PAGE 8, WEDNESI)A f, MAY 7,19 80, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Ruddy needs oui' support, Ruth says. CONT D.FROM PG. 5 to their own detriment. Why not have a department devoted solely for this purpose? Money it seems is forthcoming for many things but 'may need to be redirected sometimes.- The potential for our hospital could be unlimied. Under utilization? Why? This need not be so. Give us your ideas, tell us what you think. This is your hospital. It must grow in time and expand. Ouiý town is growing at quite a fast rate and the hospital must grow with it. We must look ahead and be positive. 1 can't buy that argument that the location is wrong. I think it could and should be almost perfect. If I was a doctor and in a hurry I'd rather whizz along 401 or the base line than meander through red lights. From the centre of town if that is the route one must go it is pretty direct and for local doctors rather simple. The scenery is pretty fine, and the lake and the harbour, what more could one ask for? There is a great deal of land there owned by the government so there is lots of room for ex- pansion. Enough land to grow fruit and vegetables and enough work to keep lots of people busy and happy. Cows and chickens, what a bonanza for patients and maybe ail of this woiild help to shorten their stay in hospital. Again 1 feel a research centre down by the lake but close to the hospital would be ideal. If there ever is a chemot.heraphy department there could be housing for patients and if need be a family member while they are taking treatments as they have in other centres. The possibilities are endless. We have the land, prime land at that so that in itself it could be a begining. Support your hospital. We must at this time put forthe great effort to make sure that we retain our hospitai as is. Write a letter, photostat it if need be'and send copies to, George Ashe our local M.P.P., Jim Gartshore our Mayor, Durham Regional Health Council, Rossland Rd., the hospital and the newspapers. Tell them how you feel, your ideas and thoughts about "Dr. J.O. Ruddy.'" Lately, to end on a sad note I have heard complaints about the hospitai. Some may be valide, nothing in this world is ab- solutely perfect. .However, if you have a complaint talk it over with someone in charge before you tell your neighbours and friends. I'm not thinking of the chronic complainer, someone who makes a "career" of cornplaining but the person who feels they have a just right to complain. Ask what the problem is and expeet an honest answer. Medical attention shoulld be speedy and efficient. No one should have to sit for hours unless there is a very good reason, an emergency which has to be at- tended to first would be one. If a heart attack victim has just been brought in you may have to wait to have your broken toe attended to! But for whatever reason ask questions and if you are not satisfied talk to the director of nursing or the ad- ministrator. I would rather make a few "enemies" by writing this thap have people maybe misjudging circunistances. It is easy to misunderstand as in a case I heard of recently where someone said they sat and waited while two nurses drank cof- fee, smoked and taiked close by. These nurses no doubt were from another department having a much needed break in a designated place. Nursing is not aiways an easy task. This complaint may have been a rnisjudgement -on the patient's part. Had they made enquiries someone might have been able to explain the situation. Rumours grow with the telling and of- ten become distorteci 50 much so that people are alarmed. Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital needs you and some day you may need the hospital; it works both ways. Give your support now so it wiil be there when you need it. It's easy to get intmaLada. 4 doors for onl y $4288OO* SIMARD 1428 King St. E. Oshawa 571-1000 Henry HigEh holds "Cabaret" For the last two years Community Theatre Ac- tivities, a grade 12 Theatre Class at Henry Street High School has given students a chance to be both creative and to offer an entertain- ment service to the memn- bers of this community. To allow the general public to see the creative work the students have done during the year's perf or- manices in the community, the class is offering a Cabaret evening on May 8, during education week. Two evtening shows will be each limitèd to an audience of 50 people who will be able to enjoy the various student talents: singing, dancing, drama, mime and comedy. In the informal setting of Cabaret there will . be food, coffee and sof t drinks available. Tickets at $2 per person, will be available at the Henry Street High School Office as well as at Middletons Book Store. This year, after devising puppet shows and skits the students performed for te pupils of six area schoils. One skit called "Disco Cin- night Participants of the Durham Region Family YMCA' programs invite parents, friends and relatives to their 1980 'Y' night. Pre-school, youth. and aduit program participants will be presenting through displays and demonstrations the results of many weeks preparation and training. *Kindergym, gymnastics, ballet, jazz, tap, judo, karate, floor hockey and guitar demonstrations are scheduled between 7 and 8:30 p.m. Displays will be thown and refreshments will be served at 8 p. m This annual event will be held on May 12 at Whitby Henry Str eet High School . For more information cail the 'Y'at 6A-66. A Trip For 2 To View The World Championship Chili Cook-Off IN TERLINGUA, TEXAS E NTER ATEAM IN THECHOOmKIN CHILI COOK-OFF Saturday, May 24th ai the Swiss Chalet Park, Greenwood To AID CYSTIC FIBROSIS TO ENTE'h: c F For each team entered send $2500 and complote entry form below. Send ti: CHOO-KIN CHILI, c/o 0H00 RADIO, 97 McMastar Ave, Ajax, Ont. L15 2E6. HEAD COOKS PHONE_____ No. on team___ __ ___ Imt4 2 T-StiflSlz. - S. M, L FOR INFORMATION PHONE 683-4131 or 831-1310 ~D4 1 w