Bew are of faulIty cribs Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada today war- ned parents to inspeet Teens Right behind the 8-bal Apresentation t,o the winner of a senior citizens' snooker tournament was made ini the Seniors Activity Center on Brock St. in Whitby. Jim Smyth, chairnian of the games commit- tee (far lef t) presents the trophy to this year's winner, Robert Gow, while second place finisher, Lou Sherlock, watches. This is the second annual snooker tournament. The trophy was onaed y Dr Ke Hobs.-Free Press Photo by Stephen Greenaway. honored The Durham Centre for the Developmentally Han- dicapped recently honored its teenage volunteers at an awards might held in Oshawa. Ruth Ann Palmer, a 17 year old grade il student from Henry Street High School won the recreation award. She has been in- volved in swimming, day camp and play programs since 1976. The Denis O'Connor High School Youth Corps was given an award in ap- preciation of their in- volvement with the Durham Centre during the 1979-80 school year. Lorn McPherson, a spokesman for the centre said, "So much bad news is heard about teenagers in today's society that its im- portant to recognize the ones who are actively involved in working with retarded children. " second-and cribs in use in their homes. The warning follows the inquest into the death of a seven-month old Toronto boy, who was asphyxiated when he slipped between the mattress and rails of a faulty, second-hand crib. Parents are advised to measure the spacings bet- ween crib slats, to ensure that they do not exceed 2-3/8 inches,- as required by the Hazardous Products Act. Larger openings could allow a child's body to slip through, but not the head, B>' W. Roger Worth Thousandsr of Canada's small and medium-sized busi- nesses will be placed in baak- ruptcy or receivership this year, partially due to high interest rates and partially as a result causiflg strangulation, The mattress should fit the crib properly, so that the distance hetween the crib sides and edges of the mat- tress is no greater than 1 ½ inches. Ail bolts and screws should be in place and securely tightened, to im- prove the crib's stability. For guidance in modifying a used crib, or publications' concering product safetv, the public is encouraged to contact the Federal Depa&'- tment of Consumer anîd Cor- porate Affairs in Torjflto at 231-3599. - That's the way the free en- terprise systemn is supposed to work. But from Ottawa's point of view, what's sauce for the goose is apparently flot sauce for the gander. For while thousands of smaller 'firms arc allowed to faal, Canada's federal govern- ment bas opened the money- vauilt doors, providing $200 million worth of support for trou bled automaker Chrysier Corp. The U.S. governrnent has kicked in another $1.5 bil- lion and fuirther aid froin vani- ous American state govern- ments is in place. The point here ks not whether the governments (and taxpay- ers) arc likely to lose their money. Or whether support is justiiied because of the thou- sands (>f jobs involved. A much broader principle is at stake. If taxpayer aid for one mismanaged and iriefficient enterprise can be justified, why shouldn't ail troubled firms receive support? That is the one delicate question the politicians have failed Io answer in aIl the dis- cussions coacerniflg support for ailing Chrysler. The public, and especially independent business people facing bank- ruptcy because they are playing by the rules, deserve a real an- swer Io that very tough question. Great singers CONT'l) FROM PG. 6 indeed to have such a group representing them. For anyone who enjoys good music, and if you are not familiar with the County Town Singers, go see them the next opportunity you have. You won't be disap- pointed either. I'm sure the choir would appreciate hearing my opinion by way of your newspaper so if you see fit to publish this letter I woulld also thank you. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Catherine Cochrane, Oshawa, Ontario. Two sets ot rules -R EALirOR