PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 19 80, WHITBY FREE PRESS *m 0 These young ladies were the winners of the gold medal in the girls 11/12 medley relay at the "AAAA" Provincial Championships held recently in Oakville. Al members of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club, they helped the team make an eighth place showing in the event, the first that has been held. They are (from left to right): Lisa Pitters, Elizabeth Foster, Andrea Bagnell and Denise Vandoleweerd. Miss Vandoleweerd was also the club's top swimmer at the meet capturing five medals. - Photo courtesy of WISC. WA TED PEO PLE Fun-loving and otherwise, To enter a 4-person team comprised of persons from a business, club, organization, household or other such social group in the lst ever CHOO-KIN CHILI COOK-OFF w IN AID OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TO BE HELD: SATURDAY, MAY 24th, 1980 at SWISS CHALET PARK in Greenwood, Ontario. REWARD A TRIP FOR 2: To view the WOR LD CHAMPIONSHIP CHILI COOK-OFF in TEXAS, U.S.A. For the winning team. ENTRY: Can be made by sending the $25.00 Entry Fee and the coupon below to: CHOO-KIN CHILI, C/O CHOO RADIO, 97 McMaster Ave. Ajax, Ontario L1S 2E6 EACH TEAM ENTERED RECEIVES: - 4 Officiai CHOO-KIN CHILI buttons - 2 Officiai CHOO-KIN T-shirts - Rules, regulations and one true TEXAS Chili Recipe. - 4 Free Memberships in the CASI. 1 HEAD COOKS NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: No. OF TEAM MEMBERS 2 T-SHIRT SIZES t-------- -- - ------- ------- COUNTRY For More Information Phone 683-4131 or 831-1310 During regular business hours. -- -1