PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS A.LE.RT.machines eut accidents 80 per cent A pilot project testing roadside alcohol screening devices has achieved such significant resuits, it is being expanded to cover the entire province, H.H. Graham, Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police, announceci today. Almost 45 per cent of the 3,200 people tested during the first seven months of the experimental project were charged with alcohol-related offences. More than 1,400 charges were laid. Accidents in the four OPP districts where the program "Redken P.rM. .$50 TUESDAY ... $25 " Henna Poem. .. $40 TUESDAY . .. 20 was conducted - Downsview, Mount Forest, Barrie and Peterborough - reported that accidents decreased by an average of eight per cent. "While we can't credit the entire decrease in accidents ini those areas to the program, we believe it con- tributed to a substantial part of the reduction," said' Comniissioner Graham. Ontario Solicitor General Roy McMurtry, in suppor- ting Commissioner Graham's program said that any initiative designed to get drinking drivers off the road e Zotos Perm ... $45 TUESDAY.. $2250 *Wollo Balsani Permi.... 3 TUESDAY..l7 e Schwarzkope Perm ... $30 TUESDAY ...$15 MO 601 Dundas St. W. 668 iWHITBY TOWN PLAZA and save lives deserves the full support of Ontario's citizens. McMurtry said that more than 1,500 people were kilIed on Ontario's roads and highways last year and up to half of the fatal accidents involved drinklng drivers. "The death toil is simply unacceptable. " he sald. Assistant Commissioner jack Kay of the OPP trafflc division, who 18 in charge of the program, said that ad- ditional machines would bc distrlbuted to OPP detach- ments during the next mon- th. "Public response to this program has been very positive and with continued support, incidents involvlng the drinking driver should be further reduced," Kay said. A.L.E.R.T. machines are already in the hands of OPP officers in the Whitby area. Badminton Club honored Ail of these people were recently honored by the Durham YMCA Badminton Club as the winners of their annual year-end tournament. Seen here from lef t to right are: Torben Eilerson; Marg Smith; Devin Hunt; Gerry Baker; Doris Holley; John Luff; Helen Syme; Linda Smith; Aime Crossley; Eileen Smith; Sara Houghton; John Houghton; Jette Marosfalry; Susan Flake; Les Crossley; Roger Wood; and Barry Carr. - Photo by John Houghton. Wmtario draw to kick off faitr This year's Brooklin Spring Fair will start with a live Wintario draw. Doors will open at 7:00 p.rn. on Thursday, May 29. At 7:30 p.m. there wilI be the crowning of Miss Brooklin Spring Fair, as well as the officiai opening of the fair by Whitby Mayor Jim Gar- tshore, and entertainnient by the County Town Singers. The draw will be broadcast live, starting at 9:00. Tickets for the event, which will be available from local mer- chants, will be $3 and in- clude a $1 ticket. The nid- way and the Kinsmen Beer Tent will ales be open Thur- sday eveni ng. On Friday, there will be a Morgan Horse Show starting at 9:30 a.m. In the evening, the arena will be open for viewing of the exhibits, and the midway and beer tent will also be open. A tractor pull wiIl be a new event this year. A large crowd is ex- pected for this event. There will also be a dog obedience demonstration on Friday by the Oshawa Obedience Association. Whitby Tennis Club will be running a tennis tournament, starting at 6:30 Friday and continuing al weekend. Saturday's activities in- clude the Ken-Jen Petting Zoo, appaloosa horse s)iow, light & heavy horses (har- ness & halter classes), beer tent, amateur show, and dairy cattle who. The parade will start at North Street at 10:30 arn. and go through the town to the fairgrounds, where the prizes will be awarded. Saturday ends with a dance at 8: 30 in the arena sponsored by the Manchester Community Credit Untion. The bank will be the Lidos. Sunday begins with a pan- cake breakfast by the lst Brooklin Scouts from 8 a.m. to il a.m. A quarter horse show and a rabbit breeder's display starts at 9 and the fourth annual bed and bathtub race begins at noon. The midway wiIl run fromn noon to 10 p.m. At 1 p.m. the sheep and beef cattle judging wiIl start, as well as a tug-of-war between the Metro Toronto Police and our own Durham Regignal Police Team. Harness Racing with pari-mutuel betting will begin at 2 p.m. There will be nine races, I I which will probably last un- tii about 5 p.m. There will be two sheep shearing demon- strations, as well as a nail- hammerirlg competition and a log sawiflg competition open to men, women, and children. The Brookhin Redmen have a lacrosse game at 2:30, and the wind- up of the fair will be the an- nual fiddling contest at 7 p.m. Admission will be $2 for aduits, $1 for students, and 50W FOR CHILDREN. Aduit memberships are $4 and junior memberships are $2. These allow three ad- missions to the fair and are necessary for exhibitors and entrants into competitions. A complete schedule of events will be available at the Whitby and Brooklin libraries shortly. Anyone who would like further in- formation may phone 655- 4936 or 655-434. open house Pinewood Centre, a treatment facility for people who abuse alcohol, is holding an Open House Friday, May 23, 1980 from 2 to 6 p.rn on the occasion of its fifth anniversary. *Participating in the Open House will be a number of services involved in the area including Alcoholies Anonymous, the Addiction Research Foundation, the Durham Region Police and the counsellor for the Durham Board of Education for youth who abuse drugs. Pinewood is located at 300 Centre Street South, Oshawa, Ontario. For more information con- tact Linda Lowery or Elizabeth Gilbert at 723- 8195. TUESDAY le PERM DAY SCISSORS ALL PERMS 112d PRICE BRUCE V. MAC KEY, OC and EARL G. BAILEY, Barristers and Solilcitors are pleased to announce that TYLER P. HIGGINS, B.A., L.L.B. is now associated wltfl them ln the practice of Iaw ln the areas of criminal, famlly and civil litigation. ai 17 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-1107 m 1 1 1