PAGE 1 K WEDNESDAY. JUN A.E. LPAG 601 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY NEDERLANDERSI I Bespreekt u de annl of verkoop van uw huis liever In het Nederlands? BEI: Joanna Jefferles Kantoor: 666-1333 huis: 655-3896 D.WaMcguAY 103 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITOY. 668-5868 WANTED 2 3 Bedroom bungalow. Must be ln good repair. Single car garage. Prlvacy garden. -$60,000O- 70,000 range. BrooklnlWhlt- bylOshawa area. Please cal Jack Fudge 668-5868, res. 668-3077. Stop Sign. lU's a fart that more than 9 out of ev ery 10 people looklng for a home recognie the tamiliar l)rowVn and gold CENTURY 21' sign It is so widelv recognized that every dax over 1,600 homes are sold by CENi URY 21 petople froni (?oast t() oast. 1I1 1979 ajone, that resulted in a staggering 579,000 dlosings. Woldit you rather list your houst xith the organization duit more people have put their trust in? Just cail your CENTURY 21 Neighhorhood Professional- And let our stop sign start working for you. cwài At CENTURY 21. We'11 Give Our ®y2 eWord To You GoId Jacket Reallty Ltd. 824 Brock Street, North Whltby 668-6221 WeIl give ourword to you. Century 21 GoId Jacket Realty Ltd. Across from the Curling Club. 110W WOULD YOU CHOOSE A REALTOR Consîdering that you may be dealing with your life savings in a transaction of paramount importance it is a vital choice for a home seller. You should choose the best qualified individual or finm available to you and that choice should be made in- tellignetly and based on fac- ts concerning the Realtors in your market area. A good reputation is dif- ficuit to gain and easy to lose and a home seller should look at a Realtor's record for rendering competent ser- vice to his clients. One consideration that should NOT influence a home seller is choosing a Realtor is a high price quotation on his home sim- ply because it is higher than other appraisals. The realtor is not going to buy your home; he is only attempting to seli it. If it îs priced too high it may in- duce the seller to list with that Realtor but it is not likely to seli until it is reduced to its true market value. By then valuable tinie may have elapsed and the home become "«stale" on the market while*it helped to seli competitive properties that were priced realistically. Such as a good reputation and not necessarily on the realtor who gives the highest price quotation on the property. If it is listed too high it will become stale on the market and only help to seli competitive properties that were priced right. BE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE TERMS There is no need to be em- barrassed by failure to un- derstand Real Estate legal definitions. It is more than likely that a Realtor would flot understand the trade terms in your business. Pleas ask. A professional salesperson is not only in- terested in himnself but in- terested in you and how he can help you make the right decision to better yourself. What you must avoid is any hesitation to ask if you are in doubt. It would be foolish indeed if you were to make a serious mistake in dealing with your property simply because you were afraid ta ask the correct meaning of a real estate termn. Here are somne common terms and definitions you should be familiar with: ENCUMBRANCE-A mor- tgage or an easement is an encumbrance as well as anything which limits the unrestricted titie to the property. EQUITY-The value in a property which an owner owns over' the mortgage against it. LIEN-A legal encumbrance against a property to enfor- ce payment of a debt. FIXTURES-Objects afixed to builings or land s0 that they cannot be removed without damage to the property. MARKET VALUE-The highest price at which a property may be expected to seli to a willing buyer by a willing seller in a specified time span. Birthday concert As part of their celebration of the Town of Whitby's 125th anniversary, the Whitby Brass Band and the County Town Singers will give their first-ever joint concert on June 26. Mayor Jim Gartshore says the concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. on the front lawn of the municipal building at 575 Rossland Road East. In the lobby of the building there will be a heritage showcase display. Gartshore advises those attending to bring their own Iawn chairs and that there wil be plenty of parking space available. Should it ramn, the concert will be held in the council chambers. LIOOK WHO JUST MADE OUR TEAMI GOLODJACKETREALTY RAamhàrRraker MARGARET STINSON Meet your New Nefghbourhood Protesafonal. Margaret la thoroughly protessional ln taklng Care ot your rosi matais needs. 11ke ehowlng cfit You Ose to lt.boat adventag4CIoslfg the sale. And handling thetlime consumlng paperwork. Ouri N.gfbotuhood protseaflol exempllty wfiy CEN. TURY 21 leudeathé osieUetate word n lstingsaend ea81e8,a&M they're ready tb put their expemeSse te wo<k for you. Were pm oudt have Margaret on out team. and Un Our comntunity. She lea àBokd pro. wtth thé rlght mouture for ail your real eelate queeions. WEILL GIVE OUR WORD TO YOU 824 Bmock St. N.. Wltit 68&6221 63-6221 aa mes tea"laiyp-eIe~ E 11, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS 1By Tony Klompmaker, Whitby office managerasu Ho use buying tips from Frank realty REALTOR ,*JW4 0*4** , 4 0 4*4,