WIIITBY FREE PRESS WOMAN '80 SUPPLEMENT. WEDNESDAY MAY 7. 1980. PAGE 7 At-Hoie Flair Care Cati Eniance SpriRlg MAR'8O LI MP, STRAGGLY STRANOS GET A LIGHT AND AIRY LIFT FOR SPRING t ram Victor Figueroa of the Helene Cur- tis Hairstylists Advisary Board. Ever-so-soft waves and shorter lengths create a pretty, tace-framing style that looks ts shiny. healthy best with the help of prof essionally prescribed Moisture Quotient hair-care products tram Helene Curtis.t It's Southern Banana 'N' Pineapple Cake! This recipe micro- waves best in a fluted, plastic cake-mold and takes about 10 minutes total, versus a recom- mended 40 to 50 minutes when conventionally baked. Power level: high (10) Microwave time: 9 to 12 minutes 1 V2 cups unsifted all- purpose flour 1 cup sugar 1/ teaspoon saît 1/ teaspoon baking soda 1/2teaspoon cinnamon in large mixing bowl, stir together flour, sugar, saIt, soda and cinnamon. 2 eggs V2 cup cooking oil In small mixing bowl, beat eggs well with electric mixer. Add oil and beat until well-blended. Pour egg-oil mixture over dry ingredients in bowl and using mixing spoon (do not use electric mixer), stir together until moistened. 3/44 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 (6 oz.) can undrained crushed pineapffle 1/2 cup chopped pecans (or use 1/ cup each chopped pecans and black walnuts) i cup chopped bananas (2 medium) Stir in vanilla, pineapple and nuts. Then stir in bananas. Spoon batter into lightly greased 16cup plastic microwave fluted or straight-sided ring mold. Microwave at high 9 to 12 minutes, rotatirig cake 1/ every 4 minutes. Let cake stand directly on heat-proof board or counter 5 minutes before inverting. if desired, ice with cream cheese glaze (below). Cream Cheese Glaze In small glass mixer bowl, place 1 pkg. (3 oz.) creain cheese. \lcroNvac at high '/4 minute, just to soften. *;,"Id 'zcup butter, 2 tablespoons milk, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat with electric mixer unti.l 5mooth. Sprinkle with chopped pecans if de- sired. t HUM MINGIBIRD CAKE: ln Florida, the state where summeris a year- long proposition, this Southern BananaS Pineapple Cake is a year- long favorite. Called Hummingbird Cake'south of the Mason-Dixon line, it takes anly 10 minutes ta micrawave in a General Electric micrawave oven. t Easy-care hairstyles shape up in a variety of lengths and looks for spring. The feeling is soft, with hair that swings and mnoves in spring's breezes. The lines are classic and simple, to show off healthy- looking styles. Free and easy hair care starts with a good, profes- sional cut, and a perm for body, wave and control, according to the beauty ex- perts at Helene Curtis. Spring's new short-hair looks will- benefit from fluffy curl for fullness, while longer lengths favor easy-care waves with permed-in style support. Proper hair care is the perfect way to show any hairstyle to its best ad- vantage. A gentle shampoo and frequent conditioning treatments will give hair a shinier, healthier look-if the right products are used. To assure good hair health, ask your salon stylist for a hair analysis and pro- duct prescription. Just as the stylist tailors a hair de- sign to indiVidual facial fea- turcs and lifestyle needs, rnany professionals can fine-lune the Moisture Quotient systemi of salon and at-home hair-care pro- ducts to suit hiair's moisture nceds. Whatever the weather during spring's fickle, rami- or-shine mnoods, NlQ hair- care prodctcs can help regu- laie hair's noisture level. The result: hair that's supple, more manageable, and better able to hold a style. This spring, opt for a soft, easy-care hairstyle, and keep il looking its bright and shiny best with proper, Breakthoughs in, the Field of Motherhood e Children's educa- tional TV shows. " Paper diapers. " Baby bottles. " Participative fathers. *-Healthier children, thanks to modern medi- cine. a Washing machines and stain removers. " Daycare centers. " Mothering by choice. BROOKLIN NURSERIES, 1/4 Miles Westi Good selq IFieldgrowri jShrubs., P< Pines; Col( Black Spri Grown Rost Customel t' Maintainali and grass Open spec Motfrhr's U(LEBRi WE SPECIALI Prime Charc Roa s Roast CHI LDREN S lection of our own 1 trees, Evergreens, 'nderosa, and Austrian lorado Blue, White and mie and Hardy Ontario bes. rs may select their own :rees in the field ice work, landseaping cuttlng also avallable. 655m3671 -THE FML LND EAT 4 HER DAY THE RED ROOM eciaI ER'S DAY 4 ENU fau Jus Stea ks4 h Giblet Gravy4 AILABLE!4 OR RESERVATIONS< PHONE4 728-6135 4 wl-i ITI3Y ML 1625 Thickson Rd. S. WhibyOnt. Sty les cially for BRING ALL A TR .OM ON ATE IN Spe fOTH IZE IN e Ribs of Bee ,oal Broiled I ;t Turloey witl ;t Duc kling SMENU AVý Hwy. 7 of Hwy. 12