Whitby Free Press, 28 May 1980, p. 16

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pA E16. WEDNESDAY. MAY 2 F 1980. WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Pres 76 lite bal or p.r Ro sti tifi du 7 a l te 34 c m Pl m b al Eimporiu il - - a Il ~I. L .hiesA to the tolIowinO LOflOI-tiofl. Emnoorium ACIs WIlI oniv uDe i-------- AUTMOBLES~ SAMC GREMLIN 6 cylinder 3 speed nderd, mag wheels, headers, 4 aret, mini condition. Asking $3,200 rbest ofler. Cait 668-6727 ailler 5 '. Ap 16 0 3LLECTOR'S ITEM - one owfler 74 ýad Runner 318. AMIFM 8 tracii ereo. T sun-roof, radiais, mag ieeis, immacuiate throughout. Cer- ied astcifg $3,500. Oeil 576-2032 uring the day and 728-6700 'enings. Apr. 16, 80 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON nechenicaiiy sound. Body fair, may be certified, asking $700. 8C9-3052 fiter 6 p.m. Apr. 1,*, 80 169 BARRACUDA 318 V-6., vod ini- erior. running condition $500. 1e.f- 1411. Apr. 2, 80 1-0 CORVET CONVERTIBLE wîîn 2 fuil barrai carburators, headers, side pipes. Body cus tomized $5,500 fIrm; 1 6 6 Otde Torinada $1,200; 1- 69 Cadiltec Sedan Devitte $500. Cati 723. 8915. Mer. 26,80 iU OLDS, 2 door, good mech., rusiy $125. 725-06. Apr. 2,80 972 OLOS Delta 88, 350 cc V8, 70,000 miles. 1 owner, Michelin Tires, Ps, PB, auto transmission, excellent techenicai condition, cornple perating records avaitabie - needs to e seen. Price 51,000. Cati 668-3892 fier 8:30 p.m. May 28, 80. 1970 VOLVO 144S - 4 speed standard, A-1 mecttaniceiiy, A-1Iinterior, new exhaust system, brakes & tires, den- ed rear quarter (repairabte), no rust - $425 or best of fer - 668-4637 evenings. MAay 28180 72 VOLKSWAOEN, RUNS GOOD - $100 - cati 668-8522 or afiter 5 p.m 728- 7013, ask for Ron. May 28180 77 FORD V% TON PICK-UP 38,000 mites, 3 speed standard, AMIFM 8 track stereo, Sun roof, ceptain's chairs, mag wheets, plus more. Car- titied asking $3,800. Cati 578-2032 during the day and 728-6700 evenings. Apr. 16, 80 1975 FORD F-250 heavy duty 34 ton truck, 390 v8, PiS, PIB, heavy duty suspension, AMIFM cassette, heads rebutit, two yeers ago, new brakes front and rear, new rear brake cabies $3,500 certitied. Cati 655-45i70. Apr. 16, 80 1974 DODGE V% TON PICK-UP WtTH CAB. Certtied. Asking $1800. Phone 666- 1487. Mer. 26, 80 RECtION VEHICES 1 SEA SNARK Sailboai $95t. sway bars & coupiing hitch $50, refirnshed chest of drawers $75, piano bench $15. antique nigril table $12. oid wooden suitcese $20 - cati 663-6638, May 28181) BOAT FOR SALE- 1974 Sîdewînder blue and grey matai fieke, wth 1974, 70 ht p Evinrude Aiso comas wth T ski bar, ski tope, ski bait. 8 track bullt n stareo and speakers Asking $4200ý 668-5949ý Apr 9, 80 1978 STEURY 16 lot deep V lib)regass boat, wth a 115 Johnson motor. 2,000 lb traiter, convertible top ptus ma-ny extras, asking $8800 - must sali immediateiy, 666-3052 star 6pmtti Ma-r.26, 80 Se BSSA 6U50 neels wrîng 450 as is. lîrm Caiii668 4074 Mer 19.80 15* STARCRAFT Fibregia-ss boat, good Condition, $550> Cati 668-8522 or alter 500 p mit 728-7013.18k for Ron< May 26M18 YAMAHA OT 80, 1974, g 'Odcn- dition, many new parts - S,250- ciitt 68-5964 71 FARGO CAMPER VAN equipp5'u with fridge, stove & waier. 8 cyl. 225. Excellent runntng & body condition. As sa but cen be cerif led. $1,500. Phone 655-3006. Mer. 12, 80 ELLALLNEOUS PORTABLE AIR KNG HUMIDIFIER $20. Phone 668-1227. Mer. 26, 80 3 SNOWMOBILE SUtTS - 2 mens medium, navy blue $24 aa., 1 chiids siza 12 - mauve $15 - ail like new; 3 waii rugs, 2 suze 4' x 6' $25 ea., 1 siza 2' x 3' $12; 1 girls winier coat pure wooi dark green sîza 9-12 $20; 1 eiec- tric broom, new $25. Phone 668-6294. Fab. 20, 80 JUNiOR 5 SPEED BtKE (white) $40; arpat 9 x 12 (pattern) $30; carpet runner (orange) 25 il. $20; rouler skates $5; Phone 576-3065. Mer. 26, 80 KiTCHEN TABLE WITH 4 CHAIRS in good condition $75 or beat offer. 668- 4760. Apr. 2, 80 GAF-CHINON sound movie camnera, brand new, neyer ',sed with att availabie options. $"0 or besi of fer. 668-0621. Mer. 19,80 MULTIPLE REEL TO REEL STEREO tepe recorder $150; 4 newiy uphoistared in vinyl swivat kitchen chairs $65; 57-6929 except Friday night and Saturday. P r. 9,80 DRESS FORM $75; sîze 12, adjustabie (uniquety you). 668-0341. Apr. 30,80 HOOVER, nearty new, vacuum cieener $60. 668-0488. Apr. 9, 80 8 FOOT PLATE GLASS DISPLAY CABINET $165 and 4 seeter chester- field and matching chair $100; Phone 372-9732. Apr. 9, 80 TUXEDO STYLE COUCH, silver grey crushed veivet. Exceltenit for rec. room. $60. Please cail 668-1075. May 21,80 AGUARtUM 35 gallon Includes heater pump, gravai, canopy. chemnicel and stand. $85, 668-0496. Apr. 16, 80 GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE $25; car bed with pad $10; rocking horse $12; carniage seat for toddiar $10; high chair $8;, watker $2; umbrolier $8; 668- 6144. Apr. 16, 80 4 H.P. MERCURY OUTHOARD MOTORwith gas tank. Used onty twice. $450. Aller 5 p.m. ceit 6684062. Apr. 16, 80 BOYS CCM PURSUIT 5 BIL.YCLE $40.Oel 668-1063. p.2.8 MATTRESS PERMAFOAM AN- BASSADOR Orthopedic king uize ishop price $360) Condition- new $1 20. Phone 655 3272ý 4126, 80 ONE BOYS20" BICYCLE $20.)1 boys 3 speed 20" bicycle $35, 1 Lloyd bebystroller $15. 576-1364. Apr. 9. 80 CHROME KITCHEN SET - table and six chairs $125 or best ofler. Good condition. 6661567 or 668-3244ý May 7. 80 ANTIQUE PANO inlaid cerved red moriogany Crca 1896> $1500 Phone 668-827,I Apr. 2, 80 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3diece. red and grey $200 Phone aller 6 00, 655- 3604 May 14. 80 When the advertised item is sotd, disposed Of, or unavailabie for uîhatever reasori, the item wiii be deemed to have been soid and a i-ommiSSion witi be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iiustrated beiow, regardiess if price is stated wilh "best offer- If the item iS NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $300 wili appiy. Ait advertisements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if flot soid. RATES [it article is soîdi: 50o of edvertised price up to $400.00 20a of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sotd item advertised for $120.00 .commission due 56.00 I minimumn charge is $3.001 Private advertisinq oniy! Please notify us if you find a retailer lisled as a privale advertiser. Pli' ase notify the Whitby Free Press immediatly when item is soid so that we may delete il from the foiiowing issues. Ail ads not fitting the E,Tîp,,rium guidelifles wii be treated and charged per weeK as regular ciassified ads on a pre paid basis su( h as services, heip wanted, ciothing, reai esta le, and personai rusi.type ads, or ads flot quoting price or quantity: Priva te cla,'sified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. 1 in dciubt, cali 668.6111 MAIL AD$ TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.,Box 206, 'Nhtitby, LlN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. BEDROOM FURNITUIE - 3 chesîs -.6 drawar with mirror, 4 drawer and 2 drawer badaida $100. Wit seil separateiy; 7 soiid wood dining room chairs $35ea pieca. 655-4847. May 14,80 ONE BLACK WROUGHT ION 5 lighl chandelier w in 5' chaîn $55; 1 blue shag 12 x 8 wîth underpaddlng $50; 2 bronze iabc lamps, 3 lights wîth white siik stiade, 31" high $25 as; An- tiqua movie projector, working con- dition, 2 baby car se s, used 1 year $25 ee. CatI 668-6294 Apr. 16,80 AIR CONDITIONER, PHILC 240 vots $100; large tei cheat, A-i condition, Cc quaiity $125; 655-4107. TAPE DECK & cassettes fo otd, excellent condition, $3' 9379 GIRL'S BEDSPREAD - pur, single bed size, good condit calil 668-9379. '0, 1 ton, )n drawer DImmerciel A~pr. 30, 80 r car, 1 yr. 10, cali 688- May 28180 'Pie floral, tion, $15- 2 STEEL HtGH BEAM 12" n haîght 32' long. In good condition - like new $725 for 2. Bast olfer, worth $1450 new Oel 728-2217 eit er 6 p.m. Mer. 26, 80 SIDEWALK BICYCLE, 12" frame removeable stabiiizing wheels, $30. Phone 655-3266. May 14,80 8BCY'S 3 SPEED RACER BICYCLE 19" trame 24" tires, kick stand, chain guard - in excellent condition. $5; multiple reel to reel starao, tape recorder $150; 4 newiy upholstered in vinyt swival ktchan chairs $65; 579. 6929 excel5t Frîday night and Satur- day. Apr. 9.,80 7' RUST CHESTERFIELD, Contemn- porary styling, Good condition $120. 668-9562 May 7, 80 HORSES FOR SALE, excellent rdîng hcrses, very good ni; înered. 11 year old Patamîno $700. 4 year oid Pnto $800; aiso 3 saddle, and teck $1000. 1 horse tradler, ýavtIlo, hydrotic -brakes $2000 - o best olfer for ail. Oellter 6p.m. 655-4627. May 7, 80 COUCH à CHAIR sel, green & orange brocade pattern $200 f irm - celi 668- 988 May 28180 GREEN OAS OR PROPANE stove wittl counitertop burners $50. manuai typewvriter $15. f loor polisher- $5. ,inapsack -lîke ne* 515, 2 eieCtric curlers $7 50 eactl, cottage lurnîture best oller- 655-3182, May 2EV80 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT DUT THE MAT gOLONAE uW#Ao 4tic% E jCv s, lse -' t t Ci Phone 7282103 F-acts & Fane les Accordilng Lu Iegend, corn- rneal -hush puppies- were su tîamed because they were fed Lu tluisy dogs-tu make therm quiet down. The piigrin-ls were, the first colutgîlsi', lu taste pupped popcorn -t gft lfrum the 'In- dians ait the first. Thatîksgiviflg di nner. PUREBRED SAMOYED, maie, 1 year oid. Has had ait ls needies. S65. 655- 4224ý May 7,80 COLLIE PUPS, $15 each, cail 668-4089 May 28180 IRE w 0 PATS 2 FtRESTONE TIRES size 7.75 x 14 on AMC rtms iess Ihan hait worn, $20 pair 1 turnptke tire size G7t8-14 gtass beited - used onty 2000 mites $15; phone 668-1060. Apr. 30, 80 1 AUTOPAR TIRE JR7O-15, 100 mites $30.6888-7065. Apt. 2,80 e e es*KIDSI Want to earn some '1ý-rV eextra spending money, how :about a Paper ]Route? THE *WHITBY FREE PRESS :is looking for carriers for .wI e e e e * e e * /< * * * e s * * * * * e * ~ * e e.. ednesday afternoonse -Boys & Girls 9 or ler NO COLLECTINGI1 FOR FURTHER ý'NEORZMATION CALL: 668-6111 or d.rop in WHfITB3Y FREE PRESSý 131 Brocit$1. Il. Whitby WHITBY#S ONLY NIWSPAPER I cured my high blood pressure. Batoney' If yîîu haLl' high tlo<>d prevsure. YouIt prothsbty have it for the ret iii (iîui lite l-i.auw îil an*t ie cured. But it dîîv'int have tii hi-a rhim vî ran controt il and bring it High Blood Pressure Treat it ...- and live. w May 28180 - 1 Cou668-61 fwM 'AG mýý . 1 down. Sep a d(x or and take your rnéedic ation every de- I I I I I I I I I I I s s s s s s s s e s e e e s e e e e e e e e e le M I M

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