club presents the President's Trophy to the two most outstanding members of the WISC team. Seen receiving the awards are Denise Vandoleweerd, 12, (left); Chris Donnelly, 9, (right). -Photo courtesy of WISC