WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1980, PAGE 21 W hitby a microcosm of Canada, Fenneil teils busel,. In his maiden House of Commons speech, Scott Fenneli adamantly defended the rights of smali business in Ontarlo. Fenneli said that the major problein faclng the small businessman in On- tario today was the exhor- bitant interest rates which they must put Up with. Fenneil stated' that the week prior to his speech the these programs into one big package. He went on to stress the importance of the smal businessman in society today by saying that we are dependent on amail business in the economy. "In my rldlng 1 have a microcoem of Canada. It contains smnal businessess, it is urban, it bas small town, and it is agricultural," said the recently re-elected MP for Ontario Riding. He blarnes the whole Fenneil. He stressed that something must be done with small businesses, the manufacturers, processors and the raw materials which Canada are exporting. Fen- neli feels that the problems surrounding the unem- ployment tax credit and unemployment insurance wiII be overcome. He warned that by 1985 a smaller numnber of people will be entering the work force, therefore diîninishing the unemployment problem. "It can shrink twice as fast if something is done in a realistic way, such as a complete oiierall strategy to help this country, and make it work, " said Fenneli. He said the falterlng small money out of the banks and. business and industry in Into Industry. And we must Canada is due in part to the see that industry is owned by fact that the goverriment has Canadians instead 0f being driven the public into put- o*ned by Aniericans,"' sald ting their money into banks. Fenneil. "We have got to get the SCOTT FENNELL interest rates were 18 per cent. "No businessman can stand that type of interest cost," said Fenneli. A bill brought before the house proposed an increase of $25,000 to aid small business, bringing the total aid up to $100,000. "SmalI business in this country needs help, but it. needs more than $100,000," Fenneil said. "We should be looking at $1 million basic." According to Fenneil this extra aid would give greater insentive to small business whom he feels are not receiving enough en- couragement from gover- riment. "An example of that is the electronics industry. We are putting no funds to speakof. into that industry," said Fenneli. He said the problem for the small businessman arises when he goes to get the money. According to him there are too many programs giving out aid which causes confusion. Fenneli, a Progressive Conservative, wants to put .FREE!Il IA 2 oz bottie o!f WaWnirs !amous I Vandia ls free with ariy » order trom theI *Wakins j catalog-, 1.69 VALUE IOder Iexpires 6/25/80 vAL EITIACT Served Family SYe Since.868 SWorlds tinesicollection ai *quallty extracts. spices anid products for the home. 3END F02~ YOUP FPEE CA7ALOG 70ODAY zw c aQ2C r.d mai s. rn ceh IAddreSSI *City - State-- t - - u MiltEd(arn Blvd I L.-Whitby, Ont. lN 3G L -mm - - m- SPRING TUNE-UP SPECIAL 4 Cyl. 23.95 6 Cyl. 31.95 8 Cyl. 35.95 Prices Applv to Most Vehicles Parts are* Extra AIR CONDITIONING CHECK SPECIAL ONLY $25095 PARTS ARE EXTRA