PAGE 2, WVlI)NLSDAY MIAY 14, 1980, WIflT!3Y FRZEE PRESS ~LI 110 DNDA ST EAT -P.O. BOX 538 -WH-IITBY -LIN 5V3 Dear Customer, - - .L1t h~ atomUveindustrY is changilg. I~~~~~n arn sur tat ouwiL arev C o s eth pr odU t nd coj j r m u t &-- --- a ed in th st3 years to an unbeîievab e high. We at GlenWOod feel that you the CUS tomer deserves more than a place to.1ed o ln Yo desr srvce-l'litn fl range of programs oesr Serivice - not just a poule way of taking your mofleY - Du J your full satisçfaction.a nresn urswvc AtGlnoo We sincerelY care"9 and it is for this reasofl e rarge of csor serisfctio ..nrmsin order that we May offer you- our customfers-acmpeerneocute Seorvic, od and Parts Department programs have been instituted as of My1 8ThesGen pr aSre, Bdsgl oesure your complete satisfaction a iwel s ave yumeY The9 Glen-u woo osar e lanedfo ynurcredit requirements as originatedinStebr199fryu autd o,&bîe Prequiremntsyhs a nWbenepnded to cover ail of your service requiremlents autoobil reqire n -ain your confidence and ensur( 'y We at GlenWOod want your business and we are prepaea rour satisfaction. e s r o r c m l t a if c i n 1 i v t o To support this confidence and toensre yur oplete ntcll satisfaioIinieou t ehon mne persoflîî at 668-5893 to discuss any situationthtyuaeotcmetYstife t. Yours SincerelY W.D. Johnston president. WNhitby (416) 668-5B893 Toronto (416) 368-6488, Oshawa (416) 723-0661 Body Shop 668-5893 Ext. 31 Complote Centari Paint Job. Free Bonus Gifis vinyl roof custom paint stripe professional interior & exterior clean Up Glenwood House Plan $46.06 per month. Parts Department 668-883314 Shocks Regular Standard - $13.50 - $1 0.60 EACH plus installation 18 5% for 12months body work extraII Service Depariment 668-5893 - Ext. 30 Spring Reconditioning includes: -air condtioni ng service -tune Up -alilgnment -oil & filter -lubrication -scope test $1 29.95 1 1 e Heavy Duty - $19.85 - $14.90 EACH.