Whitby Free Press, 2 Jul 1980, p. 16

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PAGE 16. WEI ,SDAY, JULY 2, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS .Free Pres -s E mporium CaII 668-6111 ium~ AdI ril nnl *tod âubiect to the followina Conditions. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 70 AMC GREMILIN 15 cylinder 3 speed standard, mag wheels, headers, 4 harrel, mini condition. Asking $3,200 or beat offe. COeil 668-6727 aller 5 p.m. Ap 16,80 COLLECTOR'S ITEM - one ownor 74 Road Runner 318. AMIFMV 8 track stereo. T sun-roof, radiais, mag whoels, Immaculate thnoughout. Oor- tif led asklng $3,5W.COeil 576-2032 durlng the day and 728-6700 eveninge. Apr. 1,680 73 FORD OALAXY 500 WAGON - mechanlicaliy sound. Body tain, may be cetiied, askIng $700. 68-3052 affero p.m. Apr. 16, 80 1969 BARRACUDA 318 V-8, good In- tenlon, running condition $500. 655- 3411. Apr. 2,80 1970 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 340 automatIc on f on, tiger carpot on In. aide, mage, very quick, runs good, $50. Asic Ion John ai 683-7538 JI 2,80 M6 OLDS, 2 door, good mach., rusty $125. 725-063. Apr. 2,80 19720OLDS Delta 6, 350 ccV8,? 000 ,miles, 1 owner, Michelin Tire-, PS, PB, auto transmission, excellent mechanIcai condition, complote operating records evelablo - nooda to, b. soon. Prico $1.000.COeil 688-3692 aller :30 p.m. My2,0 1970 VOLVO 144S - 4 speed stands . A-i mechenicaliy, A-i interior, new oxhausi system, brakes & tlrres, deai ted reer quarter rpsIrabte), no rusi - $425 or boat offer - 66-4637 eveninga. May 28/80 1975 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, new engins, good gas mleago, $2500, Cali 68-7965 June 11,80 72 DODGE MONACO WAGON- 318 V8 good condition $500, Oel 683-3472 Juno 6,80 190l CAMERO SUPER SPORT.Black White Interlor, 350 two barrel, 3 speed on the I loor, posey track revrend, $2000 or boati0off. 723-6967 June 11.8u) 70 BUICK SKYLARK, 350 cu In, runs great, needs body worl $29. COeil 668-7438 day or evenIng. June 12,80 1974 HONDA, new tires, brakes, mut- fie r,. $1,200 irm. Cal 7235489 after 5 JI .2,80 FOR SALE 77 FORD %$ TON PICK-UP 38,000 mies, 3 'apeed standard, AM/IFM 8 track stereo, sun roof, captain's chairs, tnag wheels, plus more. Car- tlfîed asking $3,800. Oelil 576-2032 dunlng the day and 728-6700 evenInga.1 Apr. 16, 80 1975 FORD F-250 heavy duty MA ton truck, 390 V8. PIS, P/B, heavy duty suspension, AM/FM cassette, heada rebut, two years go, new brakes tront and rear, new rear brake cabies. $3.500 certIi ed. Oelil 655.4570. Apr. 16, 80 EAT ARTS 2 FIRESTONE IRES size 7.75 x 14 on AmC, rima tess than hall wom, $X0 pair, 1 turnplke tire size G, *-14 glass belled - used only 2000 miles $15; phono 668-1060. Ap.3,0 1 AUTOPAR T1RE JRMO15. 100 miles $W. 6670654Apr. 2, 80 ELLALLNEMUS. SOFA- in excellent condition) $300 and two apholstered chaire for sale $50 each. A real good buy for someone sterling out. 868-2602 June 11, 80 KITCHEN TABLE WIT H 4 CHAIRS In good condition $75 or besi ofter. 668- 4760. Apr. 2,80 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 Plece, red and grey $200. Phone alter 6:00. 655- 3804. May 14, 80 ANTIQUE PIANO lnlald carved red mohogany. Circa 1896. $1500. Phono 688271. Apr. 2,80 CHROME KITCHEN SET - table and six chairs. $125 or best of fer. Good condition. 666-1567 or 668-3244. May 7,80 MULTIPLE REEL TO REEL STEREO lape recorder $150; 4 newiy upholstored In vinyl swivoi kichen chairs $65; 579-929 except Friday night and Saturday. t r. 9,80 HOOVER, nearly new, vacutim cleaner $60. 668-0488. Apr. 9,860 8 FOOT PLATE GLASS DISPLAY CABINET $165 and 4 seater chester- field and matching chair $100; Phone 372-9732. Apr. 9, 80 DRESS FORM $75; size 12, adjustabie (uniquoiy you).8688-0341.. Apr. 30, 80 LARGE TENET (yeliow & green), good condition $50. Green Coleman Stove $15. Caeil668-9379 June 18,60 TUXEDO STYLE COUCH, lilver greyý crushed volvet. Excellent for roc. room. $80. Pleaso cal 688-1075. May 21,60 GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE $25; car bed wlth pad $10; rocking horee $12; carniage seat for toddîer $10; hlgh chair $8; waker $2; umbroller $8; 69 6144. Apr. 16.80 SIMPLICITY GAS DAYER, excellent' condition $100 or best ciller; 1 Wat gas space heater $100 or boat offer. ~683-5948. April 16,80 TWO HEAD BOARDS, vinyl finish, whte with goîd trlm $10 pr or $5 each, 3-drawor chest with mnirror, wood natural finish, 34h" X 701h' X 3410' for $35; Taîbe % wooden legs, top whiteoenamel 26" X 23½" X 30½ for $15. The above itemns are In good condition. COeil 63-7538 morning or evenlng after 6 p-m. June 18,60 ONE - 5 x 10, BOX TRAILER equlpped with olectric braices, 6,000 lb axie and equipped with equalizor hitch, asking $1000; 2 coverod snowmobili trailers 7 x 10, used $300 each. Phono 655- 3477. Apr. 9, 80 1.3 Ple Chest.rtieid SuIte, very good condition. Mut-coloured veivet $150. 668-1436 caîl atter 5:30. .iune11, 60 ONE CASCADE 40 water hoaler, ideal for Cottage use, good condition $50. Oelil668-7371 June 13,80' COUCH à CHAIR set, green & orange brocade pattern $200 irm- cail 668- 988 May 2880 TRUCiK CAP- 42" rear door, only used 2 weeks - $50; Swîmmîng Pool Pumpi Fluter wth motor, and filions 25 thousand gallons a'day - $350, 683- 8043 Aiune 11,80 ONE BLACK WROUGHT IRON 5 ight chandelier with 5' chain $55; 1 blue shag 12 X 8 with underpaddiflg $50; 2 bronzc; table lampa, 3 Ilghts with white silk shade, 31 " high $25 e; An- tique movie projector, working con- dition, 2 baby car seats, used 1 year $25 os. COeil668-8294. Apr. 16,80 AIR CONDITiONER, PHILCO, 1 ton, 240 volts $100; large ton drswer chest, A-i condition, commercial quaiity $125; 655-4107. Apr. 30, 80, BLACK' , DEOKER oioctrlc iawn- mowor, neoda new motor. $15, Oeil 668-1063 - June 18,80 GIRL'S BEDSPREAD - purpie floral, single bod size, good condition, $15.- cali 688-9379. May 28/80 BATHROOM TILES, white 3 x 6 seconds, 75 square foot plus 20 foot of black trlm $40; complote toloet set and bsthroomn sink $15; 2 insîdo doors 1 - 24 x 80,1i - 22 x 80, $10 osch. Apply 711 Burns St. W. or phono 688-3495. ________________Apr.16,80 SPEAR-Gun, askîng $40. On@ SMITH. CORONA TYPEWRITER, manuel with hard-shelled case, esklng $75. Cali 668-087 June 23,80 TWO NEW WIGIS, long dark brown and straight $70 or besi of for. Blond short and curly $20 f Irm Oeliifli-610 MORSES FOR SALE, excellent rldlng homses, vory good rnannered. il yeer old Paiemîno $700; 4 year old Pinto $80; aiso 3 saddlesaend teck $1000; 1 horse trailor, lZavalo, hydrolic brakos $2000 - o- besi otter for ail. OelafiorO p.m. 635-4827. May 7,680 r RUST CHESTERFIELD, oantom.. porary styling. Good condition $120. 68-9562. May 7, 80 SIDEWAL1C BICYCLE. 12" trame removeable stebllizing wheels, $30. Phono 655-3266. . May 14,80 LAWNMOWER.G. E. Eîoctric, like new $60flrm. CaIl 868.8178 JI 2,80 7 SOLID WOOD dlnlng roo6m chairs, $35 a plae, two styles, cati 655-4847 May 14,80 2 FILTER PUMPS for above-ground pool, $106& $25, caîl 668-4032. June 11,80 A ROLL-AWAY BED, $12, CAII 688- 960 Jur a,11,80 WOODS SOFT TOP CAMPER good condition c/w 9' X 12', zip on tent, $350, Cail 683-3472 June 6,80 GARAGE DOOR .ýOUBLE- steel 7' X 16' Good condition $12R, c/w Aar- dware, Cali 883-3472 June 6,80 50 Foot, TV TOWER, UHF & VHF, automatic rotor, $115. Oeil 668-7556. June 18,80 SETol Bîack FIREPLACE TOOLS- $10.00; Sel of Braus firopiace tools $20; Oeil 668-1063 June 18,80 AIR CONDITIONER, deluxe G.E. 6,000 .T.U., execeilent condition, used 4 summers, $175. Oel n Whilby 723- 2781 af ter 5 p.m. Juno 1380 AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE wilh sud saver, In working order $80. Oeil 655-4218 June 25,80 ENGLISH SADDLE made ln Argentins leather, complote with' suae trim- mlng, A-i condition, muai be seen. Asklng $50. Oeil afier,5 p.m. ai 655- 4121 June 20,80 TWO SKYLINE (AUSTRIAN) 10 SPEED BICYCLES (26 Inch), one -man's, one woman's, Ilke new $75 each. ONE 204INCH MTD Lawnllght Lownmoiwer 31h horsepower, Brlggs and Stratton Engine-2 seasons aid with grass bag, $100. 4 Chrysler. Produci Rallye Whleswîth centres and trîm rings 4'/s i,,ch boit circle $100. 4 Brmâd New Mchin tires ZX <European design) 165-70-SR13 radiais mounted and balanced on 4 brand new OmnI or Horizon aluminium wlre style wheels 15 X 7 widths, 41h boit circle $150. Cail 655- 3266. June 13,80 To the Unfit- You won't quit Being unfit. PLEASE READ When the advertised item -is Sold, disposed of, or unavailable for Whatever reason, the item wiIl be deemed f0 have beeri sold and a commission wilI bç charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilustrated below, regard less If price is stated with "lbest offer"l. If the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 will apply. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not sold. RATES [d' article is, soldi: 5%ý' of advertlsed prico Up Io $400.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertisod for $120.00 . commission due $.00 I minimum charge Is $3.001 Private advertising only! Please notify us If you f ind a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Picase notifythe Whilby Free Press immediately when item is soid so Ihat we may delete itf from the foilowing issues., Ail ads flot fitting the Ernpvrium guidelines will be treated ancd charged per week as regular ciassified ads ona pre paid basis such as: services, help waflted, ciothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headlngs. Ail ads wili go ln claslied section unlesa otherwlae specifled. 'tin doubt , cali 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock SI. N., whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I5 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. instant o01ýij PUREBRED SAMOYED, maie, 1 yer Replay f oid. Has hed al its noodies. $65.8655-, May 7,80 HORSES BOARDED,3 box stelîs aveliable, excellent location, cane, and facililies. Daiiy turn-out, hay and beddlng supplied. Good pasture, shado, and separate training area., $65 a month. Calln person Sundays at 334 Gerrard Rd.; R R 1 WhItby or phono Monday - Saturday ai 8:30 p.m.- il p. m.7283370 JI 2,80 Seek the Lord Seek ye the Lord while. he may be found, cali ye upon hlm while he iS -nrear: ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT WILD FIRES! '77- Iqqmw9qmw f rmpm uu iw

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