PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, lUNE 4,19 80, WHITBY FREE PRESS I Whibyits mong topDurham grads High placement record Durham College has just 1979 there were 463 ployment. 0f those 96.6 per- updated its placement graduates. A total Of 415 cent are currently emn- report for 1979 graduates. In were available for em- ployed. It should be noted also that 88.8 percent of those working are in jobs related to their course of study. Lee Evans, placement of- ficer, states that this is one of the highest placement records achieved by the college in recent years, He believes that it speaks well for the career-oriented education provided Durham College students. For the 463 college graduates the breakdown according to employnient status was as follows: 415 were available for em- ployment; there are 401 em- ployed; 356 in course related employment; 45 in unrelated employment; 14 seeking employment; 29 taking fur- ther education at Colleges o! Applied Arts and Technology; four taking fur- ther education at Univer- sity; five flot seeking ful Urne employmeiit; and 10 the college was unable to contact. Evans emphasized that .he excellent job placement pias been achieved in spite of tight economnic situation :isiting at the present time. The complete list of Witby Durham The following people from Whitby recently graduated from the Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology. They received their diploma's from President Gordon Willey: Karen Aylward Carol Bastarache Trudy Bird Stan Borun Anthony Brace Darlene Burpee Laurie Butler Kim Chapman Coliege Katie Cook Brenda Craig Phyllis Fisher John Fleming Teresa Forbes Marty Gallas Sylvia Guerts Lori Herder Tim Lintner Christopher May Kathleen McDonald Margaret Moore Leanne Moore Ross Parsons Steven Preston Danna Popoff graduates Pual Reynolds Wendy Richards Julia Robertson Ene Schoep Susan Schubert Bonnie Soltis Dianne Spurreli Stephen Twining Susuan Van Alebeek Dorothy Van Hoof Maggie Vandenenden Joan Van Viiet Mary Anne Verrydt Roxanne Vine Linda Wallis Diana Wessels Tw oJVhitby students take scholarship honors There were six scholarship winners at the Durham College convocation May 24. From left to right (front row) are Shelley Sargent of Peterborough, highest ranking Dental Hygiene graduate, Kim Chaprnan of Whitby, winner of the Clinical Nursing Award in the Nursing Assistant Certificate Program and Sharon Kennedy of Bowmanville, highest ranking graduate in the Nursing Diploma program. From left to right (back row) are Lise Gunby of Dungannon, Ontario, highest ranking graduate in the Applied Arts Division, Robert Ford of Oshawa, the top ranking Durham College Student and gold medal winner, and Christine Tereszkiewiez, highest ranking graduate in the Business Division. (Stan Borun of Whitby, a seventh scholarship winner, top Technology student was unable to attend the convocation ceremony). -Photo courtesy of Durham College THE 0'tiAMBER 0F Co41 PRESENTS THE PETER PERRY AWARD for Whitby's Outstanding Citizen W ED NES DAY J ULY 23, 1980 HEYDENSHORE PAVILlON Cocktails 6:30 pam. Dinner 7:.30 p.m. LIVE BAND Tickets $1 5.00 per person AVAl LABLE AT THE CHAM BER OFFICE 668-4506 416 CENTRE STREET SOUTH, WHITBY DANCE ONLY - 9 p.m. -$5 COUPLE, $3 PERSON, AVAILABLE AT rJ00R NOMINATION REGULATIONS FOR THE PETER PERRY AWARD 1. Any citizen of the Town of Whitby may nominate one or more can- didates by writing a nomination Ietter outlining the deeds performed by the candidate for the greatest good of the greatest number of people in Whitby, and mailing it in a sealed envelope marked ,Out- standing Citizen" to the Secretary, Whitby Chamber of Commerce, 416 Centre st. S., Whitby Ontario. 2. Candidates shall be residents or taxpayers of the Town of Whitby. No candidate shall be disqualified by reason of Nis office, em- ployment, business or association with the Charnber of Commerce. The award may be made posthumously. 3. Nominations to be considered must be post, arked no later than- June 30,1980. Mere numbers of nominations for any candidate wilI not influence the decision of the judges. 4. The panel of judges shail make the award to the candidate who has re ndered outstanding service to the Town of Whitby over and above Q his norrril duties of office, employment or business. Roy MacCauleys This dlning-room, a study ln good taste, con- tain an enormous buffet surmounted by a hut- ch witn glass doors through which one can see the "Lake Piacid Collection" motifs. The lm- posing china cabinet highlights the elegance of the round table around which one can have f ormai, f riendly or intimate dinners. 9plc. OUR REGULAR PRICE 49dgceae SIte& 0 (76'44) 5ew4e $2295nOO 309 Brock St. S. Whltby Shopping Plaza Establlshed 1952 WHITBY 668-2081 L0 4 "OUR AIM US TO SATISFY"