WFIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDN ESDAY, JUNE 4, 19 8D, PAG E 19 Free EmDor i um Press Empiorium CaIIý668-6111w -lu Jsubiect f0 the following Conditions. LAUTOMOBILES :FOR SALE 76 AMC GREMLIN 6 cylinder 3 speed standard, mag wheeis, headers, 4 barrel, mini condition. Asking $3,200 or best of fer. Cati 668-6727 atter 5 p.m. Ap 16 80 COLLECTOR'S ITEM - one owner 74 Road Runner 318. AM/FM 8 track storeo. T sun-roof, radiais, mag wtieels, immacutate throughout. Cer- tified asktng $3500, Cai 576-2032 during the day and 728-6700 evoninga. Apr. 16, 80 73 FORD OALAXY 5W0 WAGON Mechenicaily sound, Body fait, may b. cerlified, esking $700. 668-3052 aller 6 p. Apr. 16, 80 1969 BARRACUDA 318 V-8, good ln- loriot, running condition $500. 655- 3411. Apr. 2, 80 1- U8 CORVET CONVERTIBLE wth 2 fuit barrot carburalors, headora, aide pipes, Body customized $5,500 f rm. 1 . 66 Olda Torinada $1,200; 1. 69 Cadilec Sedan Devitie $500. Cai 723- 8915. Mer. 26, 80 86 OLDS, 2 door, good mach., rusty $125. 725-0636. Apr. 2,80 1972 OLOS Delta 88,350 cc V8, 70U000 mles, 1 owner, Michelin Tirer., PS, PB, auto transmission, excellent mechanicel condition, complte operattng records aveitabie - neods to be seen. PrIco $1.000. Cati 668-3692 afioer 6:30 p.m. NAay 28, 80. 1970 VOLVO 144S - 4 apeed sianda, J, A-1 mechanicaity, A-i interior, now oxhaust aystem, brakes & tires, don- ted rear quarer repairabte>, no ruai - $425 or beat offer - 368-4637 evenings. May 2880 72 VOLKSWAGEN, RUNS G000 - $100 - cati 668-8522 or etlt 5 728- 7013, ask for Ron. May 28/80 77 FORD Wa TON PICK-UP 38,000 miles, 3 apeed standard, AM/FM 8 treck sterea, sun roof, captains chairs, mag whels, plus more. Cer- tif led asking $3800. Cati 576-2032 during the day and 728-6700 eveninga. Apr. 16,80 1975 FORD F250 heavy duty 1/ ton truck, 390 V8, PIS, PIB. heavy duly suspension, AMIFM cassette, heads robuit, two years ago, new brakes front and rear, new refit brake cabtes. $3500 certif ied. Cati 655-4570. Apr. 16,80 1974 DODGE %a TON PICK-UP WITH CAB. Certtfied. Asking $1800. Phono 666-1487. Mat. 26,80 REEATION VLE=LS SEA SNARK Seilboat $95, sway bars & coupiing hich $50, refinshed cheat of drawers $75, piano bench $15, antique night table $12, otd YAMAHA OT 80, 1974, good con- dition, many new pars- $250 - cati 685964 May 2880 71 FARGO CAMPER VAN oquippeu with frdge, atovo & wter. 6 cyt. 225. Excellent running & body condition. As Ia but can be certilied. $1,500. Phono 655-3006. Mar. 12, 80 ELLNEOUS- PORTABLE AIR KING HUMIDIFIER $20. Phone 668-1227. Mar. 26, 80 3 SNOWMOBILE SUITS- 2 mens medium, navy blue $24 es., i chitd's size 12 - mauve $15- ail like new; 3 watt rugs, 2 size 4' x 6' $25 ea., 1 size 2' x 3' $12; 1 giris wInter coat pure wooi dark green size 9-12 $20; 1 etec- tric broom, new $25. Phone 668-6294. Feb, 20, 80 JUNIOR 5 SPEED BIKE (white) $40; carpet 9 s 12 (pattern) $30; carpet runner (orange> 25 fIl. $20; roller skates $5; Phone 576-3065. Mar, 26. 80 KITCHEN TABLE WITH,4 CHAIRS in good condition $75 or besî of fer. 668- 4760. Apr. 2, 80 GAF-CHINON sound movie camnera, brand new, neyer èsed wth ait availabie options. VI 0 or besi off er. 668-0621. Mar. 19,80 MULTIPLE REEL TO REEL STEREO tape recorder $150; 4 newiy uphoistered In vinyt swiveî kitchen chairs $65; 579-929 except Friday night and Saturday. P r. 9,80 DRESS FORM $75; size 12, adjustable (untqueiy youy. 668-0341. Apr. 30, 80 HOOVER, neariy new, vacuum cieaner $60. 668-0488. 'Apr. 9, 80 6 FOOT PLATE GLASS DISPLAY CABINET $165 and 4 seater chester- f ield and matching chair $100; Phone 372-9732. Apr. 9, 80 TUXEDO STYLE COUCH, siiver grey crushed veivet. Excellent for rec. room. $60. Piease cati 668-1075. May 21,80 AQUARIUM 35 gallon inctudes heater pump, gravei, canopy, chemnical and stand. $85, 668-0496. Apr. 16, 80 GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE $25; car bed with pad $10; rocking horse $12; carniage seat for toddier $10; high chair $8; watker $2; umbroliir $8; 668- 6144. Apr. 16, 80 4 H.P. MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORwith gas tank. Used oniy twice. $450. After 5 p.m rai 668-6062. Apr. 1, 80 SIMPLICITY GAS DRYER, excellent condition $100 or best offer; 1 Watt gas space heater $100 or best offer. 683-5946. MATTRESS PERMAFOAM Aê BASSADOR Ortfopedic king size ishop price $360) Condition - - new ONE 5 x 10' BOX TRAILER equipped with eloctrIc brakes, 6,000 lb iîxIe and .quippedi with equalizor hit ch, asktng $1,000; one covered snobwmobile traiter 7 v 10%, used, $300. Phono 655- 3477. Apr9,80 ONE - 5 x 10' BOX TRAILER equipped witii eîectric brakes, 6,000lb axte and equipped with equatizer hitch, asking $1000; 2 covered snowmobiie traitera 7 v 10',. ued $300 each. Phono 655- 3477. Apr, 9, 80 SEARS AIR COMPRESSER, 2 cytin- der 1 h.p., 120 Iba pressure. Like new $200. Phone 576-2032 during the day and 728-6700 eveninga. Apr. 16,80 COUCH & CHAIR sel, green & orange brocade pattern $200 tirm - cai 668- 9m8 May 2880 GREEN GAS OR PROPANE stove wiih countertop burnors $50, manuai typewrîter $15, f ot polisher $5, knapsack - ike new $15, 2 electric curiers $750 each, cottage furnIturo - beal off er - 655-3182. May 2880 SIDEWALK BICYCLE, 12" trame removeable stabitizing wheels, $30. Phono 655-3266. May 14,80 BEDROOM FURNITt..,IE - 3 cheats - 6 drawer with mirror, 4 drawer and 2 drawer bedaide $100. Wîll soit separatety; 7 solid wood dining room chairs $35 a pioce. 855-4847. May 14, 80 ONE BLACK WROUGHT iRON 5 ight chandelier w ia 5' chain $55; j lu shag 12 x 8 with underpadding $50; 2 - bronze tab lamps, 3 lights with white sitk sruadi', 31" high $25 e; An- tiqua movie projector. working con- dition, 2 baby car seý s, used 1 year $25 s. Cati 668.16294 Apr. 16,'80 AIR CONDITIONER, PHILCO, 1 ton, 240 volts $100; tango ton drawer chost, A-i condition, commercial qual/ty $125; 655-4107. Apr. 30, 80 TAPE DECK & cassettes for car, i yr. otd, excellent condition, $30, cati 668- 9379 May 28/80 3 SPEED MENS BIKE with chitd seat mounted et back $50, 8668-4744 GIRL'S BEDSPREAI) - purple floral, single bed size, good Condition, $15 - cati 868-9379. May 28180 BATH ROOM TILES, white 3 x 6 seconda, 75 square foot plus 20 foot of black trim $40; compiete follet set and bathrocm, sink $15; 2 Inside doors 1 - 24 v 80,1 - 22 x 80, $10 each. Appiy 711 Burns St. W. on phono 668-3495. -____ ____ Apr. 16,80 2 STEEL HIGH BEAM 12' in height 32' long. In good condition - tIke new $725 for 2, BesI olfer, worth $1450 new. Cail728-2217 aiter 6p.m. Mar. 26,80 MORSES FOR SALE, excellent riding horses, very good n.,.inered. il year aid Patamnino, $700, 4 year otd Pinto $800; aiso 3 saddie - and tack $1000; 1 horse traiter, _ýavaIIo, hydroiic brakes $2000 - o best otter for ail. PLEASE READ When the advertised item is soid, disposeci 0f, or unavaitabie for whatever reasori, the item witi be deemed f0 have been soîd and a Z.ommission wil be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PR ICE as illustra ted beiow, regard less if price îs stated wifh "best offer" - if the item iS NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 witi appiy. Alil advertisemerits must be ptaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if flot sold. RATES [if'articîe is soîdj: 50o of advertised price Up f0 $400,00 20o of balance over $400,00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120,00 commission due $6.00 I minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising onty' Piease notify us if you tind a retaiter tisted as a privafe adverfiser Ple.ase notity the Whitby Free Press /mmediateiy we7 item is soid so that we may delete if from the foitowing issues. Alit ads notfittting the Er-np..r/um guidetines wil be treated and charged per week as regutar ciassified ads on a pre paid bas/s su( h as. services, heip wanted, ciothing, reat estate, and personat nmessacie type ads, or ads not quoting pr/ce or quantity: Private cidss/tied ads may appear in the Emporium section under atpropr/ate headings. Alil ads wflI go In classlfied section unies otberwtee specifîed. If in doubt, cal> 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whilby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock Sf. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. PUREBRED SAMOYED, maie, 1 year old. has had ait tas needies. $65. 655- 4224. May 7,80 COLLIE PUPS, $15 each, cati 668-4089 May 2880 AU ARTS 2 FIRESTONE TIRES suze 7.75vx 14 on AMO rima tess thai. hait worn, $20 pair; 1 turnpike tire sîze C ý-14 glass beitod - used oniy 2000 mites $15; ,one 668-1060. Apr. 30, 80 1 AUTOPAR TIRE JR7O-15, 100 mites $30. 666-7065. Apr. 2, 80 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! 00cME Wo Phone 728-2103 We can't help without your help. ABILITY FUNO WORKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS. Gîve~.. THE HEART FUND ÎN if you tbink fitness is a distant goal, consider this: you can walk ail the way. Pc7rtCtPiJTllJf The Canadian movement tor personal ttneSS CLASSIFIED ADS (more on next page) IELANEOU MI TV TOWER- 30 tt, plus UHFNHF en- tonna with rotor $95;Elsctrtc Fîreplece- walt-hung, ted wîth back accents; 1500-watt heeter wtth tan 'Burning" loga- $75, 688->431 TRUCK CAP- 42" reer door, only uaed 2 weeks - $500. Swtmmlng Pbol Pump& Filtêf wîth motor, and tillera 25 thousad gallons a day - $350, 883. 8043 HOMEMAKERS WANTED The Whitby Redcross reqUires competent household managers who enjoy personal contact with members of the COmmunity rang ing f rom the very young to the eîderly. Car preferred If Inerestd AII For FUrther Information. 1.3 Plece Chesterfîeld Suite, very good condition. Multl-coiourêd veivet $150. 86681436 cmli aller 5:30. SOFA- un (excellent condition> $300 anid two apholstered chairs for sale $50 each. A reet good buy for someone sterting out. 668-2602 1969 CAMERO SUPER SPORT,Bieck White Interlor, 350 two barrel, 3 speed on the f loor, posey treck revrend, $2000 or best off. 723-697 ds w ibomqur