PAGE 4, WENEY MAY Id14.1 D WHITRY FREE PRESS Free P ress Eporium f CaII668-6111w %^ orium Ads wil lv oted4 s.biect f0 the followina Conditions. LAUTOMOBILES FOR SALE standard, msg wheets, headers, 4 barrot, mini condition. As klng $3,200 or beat of fer. Cel68-6727 alter 5 p.m. Ap 16.80 COLLECTOR'S ITEM - one owner 74 Road Runnor 318. AMIFM 8 track storeo. T aun-roof, radiais, mag whoois, immaculate throughout. Cor- ftfiod asking $3.500. Cati 576-2032 during he day and 728-700 evenings. Apr. 16, 80 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON mechantcatty sound. Body fair, may be certtfted, asktng $700. 668-3052 aliter 6 p.m. Apr. 16, 80 73 VALIANT, 4 door, power steertng, aient 8; like new - body, motor, power train, tires, brakes, and front end. One driver. Certified $1400. Phone 6868- 8952 evenings and weokends. Mer. 12, 80 73 GRAND TORINO WAGON.- PIS, P/B, 9 passonger. 351 Auto, 65,000 mites. Re-buit motor and' tran- sMission. $700 or besi 0f for. 668. 7007. Feb. 27, 80 196119 BARRACUDA 318 V-8, good n- terior, running condition $500. 655- 3411. Apr. 2, 80 1968 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN - Good running condition. $250 or besi 0f fer. Cati anyfime 68-0073. e.2,8 1. 68 CORVET CONVERTIBLE wth 2 fuît barrai carburators, headers, aide pipes. Body customtred $5.500 frm; 1 . 68 Oids Torinada $1,200; 1- 69 Cadillac Sedan Dovlle $500. Cati 723- 8915. Mer. 26, 80 64 OLDS, 2 door, good mach., rusly $125. 725-0636. Ap. 2,80 CLASSIC CAR - One 0f e Kind - 65 Chevy Il. Excellent condition has juat had $1300 worth of mechanicai work done, Phono 668-3164. WiII take any reasoneble of fer. Fob. 27, 80 AU ARTS SET 0F 4 HR 70-15 Torindo radiai tires, whlie Jettore, good condition. $60 for ait. 668-0621. May 7, 80 2 FIRESTONE TIRES size 7.75 x 14 on AMC rins less than hall worn, $20 pair;, 1 iurnpiko tire sizle G78-14 glass beltod - usod onty 2000 miles $15; phono 668-1060. Ap,3,8 1 AUTOPAR TIRE JR7-15, 100 miles $30. 668-7065. Apr. 2, 80 6.CYLINDER 4-BARREL MANIFOLD. Rare item fis overhead cern Pontiac and Chevy 8 cyinders $25. Phono 655-3411. Mer. 12, 80 We can't help without your help. WORKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS RECREATIONI VELES ama BS550 - needs wlring $450 as le, f rm. Cati 668-4074. Mar. 19,80 BOAT FOR SALE- 1974 Sidewinder blue and grey moelaifiake, with 1974, 70 h.p. Evinrude. Also cornes with T ski bar, ski rope, ski boit. B track built ln sterea and speakers. Asking $4200. 6685949. Apr. 980 71 FARGO CAMPER VAN equippecù with fridge, stove & water. 6 cyl. 225. Excellent running & body condition. As sa but cen b. certif led. $1,500. Phono 655-0. Mer. 12,80 1978 STEURY 16 foot deep V fibrogiasa boat, witth a 115 Johnson motor, 2,000 lb traiter, convertible top plus many extras, asking $8800 must sauit mmedlateiy. 668-3052 after Mer. 26, 80 ELLALNEOUS JUNIOR 5 SPEED BIKE (white) $40; carpet 9 x 12 (pattern) $30; carpet runner (orange) 25 f. S20; rouler skates $5; Phone 576-3065. Ma.. 26,80 KITCHEN TABLE WITH 4 CHAIRS ln good condition $75 or bosi 0f fer. 668. 4760. Apr. 2,80 GAF-CHINON sound movie camera, brand new, nover ised wth ait avaliabie options. $7"0 or beat offer. 668-0621. Mer. 19,80 RECTANGULAR DININO ROOM SET - vetour uphoistered chairs - amoked glss top and chromo table. Excellent condition $200; a couch and chair good quaiity but needa cieantng. Good for roc room or cottage $75, amati round kitchon table and 4 chairs - new condition $75; portable apartment sized humidifier $40. Phono 579-6125. Feb. 27, 80 HOOVER, neariy new, vacuum cieaner $60. 668-0488. Apr. 9, 80 6 FOOT PLATE GLASS DISPLAY CABINET $165 and 4 soater chester. fild and matching chair $100; Phono 372-9732. Apr. 9, 80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, gauge HO., 4* x 8', beautifuiiy tandscapod, in. ciuding engines and rotling stock. $175. 6553961. Mar. 5, 80 AQUARIUM 35 galion inctudea heater pump, gravai, canopy, chomicai and stand. $85, 668-0496. Apr. 16, 80 GENORON BABY CARRIAGE $25; car bed with pad $10; rocking home $12; carniage* seat for toddior $10; high chair $8; watker $2; umbrotior $8; 668- 6144. Apr. 16, 80 4 H.P. MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORwth gas tank. Used oniy twtce. $450. Ater 5 p.m. cai 66846062. Apr. 1, 80 PLEASE READ When the advertised item is sold, disposed 0f, or unavaiabte for whafever reason, the item witl bedeemed to have been sold and a commission witt be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iitustrated beiow, regardiess if price s stated wifh "besf offer'l. if the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad witl be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3,00 witi appty. Att adverfisements must be ptaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month if not sold. RATES [if article is soldi: 50o 0ý f advertised price Up tf0O0 20,o of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertîsed for $120.00 .commission due $6.00 l(minimum charge is $3.001 Privafe advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer iisted as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediatety wheén item is soid s0 Ihat we may celete it.jLron1the foliowing issues. Att ads not lifting the Empî,rium guidetines witi be treafed anci charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heipwanted, ciofhing, reai estate, and personai messagje type ads, or ads flot quofing price or quanlity: Private classified ads may appear in fhe Emporium section under appropriate headings. I în doubt, cail 668-6111- MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whifby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CUSTOM BUILT CHESTERFIELD SUITE - excellent condition. New $1400 wlIiisoul for $80; 54" box springs, good condition, $50. Car 8 treck stereo $40; set of pots and pans $15; 40 channel mobile CB with seriet $80; wIti take any reesoneble offer. Cail 668-3164. Feb. 27, 80 BOY'S CCM PURSUIT 5 BICYCLE $40. Ceil 668-1063. Apr. 23, 80 2 STEEL HIGH BEAM 12" ln height 32' long. In good condition -tIke new $725 for 2. Best 0f fer, worth $1450 new. Cail 728227lafter 6 p.m. Mer. 26, 80 AIR CONDITIONER, PHILCO, 1 ton, 240 volts $100; large ton drawer chest, A-i condition, commercial quaiity $125; 655-4107. Apr. 30, 80 PORTABLE AIR KING HUMIDIFIER $20. Phono 668-1227. Mer. 26, 80 1 BEIGE 1ll' 12' RUG (3 mos. old> $90; i green 9' x 11, excellent con- dition $50; 1 beige ovat 6' x 9' siightiy soitod $50. Phono 6684795. Mer. 12,80 1 PAIR MOSS GREEN DRAPES eech panel epprox. 9011 x 108" $50; plate glass mirror 4* x 26" $50; 1 wine decantor $10. Phono 668-2780. Feb. 27,80 HAGSTRUM Il SPANISH ELECTRIC. GUITAR, case and ioud speaker. Like new - $275. Cati 725-3218l anylime. Feb. 20,80 U 0F T JACKET. wnter welghi, size 40 $45. Cail 668 6563. A ýr 91,80 ONE BLACK WROUGI'T IRON 5 lîght chandelier witn 5' chain $55; 1 blue sheg 12 x 8 with underpadding $50; 2 bronze tabe lampa, 3 ights with white siik shade. 31" hlgh $25 ea; An- tique movie projector, working con- dition, 2 baby car se: s, used 1 year $25 e. Cati 668-6294 Apr. 16,80 DRESS FORM $75; size 12, adjustable (uniqueiy you). 68-0341. Apr. 30,80 HOCKEY EOUIPMENT age 10-14 Yeats $25; Phono 668-5060. Feb. 20,80 MULTIPLE REEL TO REEL STEREO tape recorder $150: 4 newly upholstered in vinyf swivei kitchon chairs $65; 5794929 except Friday night and Saturctay. A:)r 9, 80 FRIOGE & STOVE, green $400; bedroom suite, 9 drewer dresser and rnirror and 1 dresser with 4 drawers and bed $250; 3 adding machines, 2 vvorking $50; Electrolux polisher and rug shempooer, like new $150; 668- 1105. Mer. 5,80 DRYER, GENERAL ELECTRIC $100. Stove Kenmore hydro $75. Att In ex- collant condition. Cait 668-9738. Mer. 12, 80 ONE TOP LOADING G0E. DISH- WASHER, $125; i double sink $20; 6687965 afler 4 p.m. Apr. 23.80 3 POSITIONAL LOUNGE CHAIR -Ilike new $85. Phono 7237240. Mer. 12, 80 80YS 3 SPEED RACER BICYCLE 19" tramne 24" tires, kick stand, chein guard - ln excellent condition. $50; multiple reel to reol stereo tape recorder $150; 4 nowiy uphoistered ln vinyl swivei kitchon chairs $65; 579- 6929 except Frtday nîght and Satur- day. Apr. 9, 80 7' RUST CHESTERFIELD, porary styling. Good condi 668-9562. THOMAS ORGAN MODEI rnany exîras. Excellentc newiy tuned. $1,095 with mr 4797. ýContem- lion $120. BEDROOM FURNITURE - 3 chastea-.6 drawer with mirror, 4 drawor and 2 drawor bedside $100. Witt soit soparately; 7 soiid wood dining room chairs $35 a plece. 655-4847. May 14, 80 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 plece, red and gray $200. Phono affer 6:00. 655- 3804. May 14, 80 FILTER GUEEN vacuum cteanor wlth soveral attechments, was $400 selling for $200; vibrator cushion for rexation or back pain $5; steam vapounizor $5; large zîpper sulcase 28" x22" $10; 66&.1062. Apr. 23, 80 CHROME KITCHEN SET.- table and six chairs. $125 or best offer. Good condition. 666-1567 or 6683244. May 7, 80 PUREBRED SAMOYED, mate, 1 year oid. Has had ait ils needios. $65. 655- 4224. May 7,80 FOR SALE 77 FORD % TON PICK-UP 38,000 mites, 3 spood standard, AMIFM 8 track stereo, sun roof, captains chairs, mag wheets, plus more. Cor- tified asking $3,800. Cout 576-2032 during the day and 728-6700 eveninga. Apr. 16, 80 1975 FORD F-250 heavy duty 3/ ton truck, 390 V8, PIS, PIB, heavy duty suspension, AMIFM cassette, heada robuitt two years ago, now brakes front al4d reer, new rear brake cabies. $3500certif led. Cail 655-4570. Apr. 16, 80 1974 0000E % TON PICK-UP WITH CAB. Certif led. Asktng $1800. Phono 6861487. Mer. 26,80 65 CHEV ½h TON PICK-UP 6 cytinder 3 speod standard. Rebuit motor. Body n fair condition. New heavy duly ciutch, front shocks, cen be certified. Asking $300 uncertified. Phono 668. 2083 aller 6 p.m. Apr. iO NEW IN TOWN?. LET US PUT DUT THE MAT FOR YOD! 14t moi famouî iit hu e Ne *e, I Poo728-2103 May 7, 80( L 1151 . condition, ustc. 728 j Mer. 5, 80 LIOHT ORGAN. Homebulltiln 2 bIrch boxes with seperato contrat box. Boxes 2' x 4' each wtth 14 uights. Great for asptrtng or carrent Disc Jockey. $125. Phone 655-3-411. Mer. 12, 80 IBABY ITEMS - Gerdon carniage - liko new, windup swing; bottie warmer, stenlizer, rocklng horse, wash basin, 2 gaies, ciothes. Package doat. $135. Aiso two toyota tires and rlms A-78-13 white waii. $30. Phono 576-1122 aller 4:30. Mar. 12,80 ANTIQUE PIANO iniaid carved red mohogany. Circa 1896. $1500. Phono 668-8271. 3 SNOWMOBILE SUITS - 2 mens medium, navy blue $24 ea., 1 chttd's size 12 - mauve $15 - ail like new; 3 wali rugs, 2 size 4' a 6' $25 ea - 1 sizo 2' a 3' $12; 1 girls wlnter coat pure wool dark green size 9-12 $20; 1 elec- tric broom, new $25. Phono 668-6294. Feb. 20, 80 MHORSES FOR SALE, excellent riding morses, very good mannered. il year oid Palamino $700; 4 yoar old Pnto $80; also 3 saddles anad teck $1000; 1 horse traiter. Cavailo, hydrotic brakes $2000 - o, beat 0f fer for ail. Caii after 6 p.m, 6554627. May 7,80 Canada's trees are no match for PFEVENT FOREST FIRES1Â I PAG E 214, W ED N E