Br~k1in BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR NEWS Advance tickets are on sale for the Brookli Spring Fair Dance on Saturday, May 31 from 8:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. at the Broolin Memorial Arena. Live music by "The Lidos" is presented courtesy of Man- chester Credit Union. There will be a bar and a lunch will be served. Admission 18 $5 per person and tickets are available at Short's Pharmacy or by calling Maureen Martens at 655-3733 or Cathy Neely at 655-3245. Memnbership cards are now available and will not be for sale during the fair. You may obtain a membership, which is $4 for 3 admissions, from Short's Pharmacy, the Emporium, Brooklin Pro Hardware or Gary Young Plumbing. Student memberships are ½h price. Admission tickets for Wintario will go on sale soon. Watch for flyers. Girls interested in entering the Miss Brooklin Spring Fair Pageant may caîl Susan Smith at 655-3932. MEADOWCREST PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS On Wednesday, April 30 the "Pink Panther" came to visit the kindergarten, grades one and two, to talk about Good Posture. On Tuesday, May 6, Mrs. Lang of the Humane Society visited the Primary Classes with her friend, King, a German Sheppard dog, to talk about Taking Care of Our Pets. Please note the change of dates for the Operetta "Tom Sawyer" to be put on by the senior students of Meadowcrest Public School. It will be performed on Wednesday, May 21 and Thursday, May 22 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased on a first-come-first-serve basis from the Meadowcrest Parents' Group ini the Meadowcrest Public School office. The parents enjoyed a concert on Wednesday, May 7, in the gym when Mrs. Carson's Grade two class perforrned two plays, "Stars of the Show" and "The Magic Stone". As well, the primary and recorder choirs performed "Goldiiocks and the Three Bears". The concert ended with the senior choir singing four lovely numbers. There was a very good turn out for the open bouse on Tuesday evening. The pupils enjoyed showing the parents their work and displaying the science exhibits in the gym. In the early part of the evening the parents were tre.ated to a short choral presentation. The Mea-dowcrest Public School kindergarten pre- registration will be held in the school on Thursday, June 5 and Friday, June 6. Parents of children who expect to enter kin- dergarten next September are asked to contact the school (655-3731) prior to June 5 and 6 for appointment. ST. LEO'S SCHOOL Thanks to the support of all those who called me concerning the kindergarten at St. Leo's School our children wiUl not have to travel to hitby next year. There will be a combined junior/senior kindergarten in Sep- tember for those children of age (junior - 4 years prior to January 1, 1981 and senior - 5 years prior to Jafiuary 1, 1981). To register your child, take his/her birth certificate, bap- tism certificate and immunization record to the school as soon as possible. (Monday mornings, Tuesday afternoonis, Thur- sday.or Friday ail day). Once again, thanks to ail the supporters who mrade this possible. TALENT CONTEST The Brooklin and District Kinsmen Club will hold its second Annual Amateur Talent Contest on Saturday, May 31 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Kinsmen Pavillion during the Brooklin Spring Fair. A trophy plus cash prize will 'be awarded in two age catagories (15 and under) and (over 15). Pre-registration through Rick Mancini at 655-4739. PLAYSCHOOL REGISTRATION Commencing May 20 the Durham Region Family YMK.C.A. will be taking registration for their September playschool to be held at the Brooklin Community Centre on Cassels Road WHITBY FREE, PRESS. WEDNESDAY. MIAY 14 1980ý PAGE 7 East. This is a program for two to five year olds held Monday to Thursday from 9:30 - 11:-30 a.m. The childrefl enjoy play with others their own age, painting, pasting, cutting, imaginative plaýr, stories and songs. For further information cail the Y at 668-6868 or register at 416 Centre Street South, Whitby.- Susan Smith 655-3932 Brown'S Foodmaster (before noon Saturday) Regional o uncldbt worlk for welf are seheme A motion that would make il mandatory for ahl "able bodied, employable, heallhy people" drawing welfare 10 formi a service battalion of the local militia is currently surrounded by much debate. The motion of Regional Councillors Jim Polticary Mayor or Oshawa, and Gar- net Rickard, Mayor of Newcastle squeaked through at the ast social services committee meeting by a margin of 3-2, accor- ding 10 committee Chairman Regional Councillor John DeHart (Oshawa). A letter was received by DeHart from Doug Jhs commissioner of social ser- vices concerning the motion. It contained a report ex- pressing opinions of the On- tario Regiment and the Ministry of Community and Social Services for the Province of Onitario. In brief the regiment said that they could supply neither the equipmenl or the funds for such a projeet. The best they could do was provide organization, supervision and storage for the working tools and equipmenl. tj The ministry stated that any such programi would be contrary to the General Welfare Assistance Act (GWA) which says that the recIpient of welfare must gainfully seek employment: The new motion would ti< up the recipients of welfare, keeping them occupied and thus would make themn unable to comply with the provision. They further stated that "because of the suggested contravention of the statutes, il is unlikely thal Ontario would provide sub- sidies upon any benefits paid by a municipaity to recipfients involved in such a program." The end of the report suggested that the council approach consideration of the motion with great care and caution "notwithstan- ding the excellence of its in- lent and purpose. " DeHart does not "par- licularly like the idea. " "It's just goint to cost us too much rnoney to run to a program like that," he said. "I mean, who's going to supply the clothes, boots and equipment needed to run it. " He is in agreement with the motion in theory but it has the draw back of money and the fact that there is no law, federal or provincial, that can force anyone to join the service battalion. "Unless those laws are changed 1 can't see the program working," said DeHart. "1I'm not opposed to people working for welfare but to put people in the army is a different thing. " DeHart suggested trying a similar project along a dif- ferent Uine of action which would make people who receive welfare work to earn the money. The matter wiIl come up for discussion, at today's meeting of regional council. LUMBER DEPARTMENT .RETAINING WALLS FULL 2 In. PLANK ROUGH 2 X 12 2 X 10 2 X -EACK ROUGH 4 X6 6X 6 IN STOCK NOW D)ON'T FORGET THE FIREWORKS DISPLAY MONDAY MAY 19 AT BROOKLIN FAIRGROUNDS! MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brooklin 655-4991