WHITBY FREE PRESS. "OUR HISTORCIAL iIERITAGEY. WEDNESDAY. JUNE Il, 19ffl, PAGE Il Growth was found on the Great Lakes the railroads becanr coinpetitive and m Steamers available as lake cE ne more Some schooners were stili nore ef- around u ntîl the days of World War I and later as became 44stone hookers". arriers. For a time, sail boats were a curîosity on the lakes but the urbanization process brought with it a desire to find recreation in boating dloser to home. In recent years, there has been a rising interest in yachting and in recreational sailing. It has brought a second age of sali to the Town of Whitby. CONT L) FROM PG. 10 Great Lakes in the early 1860's and a large precen- tage. of that toal were on the Lower Great Lakes. In Lake Ontario there was a small fleet of schooners t.hat moved around the lake pickig up general cargoes, some moved reguiarly bet- ween ports like Whitby, Toronto, and Oswego, N.Y. There was always a fair number waiting for loads in Whitby Harbour and that is why Captain James Rowe set up a repair yard here. In the 188's the number of saiing ships on the Great Lakes began to dwindle as aster Charge/Visa I Get R.ady for YOU CAN LOSE < 25 -30 LBS. IN 30 DAYS The koy to Iosing 25 - 30 pounds easily, qu.ckly and safely is our professional supervsion. fOR mmI a WOM if you are SERIOUS ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT We can heil Let us tell.you how no charge or obligation *00 S iS1SN'tSMO I GA D U. ON R N AC N sAN 01. PAI O SHAWA 2 Simcoe St. Ste. 2 C.I.B3.C. BIdg. i*J I I e.2 Jane St. at Bloor 7"35505 9 SCARSOROUS- 1940 Eglmntor E, lai wa.omw'g7557731 a ET0ICMJ(- 1 Eva Rd ai West Mal 62&7333 0*180BWooSt W, aAvenueBd.922-782 e 47 ShePPard E at Vonge M21141 0 BMLEA -.44 Peel Centre Dr 791.3&U0 » MUSSMA 6- 2155 banne Btvd, saeç,dacweaceSIep23-7440 "*KITC3IEN- 30 Duke SiW. 6th FloofCorp. Sq 519) 745-S10 *"I$~JY - New Su&buy Shopping Centre (705)5%"il 0 8 a.m. ta 7 p.m. Monday ta Fuiday Ma 125 YEARS 0F The rapid growth and new construction in our community attest to the progressive thinking and-careful foresight of our citizens and leaders. We're pulling together to make our community a better place to live! DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT AREA BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT iw